
After the marriage of the pregnant cub, he hid his family step by step, and now he finally wants to make her public

author:Jiangjiang fishing fire
After the marriage of the pregnant cub, he hid his family step by step, and now he finally wants to make her public

The picture comes from the Internet

With Jiang Ying's protection, Gu Beiting returned to work.

When he walked into the office, he saw his own mother and a strange woman sitting on the sofa.

He suddenly remembered what his grandfather said yesterday when he left, and told him to go to work.

It turns out that the doorway is here.

Seeing Gu Beiting coming, Qiao Huiyun got up and came to him with a smile, "Mom's eldest son is coming to work." ”

She grabbed Gu Beiting's wrist and pulled him to sit next to the girl.

Gu Beiting broke free, and Qiao Huiyun grabbed it again.

Qiao Huiyun took a lot of effort to press him and sit beside the girl, "Bei Ting, this is the daughter of the Long family, you have also seen it at Qi Lao's birthday banquet before." ”

Gu Beiting didn't raise his eyelids, so he got up and went to the desk.

Qiao Huiyun's face was hot, she walked quickly to him, pinched him, and whispered, "What are you going to go?" You're slapping me in the face. I personally brought someone here, even if you don't like it, let her go out in half an hour! ”

Gu Beiting's face did not change, "You go too." ”

"I'm your mother!" Qiao Huiyun was even more angry, and simply tugged on Gu Beiting's sleeve, "You go and chat with her, otherwise I won't let it go." ”

Gu Beiting glanced at the girl sitting on the sofa, dressed in a pink bandeau with a big bow on her chest.

Seeing him look over, the girl nodded at him as well.

"Pretty, isn't it? I think she's beautiful, a pink butterfly, hehe. Qiao Huiyun was busy saying good things to the girl.

Gu Beiting pushed her hand away, "I'm going to have a meeting soon, if you don't leave, I'll go." ”

The girl was also proud, and when she heard this, she couldn't sit still any longer, so she got up and said, "Aunt Qiao, I still have some business, so I'll leave first." ”

Qiao Huiyun was in a hurry, and hurriedly stepped forward to pull her, "You haven't talked yet, don't go!" ”

"Aunt Qiao, I really have something, let's talk about it another day!" After the girl finished speaking, she picked up her satchel and walked away quickly.

When the door closed, Qiao Huiyun's face immediately turned black like the bottom of a pot.

"Bang!" She slammed the tea pet on the tea table to the ground and yelled at Gu Beiting, "Do you still understand the rules?" I'm a mom to find you a marriage in person, and you're still playing music? What a big face! ”

This trick is what she is used to.

Gu Beiting was not stunned at all, "The result is the same every time, you are still energetic." It's self-inflicted. ”

"Am I asking for my own suffering? Obviously, you gave me hardship! I can't look at this, I can't look at that, are you going to marry a fairy back? ”

In Gu Beiting's mind, Su Shu's figure appeared, and his gaze softened unconsciously, "Yes, I'm going to marry a fairy!" ”

"Hehe..."Qiao Huiyun rolled her eyes, "Fairies don't look down on your virtue!" ”

After saying that, she also picked up her bag and walked out.

When she went out, she happened to meet Zhao Xu coming in with a document, and she warned Zhao Xu, "Look at the eldest young master for me, if he gets close to any girl, he must tell me." ”

Zhao Xu nodded.

Qiao Huiyun added, "If you don't tell me, I'll beat you to death!" ”

Zhao Xu's heart was weak, and he said "oh oh oh" a few times.

Seeing that the beating was over, Qiao Huiyun tidied up her clothes before walking towards the elevator.

She had only walked a few steps, and when she thought of a key point, she killed her again and returned to Gu Beiting's office.

Seeing her go and return, Zhao Xu was busy covering his mouth.

Just now he said that he found some materials for the young lady, and the three words "young lady" will not be heard by the lady, right?

Qiao Huiyun waved her hand and motioned for Zhao Xu to leave.

Zhao Xu had this intention and ran away.

Qiao Huiyun closed the door, came to Gu Beiting's side, and whispered, "Son, if you treat me as your mother, let me ask about something!" ”

Her dignified appearance made Gu Beiting's heart tighten.

It shouldn't be that he knows about Su Shu's existence!

It's not time for them to see each other yet.

Without waiting for Gu Beiting to answer, Qiao Huiyun whispered: "Last time, your second brother hinted at me that you like Ah Yao. I...... I don't believe it. ”

Like Ayao?

Huo Qiyao?!

Gu Beiting's eyebrows were pinched together.

But you refused to go on a blind date one after another, and my mother believed it. Son, don't be unrequited, I've inquired, Ah Yao likes women, it's the big star, the well-known actress..."

