
Foxconn was taxed, the share price of Industrial Fulian fell to the limit, and the market value evaporated by more than 30 billion

author:Rabbit BB who loves life

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Recently, Foxconn's tax audit incident shocked the entire capital market.

Foxconn was taxed, the share price of Industrial Fulian fell to the limit, and the market value evaporated by more than 30 billion

According to the latest media reports, Foxconn Holding Group (Foxconn) is suspected of tax evasion, and Chinese mainland tax authorities have launched an investigation against it. At the same time, the share price of Foxconn's subsidiary Industrial Fulian once fell to the limit, and the market value lost more than 30 billion yuan. This news has aroused widespread social concern.

Foxconn is reportedly a leading global electronics manufacturing services company headquartered in Taiwan. The company is one of the world's largest first-line foundry manufacturers, producing various electronic products such as Apple iPhones for well-known technology companies around the world. However, Foxconn's alleged evasion of tax liability through a series of irregularities has attracted the attention of Chinese mainland tax authorities.

According to media reports, Foxconn is suspected of false deduction of costs, false declaration of costs and other behaviors to reduce income tax payments. When the Chinese tax authorities discovered the problem, they immediately launched an investigation and conducted a comprehensive audit of Foxconn's finances. It is understood that Foxconn has paid 6.9 billion yuan in income tax in the past three and a half years, which is a shocking figure.

FII is a subsidiary of Foxconn and one of Foxconn's most important assets. FII is a company specializing in electronic manufacturing, communication technology and intelligent manufacturing.

Foxconn was taxed, the share price of Industrial Fulian fell to the limit, and the market value evaporated by more than 30 billion

Like the parent company, FII was also affected by this tax investigation. As soon as the news came out, the share price of FII fell rapidly and once triggered the drop limit. The market value lost more than 30 billion yuan, and investors suffered huge losses.

The outbreak of Foxconn's tax audit incident has triggered widespread attention and reflection from all walks of life on the issue of corporate tax evasion. Tax evasion not only harms the financial interests of the state, but also infringes on the interests of other enterprises and undermines the market environment of fair competition. People with a strong sense of justice call for severe punishment for these enterprises to maintain social fairness and justice.

However, there may be deeper problems hidden behind the Foxconn tax audit. There is a view that behind the tax evasion behavior is the result of excessive pursuit of profits by enterprises. When businesses face significant competitive pressure, they may use various means to evade tax regulation in order to maintain profit margins. This also highlights the lack of ethical responsibility of enterprises.

Taxation is an important source of finance for a country and an important indicator to measure a company's social responsibility. By paying taxes, enterprises give back to society and provide public services and benefits to society. The occurrence of tax evasion not only harms the financial interests of the state, but also weakens the social image and public trust of enterprises.

Foxconn was taxed, the share price of Industrial Fulian fell to the limit, and the market value evaporated by more than 30 billion

For the Foxconn tax audit incident, we cannot simply blame it on individual enterprises, but should find a solution from the perspective of system and supervision. Only by strengthening the supervision of corporate tax payment behavior, establishing a more complete tax system, strengthening tax compliance education and publicity, and improving corporate social responsibility awareness can the occurrence of tax evasion be effectively curbed.

After Foxconn's tax audit, the relevant departments quickly intervened and conducted a comprehensive investigation and audit of it. This reflects the Chinese government's great attention and resolute attitude towards the tax issue, and also sends a signal to uphold fair market order and social justice.

In general, Foxconn's tax audit incident has aroused widespread attention, and the fall of the stock price of Industrial Fortune Union has pushed the storm to the peak. Tax evasion not only harms national interests and a fair market environment, but also weakens the social image and public trust of enterprises. Only by strengthening tax supervision, establishing a sound tax system, and enhancing corporate awareness of social responsibility can we effectively prevent the occurrence of tax evasion. It is hoped that through the exposure of this incident, more people can pay attention to and think about tax issues, and make positive contributions to building a fair and just social environment.

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