
Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 2022 Senior High School Senior 3 October Language Test Questions and Reference Answers Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 2022 Senior High School October Language Test Questions and Reference Answers

author:Non-teachers speak languages

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="1,2" > the 2022 high school senior high school language test questions and reference answers in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province</h1>

Senior 3 Language Test (1)


I. Modern Reading (35 points)

(1) Modern Reading I (5 sub-questions, 19 points)

Read the text below to complete the sub-questions below.

Material 1:

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era has always taken "why people develop", "who depends on for development", and "who shares the fruits of development" as the value coordinates of the concept of "people first". "Always put the people in the highest position in the heart" is the fundamental position of practical development in the new era, so the people-centered communication concept must establish the important concept of dissemination for the people and relying on the people.

The concept of dissemination for the people must be squarely faced with the fact that the people are the main body of historical creation, and all communication activities must be able to reflect the people's practice process, practical results and practical influence. Of course, in the face of the current complex public opinion environment, the specific practice of disseminating the concept of spreading for the people needs to be further improved. Communication for the people requires not only that communication activities serve the Chinese people, but also that communication activities be carried out for the well-being of all mankind. That is to say, it spreads for the people, for "all the people" and "all mankind."

The people-centered communication concept requires that the dissemination be for the people, and the second is to achieve the dissemination of the people, in which the dissemination depends on the people, emphasizing the important fact that the masses of the people as the main body of communication is emphasized. The construction of the multi-subject communication pattern not only needs to pay attention to the people's communication power and communication channels as individuals, give play to the enthusiasm of the people to actively disseminate, but also need to pay attention to all kinds of groups and organizations formed by individual collections, give play to institutional advantages, organizational advantages and human advantages, and while respecting the people's individual communication, it is also good at converting human advantages into communication advantages and expanding communication forces. In addition, the multi-subject communication pattern also needs to promote the exchanges between the people of our country and the people of all countries, and in this kind of exchange and exchange, expand the circle of friends of the Chinese people and spread the voice of China.

In order to achieve a people-centered communication path, it is necessary to tell the people's stories well, use the expression methods that the people like to hear, and under the comprehensive catalysis of the new era, new media and new opportunities, the innovation of narrative strategies, narrative art and narrative symbols is very necessary. The two popular TV series "Mountains and Seas" and "The Age of Awakening" in 2021 not only truly portray the course and spirit of the struggle of the Chinese people, but also conform to the people's pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty in art. Therefore, these two works have also received high ratings and high praise from the people.

Make good use of technical advantages to promote accurate communication. Chinese are numerous, the region is vast, and the interest subjects are also diverse, so it is necessary to pay attention to the overall and comprehensive dissemination, and also pay attention to the differentiated narrative and the differentiation and precision. To achieve accurate communication, the first is to make good use of technology, and try to achieve fit, affinity and practical results in terms of communication channels, content distribution, and refined narrative. The second is to pay attention to the differentiation of groups, and formulate differentiated communication strategies that meet different ages, different hobbies and other groups in communication activities. Third, in the process of disseminating Chinese stories to the outside world, we must also be close to the needs of audiences in different regions, different countries, and different groups, so as to respect the fact that Chinese people struggle, and coordinate the expression habits of both Chinese and foreign contexts, realize the good vision of making friends Chinese the people, and expand the circle of international public opinion circle of zhihua youhua.

(Excerpted from Wang Canfa and Dang Li Dan, "People-centered Innovative Communication Practice")

Material 2:

Since its broadcast, the TV series "Mountains and Seas" has continued to rise in ratings and has also gained excellent word-of-mouth on social media. Its success is an all-round innovation of the creative subject based on "creative concept and content expression". In the final analysis, it is the creative subject's deep response to the people's needs of television culture.

In terms of cultural intention, "Mountains and Seas" has established the concept of "seeking specialization" and "seeking truth" and runs through the entire creative process.

The so-called "seeking specialization" is to ensure the professional standard of content creation. "Mountains and Seas" can reflect the ultimate pursuit of this concept only in the script creation link. At the beginning of 2020, when the crew started, the screenwriter completed the field visit for the first time in Ningxia, where the story takes place. Later, during the tense period of epidemic prevention and control, the research work was limited, but the team did not supplement the plot through "imagination", but collected a large number of relevant materials, and the screenwriter and director deliberated and controlled the details of the plot through multiple online communications to ensure the attractiveness and persuasiveness of the plot. During the filming process, the script was still refined through continuous communication with witnesses. The so-called "truth-seeking" is to insist on telling true stories. On the one hand, many plots and character images in the play are not set out of thin air, but are artistically processed on the basis of real stories and character archetypes. Another aspect of "seeking truth" is not to avoid the contradictions of reality. For example, the image of poverty alleviation cadres is not all "tall and complete", and the image of peasants is not all simple and unpretentious, but also has a cunning and selfish side. The creative team wanted to tell a story that "believed themselves first, and then made the audience believe." The cultural intention of "seeking specialization" and "seeking truth" makes "Mountains and Seas" have a higher level of cultural pursuit and ensures the high standards of the entire creative process.

"Rebuilding Jiangnan" in barren areas is undoubtedly a good theme for poverty alleviation, but a good theme needs good content expression. In terms of structural arrangement, "Mountains and Seas" selects several important time nodes for local poverty alleviation, supplemented by a simple background introduction and then begins to spread the plot, which can maintain the coherence of the plot without a sense of jumping out. Always grasp the main line of "poverty alleviation", and run through the entire plot with the work of the grassroots poverty alleviation representative played by Huang Xuan. There are many characters in the play, and there are many stories that happen to each character, but instead of unfolding these stories in detail, the "side lines" are cut as much as possible, such as the love marriage line of the protagonist "Ma Defu", which is introduced clearly with only a few transitions and a few sentences, but the impression shown to the audience is not abrupt. Such a clear and compact arrangement makes the promotion of the entire plot very powerful and can effectively attract the attention of the audience.

