
To create a team of "four haves" mediators, Wu Zhong issued certificates to the first mediators

author:Yangtze River Daily

Yangtze River Daily Wuhan client October 16 news (reporter Fei Quan correspondent Wu Zhongxuan) on the morning of the 16th, the first mediator awarding ceremony and the first mediator training meeting of the Wuhan Arbitration and Mediation Promotion Association was held, and the training objects mainly included the first mediator of the Wuhan Arbitration and Mediation Promotion Association, the members of the Wuhan Arbitration and Mediation Promotion Association, the mediators and some arbitrators of the Civil and Commercial Financial Mediation Center of Wuhan East Lake New Technology Development Zone, a total of about 210 arbitrators.

To create a team of "four haves" mediators, Wu Zhong issued certificates to the first mediators

Mediator training sessions are on-site. Photo by correspondent Wu Zhongxuan

As the professional supervisory unit of the Wuhan Arbitration and Mediation Promotion Association, the relevant person in charge of the Wuhan Arbitration Commission said that the construction of a diversified resolution mechanism for contradictions and disputes cannot be delayed, and the Wuhan Arbitration and Mediation Promotion Association is following the trend to increase the mediation function in this case. Based on the present, the Promotion Association has created a new mediation model of "litigation + mediation + arbitration", which connects the internal links between mediation, litigation and arbitration, and shows a huge advantage in dispute mediation. At the same time, it is hoped that by building a team of "four haves" mediators with "awareness of the rule of law, professional skills, professionalism and international vision", we will strive to build the Association into the most influential and competitive international commercial mediation organization in the central region.

At the meeting, 12 representatives of the first mediators were awarded the mediator certificate, and the relevant experts conducted training.

Yuan Zhonghua, associate professor of the Law School of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, made in-depth and simple discussions on the connotation of mediation, mediation between traditional China and modern China, and the mode and techniques of mediation.

Liang Lei, vice president of the Beijing Diversified Mediation Development Promotion Association, started from the relationship between the words "mediation" and "solution", explained the connotation of "mediation" at multiple levels and in all aspects, and through the combination of theory, law, model and case, made an in-depth interpretation of the scope of mediation, the procedures for mediation, the standardization of mediation agreements, and the docking process of mediation, which is in line with the reality of mediation work and has strong operational applicability.

【Edited by Liu Yan】

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