
"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

With about US$327 billion of liabilities, China Evergrande (3333) could become the biggest-ever developer to face a wind-up order under Hong Kong law at today's court hearing if such a fate takes place.

China Evergrande (3333) has about $327 billion in liabilities, and if such a fate happens, it could become the largest developer to face a business cease-and-desist order under Hong Kong law at today's court hearing.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

China's second-ranked military official, speaking at a military forum on Monday, vowed to develop military ties with the United States while accusing "some countries" of "creating turbulence" .

Speaking at a military forum on Monday, China's second-level military official vowed to develop military ties with the United States while accusing "some countries" of "creating turmoil."

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

Chinese and Russian military chiefs targeted the United States for criticism at a security forum in Beijing on Monday, even as China's second-most-senior military commander vowed to boost defence ties with Washington.

On Monday, at a security forum in Beijing, Chinese and Russian military leaders criticized the United States, even as China's second-top military commander vowed to strengthen defense ties with Washington.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

Japan's first pilot project of a fully autonomous self-driving vehicle has been suspended after a minor accident with a parked bicycle, officials said Monday. It is the latest blow to efforts worldwide to promote driverless vehicles, a technology with particular potential benefits in ageing Japan.

Japan's first fully autonomous vehicle pilot project was suspended after a minor accident with a parked bicycle, Japanese officials said on Monday. This is the latest blow to global efforts to promote driverless cars, a technology with particular potential benefits in aging Japan.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

The campaign to use the U.S. Constitution’s “insurrection” clause to bar former President Donald Trump from running for the White House again enters a new phase this week as hearings begin in two states on lawsuits that might end up reaching the U.S. Supreme Court.

The campaign to ban former President Donald Trump from running for the White House using the "riot" clause of the U.S. Constitution entered a new phase again this week, as two states began holding hearings on lawsuits that could eventually reach the U.S. Supreme Court.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

Fierce air and artillery strikes rang out in Gaza early on Monday as Israeli troops backed by tanks pressed into the Palestinian enclave with a ground assault that prompted more international calls for civilians to be protected.

Earlier Monday, heavy air and artillery bombardment erupted in Gaza, with Israeli forces launching ground raids on Palestinian enclaves backed by tanks, prompting more international calls for the protection of civilians.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

The death toll from a train crash in India has risen to 13, with 39 injured, an official said on Monday, with investigators suspecting human error was the cause of the crash in the south-eastern state of Andhra Pradesh.

The death toll from the train crash in India has risen to 13 and injured 39, an official said Monday, with investigators suspecting that the accident in the southeastern state of Andhra Pradesh was caused by human error.

"Learning English every day" 20231031 something new

The United States has for the first time begun buying Japanese seafood to supply its military there, a response to China's ban on such products imposed after Tokyo released treated water from its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the sea.

For the first time, the United States began buying Japanese seafood to supply the military there, in response to China's ban on such products after Tokyo discharged treated water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea.

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