"Mountains and Seas" has made sufficient efforts in the creation of details, and its details are all-round, including scenery, costumes, lines, etc. The image of the splash daughter in the play has also changed the actor several times over time to ensure that the character image is appropriate. The costumes in the play are also constantly changing with the changes of the times and the improvement of living standards, and the sense of the times is full. In addition, the dialect with local characteristics of Minning also adds a lot of color to the play, creating a strong sense of regional intimacy. The use of details to restore the real situational innovation is an important factor in the recognition of the audience.

The innovative practice of "Mountains and Seas" can be summarized as "the people's nature based on professionalism". That is, on the basis of respecting the law of artistic creation, we have a deep insight into the changes in the psychology and acceptance methods of the people's content needs, and strive to meet these needs and changes through innovative services. Here we need to have a deeper understanding of the professionalism and people's nature of film and television creation in the era of deep media integration. In terms of professionalism, the creative subject must first understand that in the era of deep integration, authority does not equal professionalism. Secondly, we must understand that the professional recognition subject is the audience, not the creator's self-appreciation, and should form the same frequency resonance of public opinion with the audience, which requires the creative subject to use the content as the medium to enhance the dialogue of the work. As far as the people's nature is concerned, it is necessary for the creative subject to have a comprehensive understanding of it. The people's nature is the ideological background and characteristic advantage of China's television culture.

(Excerpt from Chen Limin's "The Creative Concept of "Mountains and Seas" Deeply Responds to the Needs of the People")

1. The following understanding and analysis of the content related to the material, the correct one is (3 points)

A. New China has always taken "people first" as the value concept and "always put the people in the highest position in the heart" as the fundamental position, so it is necessary to establish the important concept of spreading for the people and relying on the people.

B. Communication for the people requires not only communication activities to serve the Chinese people, but also to serve the "whole people" and "all mankind", spread the Chinese voice to the world, and practice the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.

C. "Mountains and Seas" always grasps the main line of "poverty alleviation", and does not unfold in detail the story that occurs on specific characters, with a compact structure, clear priorities and orders, and a strong plot advancement, effectively attracting the attention of the audience.

D. "Mountains and Seas" pays attention to the regional characteristics of the times in the details processing, such as changing the actors several times in order to shape the image of the daughter of the water splash in the play, and creating a dialect with local characteristics of Minning with a great sense of intimacy.

2. According to the content of the material, one of the following statements is incorrect (3 points)

A. The masses of the people are the main body of communication, and the dissemination should give play to the enthusiasm of the masses of the people, and attach importance to all kinds of groups and organizations formed by individuals, and give play to the advantages of systems, organizations and manpower, which can expand the power of communication.

B. The two popular TV series "Mountains and Seas" and "The Age of Awakening" in 2021 not only truly portray the history and spirit of the struggle of the Chinese people, but also use new narrative strategies, narrative arts and narrative symbols in art.

C. The script creation of "Mountains and Seas" strives to ensure professional standards, and the screenwriter visits the field, collects a large number of relevant materials, deliberates and controls the details of the plot, and constantly communicates with witnesses.

D. The creative team of "Mountains and Seas" hopes to tell a story that "first lets themselves believe, only let the audience believe", the character image breaks through the singleness and stereotype, and the plot is based on the real story, ensuring the high standard of the entire creative process.

3. Combined with the material content, the following options are not. genus. in. One of the items to promote accurate communication is (3 points)

A. Let the sleeping national treasure "come alive", the "National Treasure" program with its fresh and lively interpretation language, netizens have a warm discussion on the bullet screen, first of all, from the Internet fire, has become a vivid example of traditional culture in the modern context.

B. When spreading Shaolin martial arts, Chinese Chinese Wang Deqing found that the Baduanjin in Zen martial arts could help local police snipers regulate their psychology and have strong practical effects. According to this, Hungarian snipers always occupy the top three places in the world competition.

C. Lu Yan, a famous filmmaker of 92 years old, has devoted his life to spreading Chinese culture to the world, and has performed folding plays such as Peking Opera "Fishing and Killing Family" and "Wu Jia Po" in the United States, and the response is enthusiastic, behind which is the consciousness and responsibility of cultural communication.

D. "This is China" music short film has been reported by many foreign media, the film from the perspective of ordinary citizens to tell the outside world a real China, not only has concerns about environmental pollution, but also fully demonstrates China's economic development and improvement of people's livelihood.

4. Please briefly analyze the argument structure of materials one and two. (4 points)

5. The innovative practice of "Mountains and Seas" can be summarized as "people's nature based on professionalism". Please combine the two materials and talk about your understanding of this. (6 points)

(2) Modern Literature Reading II. (This question has 4 sub-questions, 16 points)

Read the text below to complete 6~9 questions.

Dangerous missions

Tim Gautro

Wesley took his girlfriend, Bonita, and parked it in the potholed driveway of Pikan Street. In this old Pontiac Kerry, they quarreled. Bonita's face was strained, and her voice was as thick as a file file. She wanted to go to Tritt's concert and asked Wesley to buy two tickets for forty dollars a piece. However, Wesley insisted on buying twenty yuan a piece, and his explanation was that such a fare was more suitable for them.

