
The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety


The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

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Recently, Hunan Satellite TV has launched a series of high-profile variety shows, including "Our Beautiful Life", which presents the real state of a group of stars. In these shows, we not only appreciate the talents of the stars, but also gain insight into their appearance and image. The natural beauty of the three female stars, Xie Na, Yang Zi, and Lin Xinru, is particularly eye-catching in the show.

Xie Na, as a versatile artist, has always been loved by the audience for her frankness and smiling face.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

In "Our Beautiful Life", she dares to show her true state, including the hardships of body management and the change in appearance. Different from common celebrity plastic surgery, Xie Na insists on facing the marks of time in a natural way, and her slightly loose skin increases her affinity and makes it easier for the audience to resonate.

Yang Zi, known for her thin body and fair and delicate skin, also insisted on showing her true side in the show. Although her nasolabial folds are relatively obvious, this natural imperfection only highlights her sincerity and tenacity. Her appearance gives the audience a confident and strong image, and at the same time, it also makes people cherish every trace of their youth more.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Ruby Lin, an actress in her prime, is known for accepting her age calmly. In the show, she unabashedly showed off various features of her face, including folds, nasolabial folds, double chin, etc. Her calmness and self-confidence became a role model for many viewers, proving that beauty should not be bound by age.

In addition to these three female stars, actor Su Youpeng also showed off his amazing anti-aging state in the show, further emphasizing the importance of true natural beauty. His insistence on exercise and a healthy lifestyle has given him an enviable physical and mental state, showing the anti-aging path of male stars.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

The variety show "Our Beautiful Life" brought the real side of the stars to the audience, emphasizing the concept of the harmony between beauty and nature. The audience saw the tenacity, confidence and sincerity of the stars in the show, which not only brought them closer to their idols, but also inspired people to cherish their every piece of natural beauty.

Opinion Analysis:

This series of variety shows presents the real state of the stars, emphasizing the harmony of beauty and nature, and has a positive impact on the audience. In today's society, plastic surgery and appearance anxiety have become a trend, and people are constantly under pressure from the outside world to aesthetic standards.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

However, these variety shows, through the role models of their stars, send an important message that true natural beauty is more attractive and valuable than perfect appearance. The audience can see the stars accept their flaws and insist on natural beauty, which has a positive and inspiring effect on encouraging self-esteem and self-confidence and cherishing each of their uniqueness.

In addition, these variety shows also provide the audience with a positive attitude towards life. The tenacity and self-confidence of stars such as Xie Na, Yang Zi, and Ruby Lin still shine under the baptism of time, which inspires the audience to continue to pursue a healthy lifestyle and actively face the changes of age.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

A million nights? Lai Changxing revealed the true relationship between the two, why did singer Dong Wenhua withdraw from the circle?

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In this world, the road to success is often full of twists and turns. Some people quickly rise to prominence through shady means, while others rely on persistence and hard work to succeed. This article will tell how Lai Changxing, an ordinary person, rose to prominence through improper means, and how his relationship with musician Dong Wenhua sparked rumors and controversy. At the same time, we will learn about Dong Wenhua's family background and her persistence and support in the turmoil. Finally, the article will emphasize the importance of cherishing hard work and spirit and not believing rumors.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Lai Changxing, who was once an unknown little person, established Yuanhua Company through good connections, and quickly rose to prominence by improper means. However, his success was built on criminal activity. His extensive network of connections, including high-ranking figures and their families, allowed him to elevate his status. He set up an exchange and engaged in trading with invisible people. However, in the end, his wrongdoing was revealed, triggering a series of incidents that also affected Dong Wenhua.

In 1999, Lai Changxing was reported, triggering a large-scale investigation, which revealed a photo of him and Dong Wenhua.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Originally, these photos were taken because Lai's wife liked Dong Wenhua's music and invited her to attend the opening ceremony of Yuanhua Company. However, as Lai Changxing was involved in more criminal activities, rumors spread, and the photos had a serious impact on Dong Wenhua's reputation.