"That's it!" The more Gu Beiting listened, the more outrageous it became, "Get out!" ”

Qiao Huiyun looked at him like he was really angry.

Knowing that Ah Yao likes girls, he really can't suppress his temper!

Although Ah Yao is good, he also treats him as a son. But Ah Yao can't give birth to a child!

Ah Yao is not good, absolutely not!

Qiao Huiyun walked out of the Gu Group, and the more she thought about it, the more bottomless she became.

She hurriedly returned to the old mansion and found Old Man Gu.

Before I entered the door, I heard her panicked voice, "Dad! It's a big deal! ”

Old Man Gu was doing tea opera, and when she howled, the tea foam was all gone.

His daughter-in-law is good at everything, but she is too frank and a little babbling.

He put the sieve on the table, "What's wrong with that?" Which family died? ”

Qiao Huiyun entered the main hall and answered, "My family! ”

"Your home?" Gu Lao got up suddenly, "Old Man Qiao is not good?" ”

Qiao Huiyun was choked, "It's not my dad, it's Beiting." ”

"Nonsense!" Gu Lao glared at him, "Curse your son!" ”

"Dad, I took the girl from the Long family over today, and this was stirred up by Beiting again. I tried it, and he really liked Ah Yao. ”

Qiao Hui mysteriously leaned into Gu Lao's ear, thinking that it was very quiet, but in fact, all the servants in the main hall heard it.

Gu Lao was displeased, "Ah Yao is a man, what nonsense are you talking about!" The last time you talked nonsense, I warned you. ”

"Dad!" Qiao Huiyun was serious, "Beiting knows that Ah Yao likes stars, but he can't suppress the fire when he is sad, and he loses his temper in the office, I don't believe you are looking for Zhao Xu to ask." ”

Gu Lao took a step back, grabbed the Taishi chair, and sat down slowly.

He was old and had experienced wind, frost, rain and snow, and he never expected it to be the current situation.

He held his breath and didn't spit it out for a long time, and his hands began to tremble.

"Impossible." It was the housekeeper who spoke first, "Madam, you must have read it wrong, this sexual orientation can be glimpsed since childhood." Our eldest young master, when I was a child, I loved guns and ammunition the most, and when I was older..."

Qiao Huiyun asked, "How about getting older?" Love beauty? Like the second child, do you fight for a woman and a soft struggle at home? Or like the third child, lingering in nightclubs? ”

This rhetorical question made Gu Lao even more panicked.

Qiao Huiyun sighed heavily, "From childhood to adulthood, his personality is calm and sophisticated, and we are all negligent. Now that I think about it, he plays with Ah Yao all day long, and he even sleeps and sleeps! ”

"Say no more!" Gu Lao rubbed his eyebrows and began to feel dizzy.

"Dad, don't feel bad, although this reality is too shocking, but he is the pillar of our family, and he can't be hard."

Gu Lao's face became more and more pale, and he was almost dizzy.

The housekeeper hurriedly took out a quick-acting heart-saving pill from his pocket and stuffed one into his mouth.

The main hall was silent, and no one dared to speak.

After a while, Gu Lao eased up, and he said to Qiao Huiyun: "The remaining eighty-two blind dates, you will push them personally." ”

"It's not good, it's so offended!" Qiao Huiyun doesn't want to be a villain.

"Do you want your son to tell people one by one that he likes Ayao?" Gu Lao's sharp questioning made Qiao Huiyun shut up.

"I want to think! Think about it. Gu Lao got up, and the housekeeper was busy helping him.

With a sad face, he walked out.

Qiao Huiyun also sighed, "Hey, hey..."

At this time, Gu Beiting, in the office, looking at the documents, suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Three months, I'm afraid it can be shortened to three days!

The corners of his lips curled into a smile, and he smiled meaningfully.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed out a call, "Ah Yao..."

Everyone was worried, only Su Shu was devoting herself to painting the manuscript.

She was attentive and sat for half an hour.

Aunt Zhou couldn't bear to disturb, but she still came and knocked on the door, "Young lady, get up and move!" Sitting for a long time is not good for children, and it is not good for you, it is easy to have swollen legs. ”

Su Shu put down the pen and followed her out.

"Young lady, don't think too much about it. Yesterday the old man came over and smashed the cup, not because of you. You are so good, if he sees you, he will definitely like you very much. ”

Aunt Zhou didn't notice what happened yesterday, but Aunt Feng brought it up this morning and said that the young lady was delicate, and she was afraid that she would think too much.

Su Shu's heart warmed, "Well, I know." ”

Aunt Zhou said again: "There are not many people in the Gu family's old house, and the old man has two sons and a daughter. The daughter is married far away, and the second son is not developing in Beicheng, so the old mansion is only the people of our big house. ”

Aunt Zhou said these things because of Gu Beiting's instructions. She knew that the day was close when the young lady returned to the old house.