Wesley clenched his teeth and found that his patience was about to run out, and he felt like he had been drunk, and was about to throw down a chair in a drunken illusion. Bonita folded her arms across her chest and called him the miserliest dater in Louisiana's Pine Oil District.

"You can go home, and you'll wait for someone to climb into your window with a bouquet of roses!" He hissed, "Remember, don't wait for me! ”

Wesley turned and went into his father's kitchen, who was sitting at the dining table, sipping a cup of iced tea.

"I think you should come back and take care of the meat cutting in the shop." As before, you're an expert. It's far more reliable than driving a gravel company, you're not the material to do that. ”

Wesley walked toward the window. "I've been carrying gravel for a while now, and I think it's a good job." Leaning against the wooden window frame, he gazed at his battered Pontiac, a wisp of black smoke with oil and gas escaping from the small hole in the bonnet shell and rising.

Father continued to drink his iced tea without cramming him.

In fact, Wesley was more diligent than the other drivers in the gravel yard, transporting stones to the construction site at a rapid pace every day, and he gradually became accustomed to the sudden explosion of the air on the way, which was caused by the wear of the tires on the bottom of the car. He felt that driving a truck was much better than fiddling with his own Pontiac, which, because it was pressed against tons of gravel, seemed to be flying against the road, which made him feel like he was driving a transport plane. If there was a large sedan in the front lane traveling at sixty-five yards, he would have rushed forward to overtake it at ninety yards, causing the wheels to splash with water; and the trailer behind it, fifty feet long, a loose tarpaulin was flying wildly on it, like a witch's cloak.

The next morning, as usual, he went to the company to wait for work, and then he saw the foreman running out of the simple shed swinging his big belly, climbing up the steps of the truck, and peeking into the window with his bearded black face. "If by nine o'clock you can't get this ghost thing to New Orleans," he said, "you're not going to come back and do it, get out of the truck, and stay in the country." ”

Wesley hesitated, then drew a steel rod from under the driver's seat and pounded each tire hard to see if they were all full of gas. It was an extra-long trailer, piled high with damp rubble, and Wesley quickly drove it onto a winding two-lane asphalt road. At every shift, he would stomp on the throttle hard. He didn't think about the dangers of driving at all, and he thought of the windshield in front of him as a huge screen for a video game, and all that came out of the window was some electronic image sliding towards the vacuum picture tube. He looked at his watch, and at eight-and-five o'clock the construction site in New Orleans had to mix the grit with cement at nine o'clock, or else the workers who had come to shift would have to be sent home. The "King of The Rocks" jumped and ran beneath his feet, like a wolf chasing after a frightened deer.

His car sped off, and at the bottom of a ramp, he arced the wheels in order to overtake a speeding greyhound bus and quickly inserted themselves into the right lane. At this moment he felt the wheels turning rapidly and beating irregularly, as if they were about to fly off the road. "Oh my God," he shouted with panic and fear. However, when he entered the straight and flat section, he seemed to be experiencing a dark and mediocre life, feeling extremely empty and boring. He turned on the radar detector and thought to himself that the mission must be completed, and that if he could enter the city center before nine o'clock, he would be paid three times as much.

The truck was accelerated to eighty yards. Wesley hurriedly stepped on the brakes and some black smoke came out of the rear tires. At this moment, this video game must be carried out perfectly. The speed at which he drove was unmatched, and the speed was intoxicating to him until his car climbed up the slope of a red-topped hillock and he saw the sloping downhill road winding beneath his feet. He just steered his machine, like a bicycle that was driven arbitrarily as a teenager, and had nothing to do with iron and rock. His car pulled into a bend at the bottom of the hill and drove behind a parked school bus with a blurry tin warning sign in front of it, and a dozen children were crossing the road one by one with a rope. The tires of Wesley's truck seemed to be frightened and let out a startling howl. The rubble piled up on the car fell and knocked on the top of the cab, and he could hear that the retreaded tires had burst out one by one. When the children's small faces flashed in front of his eyes, he seemed to have just woken up from the "video game", the hairs on his arms stood up one by one, the muscles in his legs were spasming, when the truck rushed forward to overtake the school bus, he did not dare to face everything that was about to happen in front of him, he closed his eyes and shouted, and finally the car was like a naughty child cowering under the slap of his father.

He opened his eyes, and the truck had slipped out of the tarmac and into a mud pit on the side of the road. Wesley's arms and legs were like no-feeling rubber. He turned his head to the visual space reflected in the mirror next to him, thinking that there must be a microcosm of the disaster behind him. At this time three or four small heads popped out of the ditch by the side of the road and looked in his direction, which proved that no one seemed to be injured. He heard tires trapped in the sludge hissing, and the stench of scorched matter was scattered in the air. At this moment, he was extremely panicked and unable to move, and all he could do was to squirm his body nervously.

(Excerpt from Tim Gautro's "Backwater Waves", originally titled "The Air Road Is Hopeless", with deletions)

6. The following understanding of the content related to the novel, one of which is incorrect (3 points)

A. Wesley and his girlfriend quarrel over concert door tickets show that he is living on a tight budget, which is one of the reasons why he refuses his father's advice and insists on continuing to drive for the gravel company.

B. Wesley had the illusion of driving a "transport plane" while driving, because the goods he was transporting were too heavy, and he was driving extremely fast, which also paved the way for the unfolding of the plot.

C. The story of "Dangerous Mission" reflects the living conditions of some modern people who try to change the status quo and can only shoulder heavy burdens and venture forward, and Wesley's encounter is a portrayal of their lives.

