
Jin Xing bombarded Zhang Yimou's money in the film circle and scolded netizens after being questioned: I bring goods for art

author:Dancing Youth 864

The National Day holiday continues, but Venus's fiery remarks have caused an uproar on social media. This time, the target of her bombardment was the famous director Zhang Yimou, accusing him of his latest movie as a traffic work for money. But this controversy is not only limited to the war of words between Jin Xing and Zhang Yimou, it also involves Jin Xing's own live broadcast, which has sparked extensive discussions among netizens.

Jin Xing bombarded Zhang Yimou's money in the film circle and scolded netizens after being questioned: I bring goods for art

Jin Xing's rhetoric hit the nail on the head, and she posted stills from Zhang Yimou's latest movie on social media, claiming that it was a traffic work that was obviously aimed at making money. She used the keywords "circle money" and "traffic" to ridicule Zhang Yimou, implying that the film has no artistic value.

The remark immediately sparked widespread discussion, not only because of Venus's bluntness, but also because she is a celebrity who has attracted a lot of attention. The topic quickly made it to the national hot search list, with the number of readings soaring, and thousands of netizens stepping into the wave of discussion.

Jin Xing's post not only attracted the attention of netizens, but also sparked a heated debate with netizens. She started a war of words with netizens in the comment area, and resolutely responded to those who questioned her about her bombardment of Zhang Yimou but her own live broadcast of goods.

Venus insists that she earns money to support the stage art she loves, and her words are blunt and unrelenting. This outburst of genuine emotion makes the argument all the more intriguing, and Venus is unafraid to hit back bluntly at the netizens who bashed her.

Jin Xing bombarded Zhang Yimou's money in the film circle and scolded netizens after being questioned: I bring goods for art

In this controversy, the voices of netizens are divided into two factions. On the one hand, there are a large number of fans and netizens who support Jin Xing, thinking that her remarks hit the nail on the head, and Zhang Yimou's movie is indeed a product of money. They believe that Venus speaks what most people really think in their hearts, so they show their support.

On the other hand, some netizens are skeptical of Jin Xing's remarks, thinking that she is just attacking Zhang Yimou for her own hype. They pointed out that Jin Xing herself also made money through live streaming, so they felt hypocritical about her words. This group of people believes that Venus is just chasing traffic, rather than expressing its views sincerely.

This social media storm continues, and the heat continues unabated. Jin Xing's post has topped the hot search list, with more than 110 million views and more than 60,000 interactions. This indicates that there is a lot of interest in this topic and the debate will continue.

Regardless of which side you're on, this debate raises questions about art, money, and authenticity. It also proves once again the power of social media to make a statement attract a lot of attention and discussion in a short period of time.

Jin Xing bombarded Zhang Yimou's money in the film circle and scolded netizens after being questioned: I bring goods for art

Behind this controversy, there is not only a war of words between Jin Xing and Zhang Yimou, but also thinking about social values and the entertainment industry. Regardless of the eventuality, this topic will continue to attract curiosity and attention.

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