
Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

author:Aunt Xiao Noodle's Food Diary
Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

Mo Chou has no confidant in the kitchen, and no one knows Aunt Xiaomian. Hello everyone, I'm Aunt Xiaomian. Today, Aunt Xiao Mian will share with you the recipe of "fennel dumplings". Two nights ago, I went to the night market and saw a rural lady selling vegetables, and there were no other vegetables on her stall, only fennel. And the color of the fennel is also good, so I didn't hesitate to buy a catty, and the price was also very cheap. I was very happy to see the green fennel. When I got home, I made a fennel steamed bun for my family to eat, and my family liked it. Today happens to be the annual beginning of the winter season, and I used the leftover fennel to make this "fennel dumpling" for my family today. In order to make the dumplings delicious, I use large meat and fennel to make the filling, so that the dumplings have a layered taste. Generally speaking, every year when it comes to the beginning of winter, every family here has to eat dumplings, and our family especially likes to eat fennel dumplings.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

In fact, for northerners, eating dumplings in winter is basically a dietary habit that everyone will choose, why? Mainly because there are more vegetables to eat dumplings in winter, and many different flavors of dumpling fillings can be made. In addition, the body is also very hot after eating the dumplings, which can ward off the cold. Today, the beginning of winter is officially the beginning of winter. On this day, dumplings are eaten in the north. The fillings of the dumplings are also very random, and different vegetables are used depending on the season. At this time, my family made "fennel dumplings", which tasted authentic and fragrant. Fennel seedlings taste fragrant, fennel oil can stimulate gastrointestinal nerves, promote the secretion of digestive juices, increase gastrointestinal peristalsis, help relieve spasms, reduce pain, especially if the stomach is not good, it is better to eat more fennel. Dumplings and steamed buns taste particularly good, delicious, juicy and fragrant, whoever eats them loves it. Eat dumplings this winter, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you'll lose money! Now, I will share this "fennel big meat dumpling" recipe with you, and I wish my friends good health!

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

【Fennel sprouts dumplings】

Ingredients: flour, fennel sprouts, flour, green onion, ginger, Sichuan pepper, minced meat, egg, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil.


1. Make dumplings and noodles first, pour an appropriate amount of flour into a basin and add a little salt, then add an appropriate amount of water, and form a dough with moderate softness and hardness, and let it stand for a while, so that the dough will be gluten and not easy to break.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

2. Adjust the pork dumpling filling is inseparable from the green onion ginger and pepper water, put a little pepper, shredded green onion, ginger and ginger in the bowl, add the freshly boiled hot water and soak for ten minutes, and then use it after cooling.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

3. Prepare a handful of fennel seedlings to remove the roots, remove the bad leaves, rinse them with water several times, then control the moisture and dry them, and let them dry for a while.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

4. Cut the fennel into granules, put it in a basin, pour an appropriate amount of cooked oil into the fennel, stir it thoroughly, mix well, and then put it into the meat filling, so as to prevent the fennel from encountering salt and water.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

5. Cut some chopped green onions into the minced meat, add salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, pepper, and then beat an egg, the egg plays the role of holding a group, and stir evenly in one direction, so that the meat filling can easily form a ball and will not be loose.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

6. Add green onion, ginger and pepper water in three times, and stir in one direction to make the meat filling absorb water, which is also the key to the meat filling being fresh and tender.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

7. Put the fennel in the meat filling, continue to stir with chopsticks and mix well. Now that our fennel meat filling is ready, let's make the dumplings.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

8. Take out the dough and roll it into long strips, knead it into a dough of uniform size, flatten the dough, roll it into a dumpling skin that is slightly thicker in the middle and thinner at the edge, put an appropriate amount of filling on the dumpling skin, fold the dough sheet in half and put it at the tiger's mouth, squeeze it hard with your thumb, and the dumplings will be wrapped, so that the dumplings are not easy to break the skin and expose the filling.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

9. Boil water in the pot, put the dumplings in the pot after the water boils, gently push them with a spoon, boil them for 2 minutes first, and then add cold water after the water boils and repeat them three times, the dumplings will be ripe, so that the dumplings will taste stronger and not easy to break the skin.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

10. The dumplings with this filling are fragrant and juicy, especially good, better than the leek stuffing and cabbage filling, and friends who like to eat dumplings should hurry up and try it.

Lidong eats dumplings, you can't miss this filling, it's more tender than leeks and radish, and if you don't know how to eat it, you will lose

Mo Chou has no confidant in the kitchen, and no one knows Aunt Xiaomian. Hello everyone, I'm Aunt Xiaomian. Unconsciously I have been with you on the road of cooking for five years! Get along for a few days, share the knowledge of food life together, and experience the happiness of food life together! Here, say thank you! Well, dear friends, today's article will be shared with you here, if you have any different views on this article, welcome to express your views in the comments at the bottom of the article, we will carefully read every message of you~

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