D. He panicked when Wesley's extreme speed nearly crashed into school buses and children, and the truck eventually slid off the road and fell into a mud puddle, an accident that prevented him from reaching his destination on time.

7. The following analysis and appreciation of the artistic characteristics of novels, one of which is incorrect (3 points)

A. The novel centers on Wesley's adventure to drive, with a concise narrative and a tight rhythm. The protagonist's vision of a triple pay contrasts sharply with the story's unexpected ending.

B. The novel places Wesley's character portrayal in the relationship with his girlfriend and father, not only explaining his life situation, but also highlighting his personality characteristics in the image comparison of different individuals.

C. The novel deliberately renders Wesley's speedy driving of the truck "intoxicated", describing the protagonist's driving process as a "video game" to show the extreme mental state of the characters.

D. The novel compares the truck to a frightened wolf and uses the word "howling" to write about the sound of a tire, which helps to set off the characters and create a tense atmosphere.

8. In the narrative of the story, the author mentions the "nine o'clock" time point many times, what is the effect of this detailed arrangement? (4 minutes)

9. Fromm quotes Stevenson's admonition in Healthy Society: "It is true that we are no longer in danger of becoming slaves, but we have the hidden fear of becoming robots." Please make a brief analysis in the context of the textual content of this novel. (6 points)

II. Reading Ancient Poetry (35 points)

(1) Reading in Chinese and Chinese (5 sub-questions in this question, 20 points)

Read the text below to complete 10 to 14 questions.

In the ninth year of Tang Gaozu Wude, Emperor Taizong was located in the Xiande Hall of the Eastern Palace. The generals will fight for merit, and there will be endless disputes. The King of Huai'an Shentong said: "The subject raises an army in Kansai, the first ying yi banner, the present Fang Xuanling and other specialized swords. pen. , the merits are on the subjects, and the ministers are not convinced. "When the banner of righteousness began, although my uncle sang the first song to raise troops, Gai also escaped from the camp." And Liu Hei min and then merged the embers, and the uncle looked at the wind and ran north. Xuan Ling and other strategists, before the uncle of the livable. The generals said, "Your Majesty is the most righteous, although the king of Huai'an is still selfless, I. companion. How dare you be upset. ”

Fang Xuanling and Du Ru obscure: "The public is a servant, when the widely sought the wise, he was appointed as he was, and the position of prime minister was also." Than hearing the words, the day is not time to give, An can help the sage! "Because of the edict" Shang Shu's meticulous affairs belong to the left and right, and only those who should play major things are Guan Servant Shooting." Xuan Ling Mingda political affairs supplemented by literature night and night dedication to fear of a loss of money and the use of the law kuan ping heard people have goodness if they have not to seek to prepare for people do not use their own long qualities to ask the attendants: "Is it difficult for the emperor to start a business and keep a success?" Fang Xuanling said: "At the beginning of the grass, it was difficult to start a business by wrestling with the crowd and then subjecting to it!" Wei Zheng said, "Since the ancient emperors, they must be difficult, lose to ease, and be difficult to keep!" Shang: "Xuan Ling and I take the world together, so we know the difficulty of starting a business, and we share the world with us, often afraid of arrogance and luxury born of wealth, and disasters are born of neglect, so we know the difficulty of keeping it." However, the difficulty of starting a business is already in the past; the difficulty of keeping it should be cautious with all the public. ”

In the autumn and July, Fang Xuanling was ill, and went up to the Yuhua Palace, shoulder to shoulder and enter the temple, to the side of the throne, relatively drooling, because he stayed under the palace, smelling his small healing was happy; aggravated was sad. Xuan Ling said to the sons: "I have received the lord's generous favor, and today there is nothing to do, but the Eastern Crusade is not over, the courtiers do not dare to advise, I know but do not say, and there are residual responsibilities for each other." "Is the table above. admonish. Xuan Lingzi bequeathed his love for Princess Gaoyang, who said to her, "He is so ill that he can still worry about my country." "Self-help, shaking hands and tips, sorrow is invincible." 癸卯, 薨.

Liu Fangyue: Under emperor Xuanling Zuo Taizong, the world number is Xianxiang; but there is no achievement to be found, and virtue is also the best. Therefore, Emperor Taizong decided to cause trouble and Fang, Du did not say anything, Wang and Wei Shan advised Fang, Du let qixian, reason to peace, good to the lord. For Tang Zongchen, Yi Zhao!

(Excerpt from "The Chronicle of the General Chronicle, The Treatise of the Zhenguan Junchen")

10. The correct one of the following sentences for the part of the text that draws the wavy line is (3 points)

A. Xuan Ling Ming Da Political Affairs / Supplemented by Literature / Night dedication / Fear of a thing is useless / Fa Kuan Ping / Smell people as good as themselves / Have it / Do not seek to prepare for others / Do not use their own long lattice /

B. Xuan Lingming / Da political affairs / Supplemented by literature / Night dedication / Fear of a loss of money / The use of the law is lenient / Smell people as good as themselves / There is / Do not seek to prepare / Take people not to their own length /

C. Xuan Ling MingDa Political Affairs / Supplemented by Literature / Night and Night Dedication / Fear of Losing a Thing / Using The Law of Leniency / Hearing That People Have Good / If You Have It / Don't Seek to Prepare others / Don't Use Your Own Long Qualities /

D. Xuan Ling Mingda / Political Affairs Supplemented by Literature / Night and Night Dedication / Fear of Losing a Thing / Fa Kuan Ping / Hearing that People Are Good As They Have / Not To Be Prepared / To Take Others Not to Themselves / Long Grid Objects /

11. The following explanation of the relevant content of the words added to the text, no. correct. true. One of the items is (3 points)

A. Knife pen, "knife" pen " refers to the tool used for writing, in the text means the official who hosts the copywriting.

