
Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

author:Lao Tian speaks of literature

1996 was a turning point in fate for 24-year-old Song Zuying. This year, she appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time and sang "Little Back Basket" with a sweet voice.

"The little back basket is swaying, and my mother carried me off the stilted building in laughter", this simple and unpretentious lyrics, like a wisp of breeze, blew into the hearts of countless audiences. From that moment on, Song Zuying started her 24-year journey as a regular guest of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

Her singing, like a warm sunshine, illuminates thousands of households. "Good Day", "A Beautiful Jasmine", "Earth Flying Song", "Love My China", these classic songs are not only spread all over the streets and alleys, but also integrated into people's daily life.

However, Song Zuying was not satisfied with his domestic achievements. Her eyes have already been cast on a broader stage. She is eager to bring traditional Chinese folk songs and our Chinese culture to the international stage.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

This ambition drives her to constantly break through herself and strive for bigger dreams. Song Zuying, who stands on the stage, is always radiant. Her eyes sparkled with love for music and a confident smile on her lips.

Every time she opened her mouth to sing, the audience would involuntarily hold their breath and be immersed in her beautiful singing. Song Zuying, who came out of the mountains of Xiangxi, conquered the hearts of audiences across the country with her own efforts and talents.

Her story is not only a personal success, but also a role model for countless young people with dreams. Song Zuying proved with practical actions that as long as there are dreams and persistence, there is no mountain that cannot be climbed and no hurdle that cannot be crossed.

In 2002, Song Zuying ushered in an important milestone in her artistic career. This year, with the pride of traditional Chinese culture and the longing for the international stage, she bravely stepped out of the country.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

At the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Song Zuying held her "debut" on the international stage. This was not only a personal breakthrough for Song Zuying, but also an important export of Chinese culture - she became the first Chinese and Asian to hold a concert at the Sydney Opera House.

Standing on a foreign stage, Song Zuying's heart was both excited and apprehensive. When she performed Chinese folk songs with her beautiful singing voice, the audience was deeply captivated. At that moment, Song Zuying deeply felt the true meaning of "music without borders".

Her singing has become a bridge between Eastern and Western cultures. Subsequently, Song Zuying's footprints spread to many art and cultural exchange centers in Austria, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Everywhere she went, she performed with all her passion, spreading the voice of the Chinese nation to all over the world. Her performances are not only concerts, but also feasts of cultural exchange.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

The performance at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in the United States was another peak of Song Zuying's international career. She brought "What a Beautiful Jasmine" Song Zuying's special solo concert to the American audience.

When the melodious "Jasmine" sounded at the Kennedy Center, the audience seemed to be transported into a mysterious oriental world. Song Zuying's beautiful singing voice and the interpretation of "mysterious oriental beauty" deeply shocked everyone present.

After the performance, the audience applauded for a long time. They were still unsatisfied, and they called for Song Zuying to take the stage again. In the face of such an enthusiastic audience, Song Zuying happily agreed and presented a song again.

Her heart is full of joy and she is proud that Chinese music can be so recognized. Song Zuying's success is not only reflected in the enthusiasm of the audience. The Mayor of the District of Columbia declared October 12 as "Song Zuying Day" in recognition of her contributions to cultural exchanges between China and the United States.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

What is even more proud is that Song Zuying won the "Kennedy Arts Gold Award" from the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, which is undoubtedly the highest recognition of her artistic achievements in the United States.

Standing on the international stage, Song Zuying is not only a singer, but also a messenger of Chinese culture. She has built a bridge between China and the world with her singing, allowing the world to hear the voice of China and feel the charm of Chinese culture.

Every performance is a victory of cultural exchange, which makes Song Zuying more determined to spread Chinese culture. Behind Song Zuying's glamorous stage career, there is a man who silently supports her - Luo Hao.

Their acquaintance can be called a turning point in Song Zuying's life. When her singing career fell into a low period, it was Luo Hao's help and introduction that allowed her to worship the famous vocal educator Jin Tielin and become his student.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

This simple relationship changed Song Zuying's life. In the process of getting along, Luo Hao secretly had feelings for Song Zuying, but at first he didn't have the courage to confess, but often wrote letters to Song Zuying, who was studying in Beijing.

Song Zuying was also moved by Luo Hao's sincerity, and gradually felt the beauty and sweetness of love. However, the road to love has not been easy. After four years of love, when Luo Hao wanted to enter the palace of marriage with Song Zuying, Song Zuying disappeared into Luo Hao's world for family reasons.

Luo Hao, who sensed that something was wrong, resolutely rushed to Song Zuying's work site to meet him. After frank communication, Song Zuying expressed her family concerns, and Luo Hao's firmness and sincerity finally moved her.

The two finally entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. In her married life, Song Zuying still focuses on her singing career. And Luo Hao used practical actions to interpret the sentence "Behind every successful woman there is a man who pays silently".

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

He took the initiative to take on the affairs of the family, creating a safe environment for Song Zuying, so that she could devote herself to the cause she loved.

Even in the face of the pressure of "birth" from the elders in the family, Luo Hao took all of them, and Song Zuying was not affected by it in the slightest. He understands Song Zuying's love for her career and supports her to do what she wants to do.

It wasn't until she was 39 years old that Song Zuying gave birth to a son for her husband. At this time, Luo Hao was already in his fifties. Surprisingly, however, Song returned to work soon after giving birth.