"The two brothers of the eldest young master, you have seen them. It is Young Master Xiye and Young Master Shijun. Madame's personality is a little anxious, but she is the most soft-hearted. Madame will definitely be kind to you and your children. ”

Su Shu was slightly relieved when she heard that Gu Beiting's mother was soft-hearted.

"Young lady, although the outside world says that our old man looks at the door, but he looks more at character. Madame's maiden family is not from a wealthy family, but she is also a daughter-in-law personally selected by the old man. ”

Su Shu was stunned, "Really? ”

This is the biggest shadow in her heart.

"What Han Mengming said last time, I'm afraid that the young lady will go to your heart. But don't listen to her nonsense, the old man looks down on her, not because of her background, but because of her character. ”

Su Shu clenched Aunt Zhou's hand, and began to feel some confidence in her heart.

She was about to speak when she heard Aunt Feng come to report: "Young lady, someone has come to see you." ”

The person who came was Chu Yun.

He didn't come in, he just stood at the door.

Su Shu was far away, and saw that he looked anxious.

After approaching, before Su Shu could speak, he stuffed a cowhide bag into her.

"What is this?" Su Shu was puzzled.

"You keep it for me, don't give it to anyone who wants it." After he finished speaking, he ran back to the taxi, and the car immediately drove away.

Su Shu felt confused, but she could only accept it well.

She didn't open it and put it in her room.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Beiting came back.

Su Shu told him about it.

He looked at the cowhide bag and finally seemed to think of something, and smiled, "He completely believes in you." ”

"We are friends, and we used to live in the same community, so he really trusts me."

Gu Beiting didn't guide Su Shu to do other ideas, it was best that she didn't understand anything and didn't think it through.

Gu Beiting put down the cowhide bag and said, "I won't eat at home tonight, but I will come back before eight o'clock." ”

After staying with Su Shu for an hour, Gu Beiting took Xiong Yu and Luo Peng away.

When he came to the door of Gu's house, he was not busy getting out of the car, and waited until a Maybach appeared before opening the door.

A man with a height of 1.9 meters got out of the car, his face was resolute, and his whole body exuded a cold temperament.

"Ah Yao!" Gu Beiting beckoned, and Huo Qiyao walked towards him.

"Calling me here in a hurry, what's the matter?"

Gu Beiting's expression was serious, "Don't ask more, you just look at me from time to time tonight and don't say a word." If the old man and my mother let you talk, you will stare at me. ”

Huo Qiyao has a resolute personality, and he always feels twisted when he asks Gu Beiting, "Look at what you do?" ”

"If you want to watch it, you can watch it, and the frequency will be controlled by yourself." Gu Beiting replied.

Huo Qiyao was dissatisfied and was about to refuse, but Gu Beiting hooked his neck and entered the gate.

The housekeeper just came out to greet him, and as soon as they met, he saw the eldest young master hooking Young Master Huo's neck, and he couldn't help but shake a few times.

It seems to be true.

On the way to the main hall, Huo Qiyao broke free several times, but was caught by Gu Beiting.

"Do a good job today, and send you 300 million." Gu Beiting whispered.

"I'm short of money?" Huo Qiyao was not happy.

"Gu's Group's promotional advertisement, give you a woman." Gu Beiting changed his conditions.

Huo Qiyao raised his eyebrows, for the sake of that little wild cat, it was nothing to sacrifice.

He took the initiative to pull Gu Beiting's hand and hooked his neck.

As soon as the butler turned around, he saw this scene and was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

After getting up, he lowered his eyebrows and was pleasing to his eyes, not daring to look at his eldest young master.

He dared to guarantee that the matter between the eldest young master and young master Huo was more real than that of pearls!

When they came to the main hall, Gu Lao and Qiao Huiyun were already sitting in their seats and waiting.

Gu Beiting called and said that he wanted to come back, Gu Lao thought about it, and opened the skylight today to say something.

But he never expected that he would bring Ah Yao with him, and... Also hooked Ah Yao's neck!

"Ahem!" Qiao Huiyun, who was drinking tea, was not as calm as her father-in-law, and she choked with fright.

Gu Lao's hand tightly grasped the armrest of the Taishi chair, gritting his teeth and not making a sound, making himself appear calmer.

Gu Beiting let go of Huo Qiyao's hand and pointed to the seat, "Sit, don't be tired." ”

Huo Qiyao: "? ”

The maid came up with tea, Gu Beiting stepped forward, opened the tea lid, and said, "Go and change the ancient tree black tea, Ah Yao has a bad stomach in the past two days, and he doesn't drink green tea." ”

Huo Qiyao glanced at Gu Beiting, not knowing why.

How do I not know I have a bad stomach?