B. Wu Ling, that is, those of us, later changed from a code of common people to an honorific title exclusive to the princes and nobles.

C. Table, is a kind of sonata, mostly used for chenqing, such as "master table" and "chenqing table" is this type of sonata.

D. 癸卯, "癸" is the tenth place of the heavenly stem, "卯" is the fourth place of the earth branch, and the stem branch is matched in the text to count the days.

12. The following is an overview of the relevant content of the original text, and the incorrect one is (3 points)

A. Emperor Taizong felt that the reason why he first responded to the Righteous Banner was to avoid disaster because Li Shentong fled in the face of defeat, so he decided that Li Shentong's merits were not as good as Fang Xuanling's.

B. Emperor Taizong believed that the duty of the chancellor was to seek the best talents of the world, and because of his talent, he was dissatisfied with the trivial affairs of Fang Xuanling and others, so he made clear provisions on the division of labor in Shangshu Province.

C. For the question of which is more difficult to start a business or shoucheng, Taizong believes that shoucheng is more difficult, on the grounds that the situation in the world has changed, and shoucheng is more practical than starting a business.

D. When Fang Xuanling was seriously ill, Emperor Taizong recruited him to enter the palace in a palanquin, sat next to him, and cried relatively, hearing that his condition had improved slightly and was happy, and when he aggravated, he was worried and haggard.

13. Translate the sentences drawn in the text with horizontal lines into modern Chinese. (8 points)

(1) The world is safe with us, and we are often afraid that arrogance and luxury are born of wealth and wealth, and disasters are born of neglect, so we know the difficulty of keeping (4 points)

(2) Xuan Lingzi bequeathed his love for Princess Gaoyang, the daughter of Shangshang, who said: "He is so ill that he can still worry about my country." (4 points)

14. At the end of the article, Liu Fang seems to paradoxically evaluate Fang Xuanling as "no achievements to be found, and virtue is also complete", please analyze the reasons for such an evaluation according to the article? (3 points)

(2) Reading Ancient Poetry (2 sub-questions, 9 points)

Read the following Tang poem and complete 15~16 questions.

Sending Liu Junjun to Yuanzhou (1)

Liu Changqing

Yiyang went out to guard Xin'enzhi, and Jingkou backfired because of his family's wishes.

Wuliu closed the door to Gaoshi, and the three seedlings returned far away according to the festival.

Yuemingjiang Road smells apes broken, and flowers are dark mountain cities to see officials.

Only in the window of the county, facing the sky to Xie Xuanhui (2).

[Note] (1) Liu Junjun: Liu Hun. A native of Xiangyang, Xiangzhou (present-day Xiangyang, Hubei), he was a Tang Dynasty prime minister and poet. Yuan Prefecture (袁州): Original Qin Jiujiang Commandery, Sui Kai Emperor eleven years set up Yuan Prefecture, the seat of government in Yichun County (now part of Jiangxi), Yichun was formerly known as Yiyang. (2) Xie Xuanhui: Xie Shuo. The Southern Qi poet, the Book of Southern Qi, is said to be "less studious, has a good name, and has beautiful articles."

15. The following understanding and appreciation of this poem, the incorrect one is (3 points)

A. The poem begins with a friend Chenghuang En going to Yiyang to take up his post, but this is contrary to his friend's initial desire to stay in Jingkou.

B. The third sentence uses the allusion of "Mr. Goyanagi" to express praise for the good character of a friend.

C. The "yuanren" in the fourth sentence refers to Liu Zhijun, who will stop and serve as an official in Yuan Prefecture, which is adjacent to Sanmiao.

D. The poet in the fifth sentence imagines the scene of his friend on his way to his post, and renders the suffering of the journey with the bright moon and the intestinal cry of the ape.

16. Jin Sheng, a talented man of the Qing Dynasty, commented on this poem, arguing that "the ambassador is not an ordinary official", how should this view be understood? Please analyze briefly. (6 points)

(3) Silent writing of famous articles and sentences (this question has a total of 1 sub-questions, 6 points)

17. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences. (6 points)

(1) In the "Theory of the Six Kingdoms", Su Xun analyzed the reasons for the demise of the Six Kingdoms: the demise of the Six Kingdoms was not sharp weapons, the tactics were not good, and the disadvantage was to bribe the Qin State. And use the two sentences "________

(2) In "Chibi Fu", Su Shi discusses the truth contained in water and the moon with the guest, and the sentence that explains the reason that things have not increased or decreased with the lack of the circle of the moon is: "__

(3) The ancients often used "Hongyan" as a letter and messenger, hoping to transmit messages through Hongyan. There are also other usages that form a special meaning, such as "____

III. Use of Language and Writing (20 points)

(1) Use of language and writing I. (This question has 3 sub-questions, 11 points)

Read the text below to complete 18~20 questions.

Singing is the clarion call of the times, and history can always leave a deep mark on the classic songwriting. Like the national anthem, the school song also records the great journey of the party and the country, and at the same time carries the sacred mission of educating people. It is not only a reflection of the spirit of the times, but also the soul home of the teachers and students of a school.

