
Live Trailer! Tomorrow at 9 a.m., this event is not to be missed

author:Anhui release
Live Trailer! Tomorrow at 9 a.m., this event is not to be missed

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the successful application of the Grand Canal for World Heritage Status, the live broadcast relay of eight provinces (cities) along the canal will take you to find the answer to the thousand-year-old water vein.

"Huiyun flows long, Anhui beauty innovation", Anhui station live broadcast event will meet you. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage, China Daily, Anhui Release, Anhui Cultural Tourism, Micro Anhui, and Dawan News Douyin jointly broadcast live.

Live Trailer! Tomorrow at 9 a.m., this event is not to be missed

Live time

June 30, 9:00-11:00

Live location

Huaibei City/Suzhou City, Anhui Province

How to watch

Live Trailer! Tomorrow at 9 a.m., this event is not to be missed
Live Trailer! Tomorrow at 9 a.m., this event is not to be missed

Stay tuned!

Source | Issued by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and Anhui

Editor-in-charge | Yuan Dandan Editor| Wang ling

Organizer | Anhui Provincial Cyberspace Administration and Provincial Government Information Office

Platform construction and technical support | Anhui New Media Group

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