After Gu Beiting sat down, he looked at Gu Lao, "Grandpa, don't bother arranging a blind date for me, there are some things, the time is not right, and I can't tell you." I'm worried that your blood pressure is high and you can't hold it down. ”

Gu Lao's blood pressure has been high several times today.

Listening to Gu Beiting's words again, his heart was completely cold.

Stone hammered.

How can this kind of thing be said? No wonder this is the second time he has said that the time has not come.

Ouch hey...

Ouch hey...

"No blind date, no more. I've pushed it all out this afternoon. Qiao Huiyun hurriedly said.

Gu Beiting's eyes lit up deliberately, and he immediately turned his head to look at Huo Qiyao again.

Huo Qiyao also looked at him, but his eyes were extremely confused.

The smile on Gu Beiting's lips spread, and he patted the back of Huo Qiyao's hand.

Huo Qiyao was so frightened that he retracted, but he caught him.

Huo Qiyao glared at him, but he smiled even happier.

Gu Lao's body shrank back, and his hands pinched the armrests with a "gurgling" sound.

Qiao Huiyun turned her face away and pulled the hand of the maid next to her.

The servant took care of her all the year round, and she had heard about the sexual orientation of the eldest young master here earlier, and she was more excited than the lady at the moment.

Gu Beiting let go of Huo Qiyao's hand and opened his mouth again, "Grandpa, you bothered about my marriage, in fact, I have already planned." This year, I still want to concentrate on my work, and at the end of next year, I will either go to Finland or Ireland and have a ranch wedding. ”

Su Shu said that she likes the kind of ranch wedding in the TV series very much.

He's written it down!

"Finland? Ireland? The butler was so anxious that he forgot his sense of proportion, and shouted.

Gu Lao glared at him, and he whispered in Gu Lao's ear: "These two places are both countries where same-sex marriage is legalized!" ”

As soon as Gu Lao's eyes rolled, he was about to faint.

Gu Beiting hurriedly stepped forward to support him, his voice was soothing, "Grandpa is not in a hurry, I will really get married next year!" ”

Shoot a ball!

Gu Lao's eyes darkened, and he fainted directly.

After Gu Lao woke up, he took the medicine and fell asleep.

Huo Qiyao walked out of Gu's house and smashed Gu Beiting with one punch. But Gu Beiting was very skillful and easily dodged.

Huo Qiyao's face was slightly gloomy, "Although I don't know what you're doing, it's certain that you're using me." It also made Gu Lao dizzy, you are really good at it. ”

Gu Beiting hooked his lips with satisfaction, "Do you really think that my Gu Group's advertising film is so easy to shoot?" ”

Huo Qiyao looked him up and down, "I really don't understand what the hell you're doing." ”

Gu Beiting patted him on the shoulder, "Remember, we're doing business today." ”

He dropped a clueless word, and slipped into Cullinan and left.

Huo Qiyao's eyelids twitched, and he always felt that he was uneasy today.

Gu Beiting returned to the North Park Villa, it was only half past six.

Su Shu was having dinner, he stepped forward to sit down, and Aunt Feng hurriedly went to get chopsticks.

Gu Beiting had a good appetite today and ate an extra bowl of rice.

Su Shu also noticed that he was in a good mood, so she asked, "Is there anything happy about it?" ”

Gu Beiting hooked the corners of his lips, sandwiched a piece of white-cut chicken for her, and said, "Eat vegetables, I'll be happy if you eat more." ”

Su Shu took it obediently and laughed as well.

That night, Qiao Huiyun sent a very long essay, starting from the Gu family's fortune two hundred years ago, and ending with the overall situation.

Although she didn't mention Ah Yao in the whole article, Gu Beiting knew what she meant.

He replied: "Don't worry, promise grandpa to get married next year, and I will get married." ”

"Ahhh I've said so much, why does he still want to get married? I'm! Even if I had a cat and a dog, I would have been smarter than him! ”

Seeing that his wife was trembling with anger, Gu Beiting's father, who was about to enter the door, turned around and retreated.

Don't get into trouble.

The next day.

Su Shu had just eaten breakfast when she saw an old man coming.

According to Gu Beiting's instructions, if Old Man Gu came, Aunt Feng and Aunt Zhou were not allowed to go downstairs.

Only Su Shu was left in the living room, and the bodyguards were not allowed to say a word.

When Su Shu saw Gu Lao, her brows furrowed slightly.

Now that Jiang Ying has become his bodyguard, he has no chance at all. Now, how can I tell him so that he won't be too sad?

Gu Lao was carrying a food box in his hand and shouted, "Girl, do you remember me?" ”

Su Shu nodded and stepped forward to help him, "Old man, why are you here again?" ”

"I just..." Gu Lao paused for a moment before he said weakly: "I'll come to see you!" ”

He said and handed the food box to Su Shu, "This is made by our chef, it's very delicious, you can taste it." ”

Su Shu was a little afraid to take it.