Many of China's established schools have experienced wars, experienced, and deeply participated in the whole process of the Chinese nation from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong. Early school songs have become part of history. For example, the song "Vigilance Song" of Nanyang Public School, the predecessor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University: "Police! alarm! alarm! Black slaves, red embers, yellow snoring unfinished. Do not rely on the ice as a mountain, do not drink like a duck, burn the house and leak the boat, eight hundred trillion people, glance at the same well. awake! awake! Wake up..."

Schools should attach importance to the singing of school songs. School songs cannot be used only as accompaniment to various conferences, nor can they be changed at will according to the preferences of some people, let alone put on the shelf. Old school songs will indeed face many challenges in the new era, such as obscure lyrics, old words, songs, and MVs that are outdated. Singing school songs should be innovative, such as carrying out school song competitions, encouraging popular campus singers to try to adapt, and producing new versions of MVs, so that they can truly become a part of students' lives, motivate and accompany them throughout their lives.

18. Fill in the words on the horizontal line in turn, and all the appropriate ones are (3 points)

A. Waves of Strange Clouds, Expectations of the Dead Wood in Spring Is Not Timely

B. Magnificent Waves, Deep Hope, Nirvana Rebirth, No time is right

C. Waves and Clouds Deep Hope Dead wood is not suitable for spring

D. The waves are magnificent, the hope of the people, the rebirth of Nirvana, it is not appropriate

19. The sentence drawing the wavy line in the text has a speech problem, and the most appropriate one of the following modifications is (3 points)

A. The school song cannot be used only as an accompaniment to various conferences, nor can it be put on the shelf, let alone changed according to the preferences of some people.

B. The school song cannot be used only as an accompaniment to various conferences, nor can it be shelved, nor can it be changed at will according to the preferences of some people.

C. The school song cannot be used only as an accompaniment to various conferences, nor can it be changed arbitrarily according to the preferences of some people, let alone put on the shelf.

D. School songs cannot be used only as accompaniment to various conferences, nor can they be shelved, nor can they be changed at will according to the preferences of some people.

20. Does the sentence drawn in the text use a dual rhetorical technique? Please briefly analyze its composition and expression effect. (5 points)

(2) Use of Language and Writing II. (This question has 2 sub-questions, 9 points)

Read the text below to complete 21~22 questions.

The urban population density is large, the public facilities are concentrated, and once there is waterlogging, it will affect the normal operation of the city and even cause serious losses. Flood prevention work can not be relaxed, (1), can not be waterlogged and not prepared.

Heavy rains are one of the factors that contribute to urban waterlogging. However, in the previous period, urban development attached importance to the brilliance of ground engineering and despised the construction of underground drainage facilities; attached importance to infrastructure and landscape construction, and despised the protection and restoration of the ecological environment. The city's underground pipe network is like a "blood vessel", a good ecology is like a "perspiration mouth", the historical arrears are not made up, once it encounters a strong rainstorm, (2), it is to cause "endocrine disorders". ()。 In addition to improving the drainage capacity of pipe networks and rivers, it should also be combined with system governance such as land ecological governance and water conservancy engineering ecology on a larger scale. (3) Attaching importance to "face" and strengthening "Lizi", the stubborn disease of urban waterlogging is expected to be fundamentally solved.

21. The following sentences enclosed in parentheses in the text, the most appropriate one to connect is (3 points)

A. The overall situation of urban construction is involved in the solution of the problem of internal waterlogging

B. The overall situation of urban construction involves the solution of the problem of internal waterlogging

C. Solve the problem of internal waterlogging, involving the overall situation of urban construction

D. The problem of internal waterlogging has been solved, involving the overall situation of urban construction

22. Please write the appropriate sentence at the horizontal line of the text, so that the whole paragraph of text is complete and coherent, the content is appropriate, the logic is rigorous, and each place does not exceed 8 words. (6 points)

IV. Writing (60 points)

23. Read the material below and write as required. (60 points)

Material one: Hope is attached to existence, where there is existence, there is hope, and where there is hope, it is light.

--Lu Xun

Material two: This summer, an epidemic, deep in the center of the eye of the storm, we are confused, anxious, desperate. In life, some people flaunt "lying flat" and lose the motivation to struggle. Where is the road to life?

——A summer essay by a classmate

Offline resumption is imminent, the first week of class will be ready to hold a speech contest with the theme of "Have Hope, Embrace Tomorrow", please write a speech based on the content of the material to explain your feelings and thoughts.

Requirements: choose a good angle, determine the intention, draft the title, do not make a mockup, do not plagiarize; do not leak personal information; not less than 800 words.

Refer to answers and scoring suggestions

I. Modern Reading (35 points)

(1) Modern Reading I. (This question has 5 sub-questions, 19 points)

1. (3 points) B (item A "new China" is wrong; item C "does not have a detailed development of the story that happened to the specific characters" is wrong, the story that happened to the main characters is detailed; item D "changing actors" cannot reflect the characteristics of the times)

2. (3 points) B (The innovation of narrative strategy, narrative art and narrative symbols in the new era is very necessary, which does not mean that the two TV series use a new narrative strategy, narrative art and narrative symbol things, and the "new" is too arbitrary)

3. (3 points) C (does not reflect the word "precision")

4. (4 points) Material one argument structure: total score formula. Start by making a point of view: establish a people-centered communication concept; then divide it

Analyze the content, dependence and expression of communication, and finally analyze the way to achieve accurate communication.

Material 2 Argument Structure: Total Score. First of all, the root of the success of the TV series "Shan Hai Qing" is the deep response of the creative subject to the people's needs of TV culture; then the creative concept and content expression of "Shan Hai Qing" are specifically analyzed; and finally the innovative practice of "Shan Hai Qing" is summarized as "the people's nature based on professionalism".

