
More than 100 years earlier than the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun uttered four basic rhythmic poems for the first way of fighting, the right thing is easy two, the matter is difficult three, the opposition is the best four, and the right is the inferior ending

author:Old street taste

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="39" > preface</h1>

Mature in the early Tang Dynasty, the grammatical laws have four elements: rhyme, confrontation, adhesion, and flatness. But the four elements of the Vinaya did not arise at the same time.

Among them, rhyming originated from the Sui Dynasty "Cut Rhyme", the adhesion norm was in the early Tang Dynasty, and the Ping Gong began in the Yongming style of qi liang in the Southern Dynasty. And the battle is earlier, which can be seen in the book of poetry. Confrontation exists not only in poetry, but also in articles.

More than a hundred years before the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun (xié), who was born in the Southern Song Dynasty, proposed four basic ways of fighting in the Wenxin Carved Dragon. Although there was no Grammatical poetry at that time, it had a profound impact on later poets.

In "Wenxin Carved Dragon Li Ci", when Liu Xun talked about confrontation, he mentioned four ways: right words, right things, opposition, and right.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="3" ></h1>

In "Wenxin Carved Dragon Li Ci", Liu Xun said:

Therefore, in the body of lily words, there are four pairs: words are easy, and things are difficult; opposition is good, and right is inferior.

The one who speaks the right thing, the one who doubles the empty word also;

Another example is:

Changqing's "Shanglin Fu" Yun: "Repair the garden, soar like a book garden." This statement is also true for the like. Where the occasional word is chested, the words are right so it is easy;

Liu Xun's example of Sima Xiangru's Shanglin Fu (上林富): "The cultivation is like a garden, and soaring is like a book garden." ”

It can be seen that the words are only the couplets of words, and there is no need for allusions. The poet occasionally expresses his chest and does not consider what allusions to use to embellish the explanation, which is relatively simple.

For example, the first song of Du Fu's "Eight Songs of Autumn Xing" in the Tang Dynasty:

Gyokuro withered maple forest, Wushan Wuxia Qi Xiao Sen.

The waves between the rivers and the sky are surging, and the wind and clouds are plugged into the ground.

Cong Ju opened his tears twice, and the lonely boat was in the heart of the old garden.

The cold coat is full of knife rulers, and the White Emperor City is high and urgent.

The middle two-sided battle is the right thing to say. When the ancients composed poems, they often used the imagination of secret classics or occasional verses of predecessors, or the use of verses of predecessors.

Huang Tingjian commented that Du Fu's poems had no word or origin. However, if Du Fu's poem is in the middle of the binary, even if it may be similar to the previous verses, it is not deliberately correct with the words of the canon.

Then, it is easy to say the right thing, and it is difficult to do the right thing. What's right?

More than 100 years earlier than the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun uttered four basic rhythmic poems for the first way of fighting, the right thing is easy two, the matter is difficult three, the opposition is the best four, and the right is the inferior ending

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > second, things are difficult</h1>

Liu Xun defined it as:

The one who does the right thing, and the one who lifts the person also;

Use the stories of previous generations to verify today's events.

And to use Song Yu's work as an example:

Song Yu's "Divine Daughter Endowment" Yun: "Mao Yan Gong, not enough program; Xi Shi covered his face, compared to colorless." "This matter is also true of the like.

Recruit people to learn, things are right so it is difficult to also;

Recruiting people to learn, things are right, so it is difficult, because it is necessary to have a certain amount of knowledge, in order to use appropriate allusions in their own poems, so "things right" is more difficult than "words right".

Not only is it difficult to create, but it is also difficult for readers to appreciate, for example, Du Fu's "Eight Songs of Autumn Xing" is another poem:

Qianjia Mountain Guo Jing Chaohui, Ri Ri Jiang Lou sits cuiwei.

The fishermen of Xinsu are still general, and the swallows fly in the early autumn.

Kuang Heng's anti-neglect merit is thin, and Liu Xiang's heart is violated.

Classmates and teenagers are not cheap, and the five lings are light and fat.

The second couplet of this poem is correct: The fisherman of Xinsu is still general, and the swallows of the Qing Autumn fly. The third link is the right thing: Kuang Heng resists the lack of merit, and Liu Xiang passes on the scriptures in violation of his heart.

Du Fu uses the stories of Kuang Heng and Liu Xiang to express his feelings, and for readers, it is difficult for readers to understand the accurate meaning of Du Fu's poems without being familiar with the stories of these two people. For example, Wang Bo's "Preface to the Tengwang Pavilion" is used almost everywhere, which is very difficult for modern people to understand, let alone creation? This is the meaning of "words are easy, things are difficult".

In addition, there is also a kind of poetic disease called lack of couples, that is, in the upper and lower links, one uses the codex, and one does not use the pawn, and it should be avoided as much as possible.