Dong Wenhua has loved music since he was a child and is supported by his parents and neighbors. She entered the Literature and Art Department of the Shenyang Propaganda Department, where she met her benefactor Tie Yuan, and her musical path began. Although public opinion was raging in the Lai Changxing incident, her husband Zhang Nan has always supported her, firmly believing that she is not wrong and sticking to his beliefs.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

The beginning and end of the Lai Changxing incident is a story full of twists and turns and drama. Although his emergence was short-lived, it caused a storm that affected the innocent Dong Wenhua. This event reminds us that success is not just about being talented, it also requires perseverance and hard work. At the same time, we must be careful of the unscrupulous people around us, do not believe rumors, and do not harm others.

To sum up, this article tells us that perseverance and hard work are indispensable on the road to success. At the same time, we must remain vigilant, not to be deceived by unscrupulous people, and not to believe rumors, so as not to harm the interests of ourselves and others.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Eunuchs, is there really a person who is not completely purified? A palace maid tells the truth that few people know!

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Throughout Chinese history, eunuchs have played a unique and fascinating role. Their origins can be traced back to ancient times, when the Ming Dynasty was previously known as eunuchs, and these special positions were created to maintain the dominance of the ruling class. This article will delve into the origins of eunuchs, the process of purification, their lives, and their complex relationship with the harem, and will also focus on the traditional practice of eunuchs redeeming treasures, as well as the history and tombs of eunuchs. This is a historical story about Chinese eunuchs, but also an exploration of lost historical relics.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Origins and the process of purification

The origins of eunuchs can be traced back to ancient China, and before the Ming Dynasty, they were known as eunuchs, a special position created by rulers. Their main task was to maintain the dominance of the ruling class, and as such, they were usually given important court positions. However, the path to becoming a eunuch was not easy, and it began with a strict purification process. During the Qing Dynasty, the cleansing process of eunuchs was particularly strict, involving cleansing masters, preparations, and surgical procedures. The process is rigorous, and eunuchs may face physical and psychological sequelae.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

The life of a eunuch

Eunuchs had different powers and administrations in different dynasties. Their status fluctuated at different times, but they were always an important part of the imperial court. The relationship between eunuchs and harem concubines has also attracted much attention, with some stories related to eunuchs such as Cixi revealing their role in the court. This intimate connection often placed the eunuchs in a complex social position.

Redeem the treasure

Eunuchs often had their own step-sons, so they needed to redeem their own flesh and blood. It is a traditional habit that involves touching rituals and scenes.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

The ritual of the eunuch redeeming the treasure is a family gathering, which often involves a large number of relatives and friends, expressing the eunuch's cherishing of family affection.

History of eunuchs

The history of eunuchs has been more than 2,000 years, but with the development of society, this phenomenon has gradually faded out of the historical stage. With the progress of Chinese society, the role and mode of existence of eunuchs changed radically, causing them to gradually withdraw from the court.

The history and tombs of eunuchs

Beijing was once home to eunuchs, and Enjizhuang is home to an important group of eunuch tombs, including historical sites such as the Tombstone Forest. However, over time, these historical sites gradually disappeared, and the history of eunuchs gradually became forgotten.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

Overall, eunuchs are a fascinating group in Chinese history, and their origins, lives, treasure-redeeming traditions, history, and tomb groups form a multi-dimensional historical picture. Although the eunuchs have retired from the stage of history, their stories and relics still remain, reminding us of the unique perspective of ancient Chinese society. At the same time, we should also cherish these historical relics in order to better understand the past and provide more enlightenment for the future.

Opinion Analysis:

Eunuchs played a complex role in Chinese history, serving both as servants of the ruling class and as important players within the court.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

This article digs deep into the history, life, and customs of eunuchs, presenting a multifaceted picture. However, the special group of eunuchs has also given rise to some deep thoughts. Does the existence of the eunuch system conform to moral and ethical standards? Are they being treated unfairly in their lives? These questions have existed throughout history, and they are topics that we should still ponder today.

In addition, the history of eunuchs and the disappearance of tombs also raise questions about the preservation of cultural heritage. The preservation and transmission of historical sites is important, and they can provide valuable historical information and cultural heritage for future generations.

The female version of "Longing for Life": Yang Zilin Xinru's true appearance cured my appearance anxiety

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