Scoring suggestion: The structure of the argument of material one and the structure of the argument of material two are answered separately, accounting for 2 points each.

5. (6 points) People's nature: "Mountains and Seas" takes the people as the main body and tells the people's stories well; shapes the real character image, which is in line with it

The people's pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty; true stories, real reality contradictions, let the people appreciate. (3 minutes)

Professionalism: The content creation of "Mountains and Seas" is professional, attractive and convincing; the content expression is very powerful and attracts the audience; the details are restored to the truth, and the audience recognizes. (3 minutes)

Scoring suggestion: 3 points per point, the meaning is correct.

(2) Modern Reading II. (This question has 4 sub-questions, 16 points)

6. (3 points) D (Wesley felt extreme panic not because "he couldn't get to his destination on time", but because the accident happened suddenly, almost causing a catastrophe, Wesley has not yet recovered from the moment of panic, the mood has not been alleviated. )

7. (3 points) A (The statement of "narrative brevity" is incorrect, and the "ending" conforms to the previous narrative logic, which can be said to be "expected" rather than "unexpected" by the reader. )

8. (4 points) (1) For the protagonist, "nine o'clock" is the deadline and the hope, which aggravates the tension and urgency in the character's heart; (2) from the plot point of view, "nine o'clock" as a specific time point can also effectively control the rhythm of the plot and make the narrative more compact; (3) highlight this time point, but also create a real atmosphere for the reader and enhance the reader's sense of substitution. Scoring suggestion: 2 points, can answer two points correctly to give 4 points, the meaning is right.

9. (6 points) (1) The "truck" wesley drives is a machine, and he himself has become a "robot" who cannot be manipulated under pressure ;(2) Wesley is in an indifferent social relationship, and his girlfriend's ruthless ridicule of him, the difference between his father and him, and the threat of the foreman to him have prompted him to transform from "human" to "robot" faster ;(3) The novel uses Wesley's story to reveal the existential crisis of "us" as modern people, expressing deep concern about people being "materialized" or even "distorted".

Scoring suggestion: 1 point 2 points, the meaning is correct. Other answers may also be given as appropriate.

II. Reading Ancient Poems (35 points)

(1) Reading in Chinese and Chinese (This question has 5 sub-questions, 20 points)

10. (3 points) C

11. (3 points) B ("Wu" is not an honorific title exclusive to the nobility. )

12. (3 points) A (There is no causal relationship between Li Shentong's escape from the wind and the first ringing of the Righteous Banner to save himself from disaster.) )

13. (1) (4 points) Wei Zheng and I work together to stabilize the world, often worrying that arrogance and luxury will be caused by wealth and wealth, and disasters will be caused by small things that are ignored

Produced in, so understand the difficulty of keeping.

Scoring suggestions: "An" 1 point, "born in wealth" and "born in the neglect" sentence form 1 point each, "overlooked" 1 point.

(2) (4 points) Fang Xuanling's son Fang Yi'ai married Princess Gaoyang, The Daughter of Emperor Taizong, and Emperor Taizong said to the princess, "Your father."

The public illness is so severe that it can worry about the affairs of the country. ”

Scoring suggestions: The first sentence of "Still" is 1 point, "so" 1 point, "Du" 1 point, "worry" 1 point.

14. (3 points) No achievements to be found: although he is Taizong's right-hand man (1 point), he does not compete for merit and can make a sage (1 point)

Virtue is also the best: have the virtue of loyalty and humility of courtiers (1 point)

Scoring recommendations: Scoring points are listed after the scoring points.

【Reference Translation】

In the ninth year of Tang Gaozu Wude, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin took the throne as emperor in the Xiande Hall of the Eastern Palace. The generals competed for merit and talked endlessly. Li Shentong, the king of Huai'an, said: "I raised an army in Kansai and first responded to the righteous banner, while Fang Xuanling and others just played with knives and pencils, but the merits were above me, and I felt unconvinced." Emperor Taizong said: "When the uprising was just over, although my uncle first responded to the righteous banner and raised troops, this was also a self-seeking way out of the disaster. When Liu Heimin gathered the remnants again, his uncle lost his troops and fled. Fang Xuanling and others strategized, and the credit was naturally above their uncle. The generals then discussed with each other: "Your Majesty is very just, even if he does not follow the personal feelings of the emperor's uncle King Huai'an, how dare we people not be disturbed and keep our duties?" ”

Emperor Taizong said to Fang Xuanling and Du Ruyi: "As servants, you should seek the best talents of the world, and because of this talent, you should appoint officials, which is the duty of the prime minister." Recently, I heard that you have not had enough time to accept litigation cases, so how can you help you to seek talents! Therefore, he ordered that "the trivial affairs of Shangshu Province are under the control of Shangshu Left and Right Servants, and only major matters that should be made clear are handled by left and right servants." Fang Xuanling is well versed in government affairs, has literary talent, and dedicates himself day and night, but he is afraid that there are occasional differences; he uses laws and regulations to be lenient and peaceful, and when he hears the strengths of others, he treats others as if they were owned, and treats others as if they were all, and does not seek full blame for others, and does not ask others for their own strengths.