More than 100 years earlier than the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun uttered four basic rhythmic poems for the first way of fighting, the right thing is easy two, the matter is difficult three, the opposition is the best four, and the right is the inferior ending

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > third, opposition is preferred</h1>

In the creation of poetry, it is often seen that opposition is better than positive, and this statement comes from Liu Xun:

Opposition is better, and right is inferior. Opponents, the ones who are interested in reasoning with each other; Zhongxuan 's "Ascending the Tower" Yun: "Zhong Yi is quiet and Chu playing, and Zhuang Yi is showing and more yin." "This objection and the like also. Comrade Yu Xian, opposed to so as a good one;

A thing, with the front and back sides to compare, so as to express a truth. That is opposition.

"Zhong Yi is quiet and chu playing, and Zhuang Yi is obvious and more yin." Zhong Yi, a nobleman of the Chu state during the Spring and Autumn Period, was the first professional pianist recorded in Chinese literature and history. He was captured by Zheng Guo and imprisoned in the Jin Kingdom, but he did not forget his homeland and still played the local music of the Chu State. Zhuang Gang was different, he was a Yue national who had become a high official in the Chu State, and he also did not forget his roots, and still spoke the dialect of his hometown Yue Kingdom.

Zhong Yi became a lowly Chu prisoner, and Zhuang Gang was a noble Chu official. Regardless of the level of status, his patriotic homesickness ambition is the same, so it is said that "Comrade Youxian".

From two relative perspectives, it shows the same truth and is more convincing, so it is said that "opposition is superior".

Li Bai's Five Laws "Gift to Meng Haoran"

I love Mengfuzi, and the world hears of it.

The red face abandons the crown, and the white head lies in the pine cloud.

Drunken moon frequent saints, lost flowers do not matter.

The mountains are safe and admirable, and the qingfen is in vain.

The red face abandons the crown, and the white head lies in the pine cloud. Abandoning one bed and one bed, giving up the official title of Lord Lu, he was willing to live in seclusion between the pine clouds.

From the positive and negative perspectives, to illustrate Meng Haoran's character of not seeking glory and profit, and being willing to be indifferent.

More than 100 years earlier than the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun uttered four basic rhythmic poems for the first way of fighting, the right thing is easy two, the matter is difficult three, the opposition is the best four, and the right is the inferior ending

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="36" >4</h1>

Liu Xun's definition of positive pairs is:

Those who are right, those who are different from each other. Meng Yang's "Seven Sorrows" Yun: "Han Zu wants to be a fir yu, and Guangwu thinks of white water." "This is the right pair of things also.

Things are different, but the same thing. For example, Zhang Zai (zi Mengyang) poem: "Han Zu wants to be a fir yu, and Guangwu thinks of white water." "Fangyu and Baishui are the hometowns of Liu Bang and Liu Xiu, respectively. These two allusions use different characters, both expressing homesickness from the same perspective. That's right.

For example, Du Fu's poem in the previous example: Kuang Heng resists neglect and is famous, and Liu Xiang passes on the scriptures in violation of his heart. It's also right.

At the same time, these 4 poems also use allusions, so it is said that they are also "things". However, positive and negative do not necessarily mean that the code is used.

Liu Xun also raised a question:

Zhang Huashi said: "The wild goose is more flying than the wing, and the return to Hongzhi is connected." Liu Kun's poem said: "Xuanni sorrow won Lin, and Xi Hunted And Wept Kong Qiu." "If the re-emergence, that is, the branches of the opposite sentence."

The stick is a metaphor for something superfluous or unnecessary.

The 8 (including Du Fu and Zhang Zai) sentence poems mentioned above are acceptable in ancient poetry, but are not suitable for use in near-body poems. It is not a matter of sound rhythm, but the content is the same, and there is a suspicion of clapping. The above also mentioned Li Bai's "Gift to Meng Haoran", in fact, the jaw joint and the neck joint are the same meaning, leaving one link can be left, and the other link should be another face.

More than 100 years earlier than the Tang Dynasty, Liu Xun uttered four basic rhythmic poems for the first way of fighting, the right thing is easy two, the matter is difficult three, the opposition is the best four, and the right is the inferior ending

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="119" > concluding remarks</h1>

Regarding the battle, Liu Xun used two criteria and divided them into two categories, using or not using the pawn, right or wrong. A closer look at the later near-body poems shows that the scope of these four confrontations is roughly out.

Later, shangguan yi in the Tang Dynasty had the saying of "eight pairs", and the "Treatise on the Secret House of The Mirror" of the Air And Sea recorded the "twenty-nine pairs", which refined the classification of the battle according to different standards. Although the standards are different, they are not contradictory.

Poets can stand on the basis of Liu Xun's "four pairs" and familiarize themselves with the details of the battle summarized by the Tang Dynasty.

@Old Street Taste

Content, sound rhythm, form, pay attention to these three aspects of poetry, and avoid repetition in poetry

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