She always believes that her husband Luo Hao can take good care of the family. The story of Song Zuying and Luo Hao shows how a couple find a balance between career and family.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

Luo Hao's selfless dedication and full support allowed Song Zuying to pursue his artistic dream without worries. And Song Zuying's choice to have a child at the peak of her career also reflects the importance she attaches to her family.

This marriage has become the most solid backing for Song Zuying's life journey. In Song Zuying's busy artistic career, the awakening of family responsibilities came somewhat suddenly, but it was enough to change the trajectory of her life.

Until the child entered the campus, Song Zuying never participated in a parent-teacher meeting of the child. She devotes all her energy to her career and believes that her husband Luo Hao can take care of the family perfectly.

However, fate is always full of surprises. One day, the time of the parent-teacher conference happened to coincide with her free time, and Song Zuying decided to attend the child's parent-teacher conference. This decision became an important turning point in her life.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

The moment she walked into the school, Song Zuying suddenly realized that she knew almost nothing about her child's school life. She didn't know what grade her child was in, what class it was in, or even the location of the classroom.

This strangeness filled her with guilt. Fortunately, the sensible son understood his mother's difficulties and waited for her appearance in a conspicuous place early. However, when Song Zuying walked into the classroom, she heard a sentence that made her heart ache: "It turns out that he usually doesn't deceive people, he really has a mother."

This child's words were like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced Song Zuying's heart. Throughout the parent-teacher meeting, Song Zuying was absent-minded, with a hint of emptiness in her eyes.

That sentence kept echoing in her mind, and she realized her dereliction of duty as a mother. She began to reflect on her neglect of her family and her lack of children's growth over the years.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

On the way home, Song Zuying remained silent, but her heart was struggling fiercely. She began to think about the balance between career and family, and about her responsibilities as a mother.

When she got home, she secretly made up her mind. That year, for the first time, Song Zuying was absent from the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. She refused the invitation of the Spring Festival Gala and chose to stay with her family and spend a full reunion.

This is the first time in 24 years that Song Zuying has accompanied her family during the Spring Festival, and it also marks a change in the focus of her life. This experience made Song Zuying gradually understand the importance of family, realize the lack of maternal love for her children, and the debt to her husband.

She began to re-examine her life values and think about how to find a balance between career and family. In the end, she made a major decision: to slowly fade out of the Chinese people's livelihood music scene and return to her family.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

This decision marks an important turning point in Song Zuying's life, and also shows her wisdom and courage as a successful woman in the face of family and career. Although Song Zuying chose to fade out of the music scene, she did not completely give up her artistic pursuit.

Instead, she found a new way to pass on her artistic ideals. While focusing on family and accompanying children, she is also constantly building the foundation of the new generation for the "Great Wall of China".

Song Zuying began to put her experience and talent to work for the development of China's new generation of music. She moved from the front of the stage to behind the scenes, contributing in another way.

This transition has allowed her to take care of her family while still maintaining her love and commitment to her music career. Song Zuying knows that she has stepped into the world stage step by step from the mountains, and only she knows the hardships behind it.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

Because of this, she often says: "I have been drenched in the rain, so I always want to hold an umbrella for others." This sentence not only expresses her mental journey, but also reflects her care for her younger generations.

With such a mentality, Song Zuying actively participated in social welfare and charity activities, and donated to China's charity and education cause "Hope Project" many times. More importantly, she established the "Song Zuying Education Foundation", which aims to help poor students in her hometown and help them get out of the mountains and go to a broader world.

This foundation has become an important platform for her to give back to the community and help others. At the age of 56, Song Zuying returned to her hometown in Hunan to visit her family. Although she has faded out of the stage for many years, she has no star shelf at all.

Dressed in a denim jacket with a red sweater, she looks very friendly. When she improvised to sing for the villagers, she immediately attracted a crowd of onlookers. It is not difficult to hear from her singing voice that although she has faded out of the stage for many years, her singing skills have not regressed in the slightest.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

The wide vocal range and the tense voice still touch the hearts of every listener, attracting everyone to take photos to record this precious moment. This scene vividly shows Song Zuying's new life: she maintains her love for music while paying more attention to family and social welfare.

She found a new way to balance her talents, responsibilities, and dreams, opening a new chapter in her life. Song Zuying's story shows the growth and success of an artist, and the choices he made at key moments in his life.

From the mountainous area of Xiangxi to the world stage, she has conquered countless audiences with her talent and hard work. However, at the peak of her career, she chose to return to her family, and this courage and wisdom are also worthy of our admiration.

Song Zuying, who "disappeared", did not stand still. Instead, she found another path of her own. Her music is less youthful and more mature emotion and precipitation.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

In her own way, she continues to contribute to China's music industry and public welfare. Song Zuying's philosophy of life embodies the wisdom and mind of a successful person.

She knows how to make the right choices at different stages of life, not only to shine on the stage, but also to find meaning and value in ordinary life. She tells us with practical actions that success is not only about career brilliance, but also about finding a balance between family, career and social responsibility.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has indeed embarked on another broad road. The road may not be as dazzling as in the stage spotlight, but it is just as exciting and just as meaningful.

She has put her talent and passion into nurturing the next generation of musicians and philanthropic causes, demonstrating an artist's sense of social responsibility. Song Zuying's story is not only a legend of an artist, but also a revelation of how ordinary people find their own value and meaning at different stages of life.

Facts have proved that Song Zuying, who "disappeared", has embarked on another broad road!

Her experience tells us that success in life does not depend on the size of the stage, but on whether you can realize your self-worth and whether you can bring positive influence to others.

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