
Qian Yonggang, the son of Qian Xuesen: From 30 points in the exam to a master's degree, his life story is admirable!

author:Xiaotian shared

Qian Xuesen, this is a name that resounds throughout China, he is the founder of mainland rocket science and technology, and is known as the "father of China's aerospace". But you know what? His son, Qian Yonggang, once scored only 30 points in a math competition, and almost couldn't even go to college. Such an achievement makes it hard to believe that he is Qian Xuesen's biological son. But Qian Yonggang did not give up on himself because of this, he used his own efforts and perseverance to embark on an unusual life path.

Qian Yonggang, the son of Qian Xuesen: From 30 points in the exam to a master's degree, his life story is admirable!

1. The son of a genius, failed miserably in the exam

Qian Yonggang is a well-known Chinese aerospace scientist who participated in the research and development of the Shenzhou spacecraft and the Chang'e lunar exploration program. He is Qian Xuesen's eldest son, and his loyal student and successor. Qian Yonggang was born in 1948, when his father, Qian Xuesen, was a professor at the California Institute of Technology. Qian Yonggang spent his childhood in the United States, and it was not until he was 7 years old that he returned to China on a cruise ship with his parents and sister. At that time, he was only 7 years old and barely spoke Chinese. After returning to China, Qian Yonggang began a new study life. He was smart and studious, quickly mastered Chinese and excelled in school. However, precisely because he is Qian Xuesen's son, the teachers also have high expectations for him and are strict.

Qian Yonggang once participated in a mathematics competition, but unexpectedly failed, scoring only 30 points. This was the worst time in his life, and his heart was infinitely sad and ashamed. When he got home, he didn't expect his father to criticize him, but comforted him and said: "The exam is only a temporary success or failure, it does not represent your intelligence and ability, you have to learn to deal with the ever-changing difficulties and challenges in life, which is the foundation of life." Qian Yonggang's words deeply moved and admired Qian Yonggang, and he understood that his father was teaching him how to be a person with perseverance and creativity. So, he decided not to give up on himself because of the disappointment of this exam, but to work hard, improve his math level, and pursue higher goals.

Qian Yonggang, the son of Qian Xuesen: From 30 points in the exam to a master's degree, his life story is admirable!

2. Join the army for ten years and exercise quality

When the college entrance examination was cancelled, Qian Yonggang's father decisively suggested that he join the army. At the age of 20, he resolutely chose to enlist in the army and began a long military career that lasted for a full decade. This period of military service was full of hardships and bitterness, but Qian Yonggang did not complain, silently completed every training task, and cultivated the quality of perseverance.

With the passage of time, the gaokao was reinstated. Qian Yonggang, who had passed the age of his establishment, recalled his father's advice, realized that he had missed many years of school, and remembered his father's advice. He made up his mind to pick up those long-dormant textbooks again and set foot on the battlefield of the college entrance examination again. However, many comrades-in-arms advised him to give up, because he had abandoned his studies for a whole decade and had forgotten too much knowledge. Despite these exhortations, Qian Yonggang did not waver. During the day, he faithfully completed the tasks assigned by the troops, and at night was his time of perseverance and self-discipline. He overcame difficulties, worked hard to make up for lost time, continued to study, and actively prepared for the college entrance examination. During that time, Qian Yonggang's life was extremely hard, but he did not give up.

In your free time, you can read textbooks, solve exercises, and seek help from teachers and classmates. As a result, he continued to improve, gradually regaining what he had mastered, and filling in the gaps in his studies through hard work. He knows that only through his own efforts can he regain his standing on the stage of the college entrance examination.

Qian Yonggang, the son of Qian Xuesen: From 30 points in the exam to a master's degree, his life story is admirable!

3. Go back to school and make your dreams come true

After a year of hard work, he was successfully favored by the National University of Defense Technology with outstanding results and entered the palace of knowledge. During his college years, Qian Yonggang, a student who was more than ten years older than his classmates, often felt strange eyes looking at him. However, he was never moved by this, because for him, learning itself was an incomparably precious asset. In the end, Qian Yonggang, who is in his 40s, won the crown of his master's degree with his unremitting efforts, and was fortunate to be selected to study in a higher university abroad, so as to be fully prepared to return to China to serve in the future.

Although Qian Yonggang did not become a superstar in the field of science and technology like his father, he realized his values and dreams with his own efforts and perseverance. "I'm not trying to surpass my father, I just want to be a useful person and make some contributions to the country and society," he said. He also said, "My father, is a good father. He gave me the freedom and space to choose and live my life as I wished. ”

Qian Yonggang, the son of Qian Xuesen: From 30 points in the exam to a master's degree, his life story is admirable!

Qian Yonggang's life story is admirable. He not only inherited the scientific spirit of his father Qian Xuesen, but also showed his personality charm. He proved an ancient adage with practical actions: I am born to be useful. He also told us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, as long as we have faith and courage, we will be able to realize our dreams!