
Jin Xing broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, every night when she goes home and lies in bed, no matter how late, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently

author:Historical Detective

Venus broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, going home every night and lying in bed, no matter how late it is, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently, which makes Venus feel at ease.

Everyone knows about Venus, about herself, brilliant artistic achievements and sex reassignment surgery are always talked about, but Venus's love story is rarely known.

Her husband's name is Hans, and the two met because of a late plane.

 (Information source: Venus: Dance is a piece of my spiritual "self-reserved land" The Paper-023-07-26)

Their conversation gradually changed from a polite greeting to an in-depth exchange, and the two had a lot in common, and they fell in love after a date after a date.

When Venus confesses her past, she is ready to be rejected. However, Hans's reaction surprised her. Instead of flinching, Hans says that none of this matters, and that he loves Venus as a person, not her gender or past.

This unconditional acceptance and love touched Venus deeply. She finally found someone who could truly understand and accept her. For Hans, Venus's past only made her more unique and precious.

Venus and Hans's married life is the best interpretation of true love, and although Venus is unable to have children due to physical reasons, this does not affect their desire to start a family.

They adopted several children, both to save the orphans and to make their families complete.

In daily life, Hans always expresses his love for Venus in his own unique way, no matter how late Venus comes home, as long as she lies down, Hans will gently hold her hand.

This simple action contains endless warmth and a sense of security. It makes Venus feel that no matter how noisy the outside world is, home will always be her safest harbor.

And Venus also reciprocated Hans's love in her own way, and her straightforwardness and enthusiasm made Hans feel loved and needed. Although Venus often behaves sharply in public, she is a gentle and considerate wife and mother in family life.

As a successful entertainer, Venus's work often takes up a lot of time. However, Hans never complained. On the contrary, he became the strongest backing in Venus's career. He understands the importance of Venus's work and always supports her silently.

Hans also took on more family responsibilities. He not only takes care of the children's daily life, but also carefully plans family gatherings so that busy families can enjoy warm family time.

This mutual understanding and support makes the marriage of Venus and Hans particularly precious in the entertainment industry. They have proved with practical actions that even in the spotlight, a sincere and long-lasting love can be maintained.

True love is beyond appearances and the past. Hans fell in love with the person Venus, not her gender or experience, and this unconditional love was the most precious.

Love is often found in the details of life, and Hans's small gesture of holding Venus's hand every night conveys love more than any gorgeous confession. [Raining]

Jin Xing broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, every night when she goes home and lies in bed, no matter how late, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently
Jin Xing broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, every night when she goes home and lies in bed, no matter how late, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently
Jin Xing broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, every night when she goes home and lies in bed, no matter how late, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently
Jin Xing broke the news that she and her husband's married life has been the same for more than ten years, every night when she goes home and lies in bed, no matter how late, her husband will touch her in the dark, hold her hand, and press it gently

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