He's here for work, to give gifts?

Once accepted, he had to lobby Gu Beiting for him.

Her mind was spinning quickly, and her mind moved, "Old man, you sit down first, we also have snacks here, I'll go get some for you." ”

I didn't finish the pastries that Gu Beiting brought back yesterday.

She put the dim sum on a delicate small plate and brought it up, "This pastry is not too sweet, but it is easy to digest, and it is also very good for the elderly to eat." ”

Su Shu said, and moved the plate in front of Gu Lao.

Gu Lao smiled and took a piece. I took a bite and it was delicious.

He gave a thumbs up, "Delicious!" ”

Su Shu poured him another glass of warm water.

He took a sip and asked, "I've always called you girl, what's your name?" ”

"Su Shu!" Su Shu said and stretched out her left hand and wrote her name in the palm of her hand.

Gu Lao nodded, "Good name!" What a name! ”

Su Shu smiled softly and turned on the TV.

It's embarrassing to sit like this all the time.

Gu Lao looked at her again and asked, "Su Shu!" Do you like me, old man? ”

Su Shu's heart chuckled.

It's over, it's time to get down to business.

likes him, and then you have to keep him as a bodyguard.

Su Shu's hand was clutching the phone, her finger bones were white, and she was very nervous.

"You don't have to be pressured, just talk." Gu Lao said amiably.

"Old man, I like you very much. You have a lovely personality and are kind to me, and you are a very good old man. Su Shu replied truthfully.

"Cute?" Gu Lao was stunned for a moment, and then he felt comfortable.

Oops! Some people even said that he was cute!

He said, Qi Lao, they don't understand the goods, they are so cute, naturally some people understand.

He looked at Su Shu's eyes and was even more satisfied, "Then since you like me a lot, then we will definitely get along well in the future." Right? ”

Su Shu exhaled slightly.

It's okay to get along, it doesn't mean that you can be a bodyguard!

Refusing to do so outright will hurt him.

But not refusing, it is also a disservice to him.

He would have thought that he still had a chance to get the job.

Su Shu made up her mind and said, "Old man, in fact, you are at your age, just enjoy happiness at home." If you get along so well, future generations will definitely respect you. ”

Seeing that the topic had come to this point, Gu Lao was overjoyed, and said while the iron was hot: "That's right! I want to ask you now in order to enjoy the joy of the knees: Do you want to marry my eldest grandson! ”

"Huh?" Su Shu petrified.

This is not looking for a job, looking for a granddaughter-in-law?

The more Gu Lao really looked at Su Shu, the more satisfied he became, and he said with a smile: "Su girl, my eldest grandson is Chinese New Year's Eve years old today, and he looks so handsome, and there have been little girls fluttering up since he was a child."

As for him, if he has money, he will give you 200 million as a bride price first. You have obtained the certificate, and I will let the lawyer sort out the joint property of the husband and wife, and you will divide it equally! ”

Su Shu was stunned.

Two billion?

So rich!

Richer than Gu Beiting!

Su Shu replied: "Old man, I can't agree. ”

"Why?" Gu Lao didn't understand, how could there be people who were willing to be nannies and not young ladies?

Su Shu hooked the corners of her lips happily, "I'm married." ”

"Huh? Married? "Shocked, this time it was replaced by Gu Lao.

He thought about it all night last night, and finally thought of asking Gu Beiting to marry Su Shu.

Su Shu, this girl, although she has only met once and is a nanny, has a good character and is also caring to the elderly.

The most important thing is with his eyes.

Back then, Qiao Huiyun's family was just an ordinary dual-income family.

But her character is good, her heart is soft, and he is also very suitable for her eyes, so she matched her with her eldest son, and it really did a good thing.

He also thought that Su Shu was liked, and after getting along with Gu Beiting for a long time, Gu Beiting would definitely fall in love for a long time.

His eldest grandson knew that he had always been strong and decisive, and only this kind of soft and glutinous little girl could subdue him.

Unexpectedly, Su Shu actually got married.

It seems that good girls are too sought-after!

"Hey..." Gu Lao sat on the sofa and sighed again and again.

Su Shu comforted him, "Old man, your grandson is so rich and handsome, someone must be chasing him." If you talk openly and honestly with him, there will be unexpected surprises. ”

Gu Lao looked crying and looked at Su Shu, "After talking, there are indeed unexpected surprises, so shocked that I want to die!" ”

"That's... That's really not good, you can give him a blind date! Thirty years old is the golden age for men. ”

"Yes. There were dozens of phases, and each one of them was taken away by his death-like anger, and none of them succeeded. Gu Lao complained bitterly.

