
Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

author:Happy big fish bigfish

Ancient Chinese burial traditions and the legend of tomb robbers

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

In ancient times, Chinese burial traditions permeated the entire society. This ancient ritual places the deceased in the bosom of the earth, believing it to be a way for them to continue to use in the other world. However, this tradition is not only reflected in burial ceremonies, but also in the use of funerary goods, and the evolution of funerary goods has also given rise to the emergence of tomb robbers.

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

Ancient Chinese burial traditions

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

Ancient Chinese burial traditions are deeply rooted in culture and religion. This custom has continued since ancient times, and the burial believers believe that through burial, the body and soul of the deceased can merge with the earth, achieving a continuation beyond life and death. An important tradition has also been born in burials, which is the placement of funerary goods in tombs. These funerary goods can be daily necessities, gold and silver treasures, and even war horses and slaves. This practice is intended to allow the deceased to continue to enjoy these items in the other world, while also showing respect for the deceased.

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

The Evolution of Funerary Goods

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

Over time, the variety and size of funerary goods has changed dramatically. Ancient funerary objects were usually personal items such as terracotta figurines, bronzes, etc., which have been found in archaeological sites around the world. However, as society continued to evolve, funerary goods gradually evolved from personal belongings to large quantities of gold and silver treasures, and even jewelry and weapons. These precious funerary goods lured the appearance of tomb robbers.

Sun Dianying blasted open Cixi's mausoleum and took away the pants she was wearing as soon as possible, which turned out to be mysterious

The activities of tomb robbers

Grave robbers have been active throughout China's history, using illegal means to obtain burial goods, often resulting in immeasurable loss of cultural relics. One of the most famous tomb robbers was Cao Cao, who organized large-scale tomb robberies to compensate for the lack of military spending, which led to the loss of a large number of cultural relics.

Another well-known tomb robber was Sun Dianying, who stole the tomb treasures of the Empress Dowager Cixi. Cixi was the last empress of the Qing Dynasty, and her reign was controversial, but her funerary goods were abundant. Sun Dianying's tomb robbery was not only bold, but also carefully planned. He succeeded in transporting a large number of burial goods, and his motive for revenge made him even more determined. In fact, the reason why Sun Dianying was able to continue his tomb robbery activities was also thanks to Chiang Kai-shek's protection, which is quite rare in the history of tomb robbing.


The activities of tomb robbers shed light on some of the darkness and corruption in China's history, a phenomenon that not only poses a threat to the preservation of cultural relics in China, but also reflects social and political complexities. However, it is through these historical events that we gain a deeper understanding of ancient Chinese culture and traditions, and how tomb robbers were influenced by this tradition and developed their activities into legends.

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