Emperor Taizong asked the ministers around him, "Which is the difficulty between entrepreneurship and shoucheng?" Fang Xuanling said: "At the beginning of entrepreneurship, it is still difficult to start a business by competing with various heroes and then making them surrender!" Wei Zheng said, "Since ancient times, the emperors have not won the world from difficult situations, and lost the world in comfort, and it is even more difficult to keep it!" Emperor Taizong said: "Xuan Ling fought with me, born into death, so I experienced the difficulty of starting a business." Wei Zheng and I worked together to stabilize the world, often worried that arrogance and luxury would be caused by wealth and wealth, and disasters would arise from small things that were neglected, so they understood the difficulty of keeping it. However, the difficulty of starting a business has become a thing of the past, and the difficulty of keeping success should be treated with caution with you. ”

In the autumn and July, Fang Xuanling's illness worsened, Emperor Taizong recruited him to the Yuhua Palace, Xuanling took a palanquin into the palace, and went to the side of Emperor Taizong's throne before getting off the palanquin, and emperor Taizong wept, Emperor Taizong left Fang Xuanling in the palace, and when he heard that his condition had improved slightly, he was happy; when his condition worsened, he was worried and haggard. Fang Xuanling said to his sons, "I have received the emperor's favor, and if nothing happens today, only the Eastern Expedition to Goryeo has not stopped, and all the ministers dare not advise. So the above table chapter advised. Fang Xuanling's son Fang Yi'ai married Emperor Taizong's daughter Princess Gaoyang, and Emperor Taizong said to the princess, "Your father-in-law is so sick that he can still worry about the affairs of the country." Emperor Taizong went to visit and shook Fang Xuanling's hand to bid him farewell, grieving so much that he couldn't help himself. On the twenty-fourth day, Fang Xuanling died.

Liu Fangyue: Fang Xuanling assisted Emperor Taizong in calming the world, and the people in the world were called Xianxiang; however, there were not many deeds to be found, and his character had reached the highest realm. Therefore, Emperor Taizong put an end to the chaos and Fang and Du did not take credit; Wang Jue and Wei Zheng were good at slandering Fang and Du and did not compete for their names; they made the country too peaceful and gave credit to the monarch. Fang Xuanling is known as a vassal of the Tang Dynasty, which is very appropriate.

(2) Reading Ancient Poetry (2 sub-questions in this question, 9 points)

15. (3 points) C ("Distant person" refers to a person who has left his homeland.) "Sanmiao returns from afar according to the festival" means that Liu Lingjun went to Yuan Prefecture to govern, and those who had left their hometowns would hear of his name and return to their hometown. )

16. (6 points) (1) Unusual in character and purity: the second sentence uses the allusion of "Mr. Wuliu" to praise Liu Junjun's high character; (2) unusual in talent, ruling the government is clear: the third sentence writes that Liu Junjun's governance to YuanZhou can make people return to their hometowns, and praise Liu Junjun from the side for being rich in talent and clear governance; (3) Unusual in purity and indifference: The last two sentences borrow the quiet and elegant environment of the Southern Qi poet Xie Shujun to call Xu Liu jun's virtue of being pure and indifferent.

17. (1) Bribe Qin and lose strength, and the way of destruction is also. (2) The one who wins and loses is like the other, and the pawn is not long. (3) The long flight of the wild geese is not measured, and the ichthyosaur diving into the water is written.

III. Use of Language and Writing (20 points)

(1) Use of language and writing I. (This question has 3 sub-questions, 11 points)

18. (3 points) D (Wave and cloud: Describe things as unpredictable, often with a pejorative meaning. Grandeur: The metaphor is majestic or grand. To describe "history" in context, one should choose "magnificent". Deeply popular: prestige among the masses, convincing everyone; popularity: the trust and hope of the multitudes to someone. In the context, it means that the school song is the soul home to which teachers and students return together, and should be selected as "the hope of all". Nirvana Rebirth: After the torment of fire and the trial of pain, rebirth is obtained and sublimation is achieved in rebirth. Dead wood in spring: A metaphor for a dying patient or thing regaining its vitality. The context emphasizes that new students in the school after "experiencing the war" should choose "nirvana rebirth". Untimely: Unsuitable for the needs of the times. Not appropriate: do not understand the situation and trend at that time. "Untimely" should be selected)

19. (3 points) A (the associated word is in the wrong position, "only" should be placed after "put the school song"; the sentence order is improper, "as an accompaniment to various conferences", "put it on the shelf", "change it according to the preferences of some people", the three behaviors are gradually aggravated; the passive sentence is misused, the subject of the entire sentence is "school", the object of "shelving the high court" is "school song", the passive sentence cannot be used, and it should be expressed as "it cannot be shelved")

20. (5 points) (1) Meanings are closely linked. "毋" and "毋" are both negative words; "Yi Bing" and "drinking duck", "making mountains" and "ruyi" are opposites. (2 points) (2) with a negative tone, a neat form, a short rhythm, (1 point) to inspire the Chinese people to wake up in time in the face of the crisis of colonization and extinction, and to rise up and fight, (1 point) to sing sonorously and passionately, deafening and deafening. (1 minute)

(2) Use of Language and Writing II. (This question has 2 sub-questions, 9 points)

21. (3 points) C (This sentence emphasizes "solving the problem of internal waterlogging" rather than "the overall situation of urban construction", excluding abs; item D is duplicated with the following text, and placed in the preceding text, indicating "behavior" rather than "result". )

22. (6 points) Example: (1) It is better to be prepared than waterlogged , (2) it is not to cause "blood clots" (3) it is only to repair both inside and outside

Scoring suggestion: 2 points per point, the meaning is correct.

23. (60 points) Assign points according to the 2021 National College Entrance Examination Essay Scoring Rules.

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