Su Shu also sighed with him, "Don't be too sad, marriage is a matter of fate." ”

Gu Lao nodded, "Then I'll go back first, and I won't delay your work." ”

Su Shu helped him out, and the bodyguards helped him into the car.

Su Shu saw Daben parked at the door, and he was really rich.

It's ridiculous to think that I misunderstood him as a bodyguard.

She walked a few steps, and her footsteps suddenly stopped, "That's not to be a bodyguard, what are you here for?" ”

Jiang Ying was new and didn't know Gu Lao, so he replied: "Maybe I'm here to talk to the eldest young master about business." ”

Su Shu nodded, "That's right!" At that time, he asked me where Gu Beiting was. ”

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Feng were by the window on the second floor, and they didn't see Gu Lao leaving, so they went downstairs.

"You said that this eldest young master used this trick, isn't it a bit reluctant to seek the near and far? Take people directly to the old mansion, the old man and the lady will like it. Aunt Zhou said.

Aunt Feng said with a smile, "The eldest young master is called Gao Ming, before he finds out his identity, let the old man like the young lady, in the future, who dares to say a word about the young lady?" ”

Aunt Zhou gave a thumbs up, "High!" ”

Gu Lao got into the car, and Qiao Huiyun poked her head out of the front seat, "Dad, did the little nanny agree?" ”

Qiao Huiyun herself is from an ordinary family, and she doesn't care about the identity of her daughter-in-law at all.

But the premise is to be good, unlike Han Mengming, who is full of calculations.

Hearing that Gu Lao said that she had a trick and was a very good girl, she saw the dawn.

But now, Gu Lao sighed heavily, "A good girl is married, your son, no blessing!" ”

"Married?" Qiao Huiyun was stunned for a moment, then her face collapsed, and she said anxiously: "It's over, it's over!" It's all over! ”

"What's the hurry?" Gu Lao scolded, "We still have to continue to think about the way, we will do the work from Ah Yao." ”

"Yes, yes, yes!" Qiao Huiyun came to her senses again, "Ah Yao is a good boy, listen to you the most, let's persuade him!" ”

The butler was on the sidelines, raising his hand to speak, "I have an idea." ”



Gu Lao and Qiao Huiyun spoke at the same time.

"We can find some beautiful women for Young Master Huo to go on a blind date, and he will know that our eldest young master is not fragrant at all."

Gu Lao and Qiao Huiyun glanced at each other and nodded heavily.

Huo Qiyao is Gu Beiting's youngest child, his family lives in other provinces, and he is also the richest man there.

Because of the close business contacts in his family since he was a child, he and Gu Beiting spend a lot of time together.

Regarding his singleness, Mr. Huo was also very distressed.

When Gu Lao called Huo Lao, he was admonishing his son and daughter-in-law and asking them to have a snack about Huo Qiyao's marriage.

"Old man Huo, I have something to discuss with you." Gu Lao said seriously.

"What's the matter? Hey, I'm upset, if it's not very important, I'll call you slowly. ”

"I want to introduce someone to Ah Yao, what do you think?" Gu Lao asked worriedly.

Huo Lao's eyes lit up in an instant, "Old man Gu, you are really my savior!" This Ayao doesn't know why, he just doesn't look for a partner, and I'm in a hurry! ”

Gu Lao: "..."

What do you want me to say?

Actually, he found my eldest grandson, do you believe me when I say it?

Gu Beiting was working in the office, but when Gu Lao and Su Shu talked about it, the bodyguards reported him clearly.

The corners of Gu Beiting's lips curled, and he was very satisfied with his grandfather's rejection.

Zhao Xu asked on the side: "Boss, will you reveal the news to Mrs. now?" ”

Gu Beiting's slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the desk.

He thought for a while and said, "I'll reveal it tomorrow morning, and let them toss for a while today." ”

Zhao Xu saw that his boss's smile was getting bigger and bigger, why was his heart so unsteady?

When Gu Beiting returned home in the evening, Su Shu told her about Gu Lao's kiss today.

Gu Beiting didn't tell her Gu Lao's identity, but pinched her face affectionately and said, "Fortunately, I started quickly, and the good girl was married by me." ”

Su Shu lowered her head and smiled.

Gu Beiting took out a piece of candy from his suit pocket.

He peeled off the candy wrapper, "This is what Zhao Xu gave me when I went to Tiancheng for a meeting today." He said it's delicious, you taste it. ”

Su Shu opened her mouth slightly, the sugar was in her mouth, and the sweetness of the fragrant lemon spread.

"It's delicious." Su Shu looked up at him and smiled softly.

Gu Beiting lowered his head, with a little excitement in his dark eyes, "I'll take you back to the old mansion tomorrow." ”

"Huh?" Su Shu was surprised, "So fast?" Didn't you say three months? ”

Gu Beiting kissed her forehead, "I can't wait, I want to make you public!" ”

As soon as Su Shu heard this, her eyes instantly moistened.

The next day.

As soon as Zhao Xu went to work, he went to find Gu Xiye.

Before entering Gu Xiye's office, he dialed Qiao Huiyun's phone.

Qiao Huiyun was here, shouting several times, but he didn't speak.

Just as she was about to hang up, she suddenly heard Zhao Xu ask: "Second young master, tomorrow our young lady will have a prenatal checkup, I have to accompany the boss, the information you want, I will give it to you the day after tomorrow, is it too late?" ”

Young lady?


Prenatal check-ups?


When Zhao Xu heard this voice, he hung up hurriedly.

Gu Xiye didn't know why, "Where did the cry come from?" It's kind of like my mother. ”

Zhao Xu smiled with a weak face, "Second Young Master, there is no sound. You see, the day after tomorrow will give you the data, is it okay? ”

Gu Xiye nodded, "Okay!" ”

Zhao Xu closed the door and exited his office.

Back in Gu Beiting's office, he looked pitiful and asked, "Boss, there are thousands of ways to let Madame know about the existence of the young lady, why do you want to take the second young master on board?" ”

Gu Beiting sneered: "Jiang Ying found out, Su Shu's car accident was done by Han Mingmeng. She is so bold, it is nothing more than relying on Gu Xiye. Then I can't find trouble with Gu Xiye? ”

"Is that her? How dare she? Zhao Xu couldn't believe it.

Gu Beiting looked out the window, "When the dust settles on Su Shu's approval by the old mansion, I will naturally let Han Mengming repay the debt!" ”

"Second Young Master, how do you explain? He likes Han Mengming very much. ”

Gu Beiting's face was dyed with coldness, "No one can hurt my people, and they will retreat." ”

Zhao Xu's heart tightened.

The eldest young master has been decisive since he was a child, and it is precisely because of this character that he is invincible in the shopping mall.

Since marrying the young lady, he has become much less angry, but in the end, a person's personality is not easy to change.

I just hope that he will look at brotherhood and not make too much trouble.

Su Shu concentrates on painting manuscripts at home, and one painting is all morning.

At noon, Aunt Zhou came up to ask her to eat, and when she went downstairs, she saw a woman in her early forties, sitting at the dining table.

She is dressed in jewels and is very dazzling.

Seeing Su Shu, she was so excited that she danced a little and rushed towards her.

Jiang Ying didn't know her identity and stopped her.

Su Shu also took a few steps back to prevent her from rushing up and hitting the baby again.

But Su Shu noticed that in the living room, no one was vigilant because of this woman.

Who the hell is she?

"My good daughter-in-law! I'm your mother-in-law! Qiao Huiyun's love is beyond words.

Yesterday was a dead end, and today it will be a turning point.

Not only the peaks and loops, but also the willows and flowers!

She's going to be a grandmother!

Oh my!

Overnight, there were bikes and cars!

"Mother-in-law?" Su Shu was surprised.

Aunt Zhou whispered: "It's the eldest young master's mother, because of proper maintenance, she looks very young, but she is actually fifty-two." ”

Qiao Huiyun heard these words and glared at Aunt Zhou, "Don't mention my age!" ”

Su Shu came back to her senses and hurriedly shouted obediently: "Mom! ”

"Huh! Ok, good, good! She was so happy that she couldn't control it, and she was going to go to Lasu Shu again.

Jiang Ying moved away, and Qiao Huiyun finally held her daughter-in-law's hand.

"Hey! It's a real daughter-in-law, it's real! Qiao Huiyun squinted her eyes, and the happiness in her eyes was like a person walking in the desert who was dying of thirst and saw a clear spring.

Her enthusiasm made Su Shu a little embarrassed.

But she is also glad in her heart that she is liked!

After Qiao Huiyun was excited, her eyes moved to her flat lower abdomen, "Wow... Boy! O my eldest grandson! ”

"Don't drip your saliva on her stomach!"

A low and pleasant voice sounded, and as soon as Qiao Huiyun turned around, it was Gu Beiting who came!

As soon as Gu Beiting came, Qiao Huiyun, who was still happy to bloom one second, seemed to be about to kill someone the next second.

She immediately turned around, rushed towards Gu Beiting, and slapped her.

But Gu Beiting predicted her movements and dodged away.

"Rebel! Dare to design your mother and grandfather, you are too bold! Your grandfather almost didn't get! Qiao Huiyun was so angry that she smoked.

Gu Beiting sat on the sofa with his long legs folded, "I don't understand what you're saying!" ”

"Don't understand?" Qiao Huiyun took three steps and two steps, and came to him, "You are using Ayao as a disguise, aren't you afraid that we will not agree to you and Su Shu marrying?" Are we so snobbish? ”

Gu Beiting raised his eyebrows, "You're not snobbish?" ”

Qiao Huiyun was greatly wronged, "Where am I snobbish?" When I married your father, I only had three hundred dollars in my pocket! Am I qualified to be snobbish? ”

At this level, Gu Beiting had thought of it. But her blow to Han Mengming was terrifying, so he had to guard against it.

Qiao Huiyun saw that her son seemed to be smiling, and she also thought of Han Mengmeng.

"Can Han Mengming compare with Su Shu? I've said it 800 times, that woman is scheming, she can't talk to others except for the West Night, why don't you three brothers believe me? ”

Speaking of this topic, Qiao Huiyun had a deep sense of powerlessness.

Gu Beiting really didn't believe it before, but after these two incidents, he has confirmed it without a doubt.

"Well, believe you." Gu Beiting replied.

Qiao Huiyun's anger disappeared all of a sudden, "I'm Xiye's mother, will I still hurt him?" If what he is looking for is the same as Su Shu, can I object? I'm going to make an offering of him and burn incense!" ”

Gu Beiting saw that he had changed the topic, so he got up and went to lead Su Shu, "Don't talk here, Su Shu can't listen to the noise." ”

When Qiao Huiyun heard this, she immediately smiled amiably, and her voice was several degrees lower.

She squeezed Gu Beiting away and took Su Shu's hand, "Good girl, Mom didn't scare you, right?" Mom is very gentle, and she is a well-known lady in the Gu family! ”

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Feng glanced at each other and smiled awkwardly at the same time.

Qiao Huiyun glared at them, "Deceive the old mansion and wait for me to clean you up." ”

The two aunts hid behind their eldest young master.

Gu Beiting: "My people, not one of them is allowed to move!"

Qiao Huiyun snorted coldly, "Even you and I have to move!" ”

Su Shu pleaded, "They didn't hide it on purpose, it was also for my good." Can you not be..."

"Okay, well, listen to me obediently, don't punish or don't punish!" Qiao Huiyun was immediately very gentle again, like coaxing a baby.

Seeing this, the corners of Gu Beiting's lips rose slightly.

Sure enough, it is the best policy to plan and then act!

Qiao Huiyun took Su Shu's hand and led her to the corner of the living room.

Su Shu saw at a glance that there were five large suitcases.

"Well, Mom is a person who has given birth to three babies, and she has a lot of experience in pregnancy and childbirth! It's all my baggage, I'll take care of you and make sure you are well served. ”

"No, no, no!" Su Shu hurriedly waved her hand, "I don't have to wait, I'm fine now except for morning sickness and getting up at night." ”

"Why not? This week, Aunt Zhou and Aunt Feng are not as experienced as me. One of them gave birth to one, and I'm three times more experienced! Qiao Huiyun argued.

"You'd better go back!" Gu Beiting walked over, "You are here, Su Shu will be under a lot of pressure, and she will be restrained, but it will not be good for raising a baby." ”

"Hey! You rabbit, why do you always go against me? Qiao Huiyun burned at one point, and her hair exploded in an instant.

"Don't scare your daughter-in-law!"

This spell is easy to use, as soon as Gu Beiting said it, Qiao Huiyun's face turned into a smile, and she looked at Su Shu gently, "Good girl, you just treat your mother as a transparent person, and your mother will never make any noise to you!" ”

Su Shu was embarrassed and looked at Gu Beiting.

Gu Beiting said: "Let's eat first!" I'll talk to my mom. ”

"Yes, yes, yes. Eat first, but don't starve you, my good boy. ”

Qiao Huiyun led Su Shu to sit down, grabbed Gu Beiting's arm and went out.

They went out, and Su Shu picked up the chopsticks.

Although there is no picture just now, the chickens are flying and the dogs are jumping.

But her heart is warm.

She has experienced ups and downs, and when she meets such a mother-in-law, is it a compensation from God?

The mother-in-law screamed obediently one by one, and her heart was ironed again and again.

In order to prevent Su Shu from hearing the quarrel, Gu Beiting took Qiao Huiyun to the crape myrtle tree.

As soon as she stopped, Qiao Huiyun crossed her hands on her hips, very strong, "I don't care, my luggage is here, it means that I must live here, no one can say anything!" ”

"What are you talking about, she has to prepare for the competition now, and she needs to rest very much!"

"I..." Qiao Huiyun thought for a moment, "Can't I find a tape to seal my mouth?" ”

Gu Beiting couldn't cry or laugh, "There's no need to toss like this, I will often take her to the old mansion for dinner." ”

"No way!" Qiao Huiyun was very stubborn, "Can that be the same?" Watching every day and occasionally is not the same concept! I'm going to guard my daughter-in-law and my grandson!" ”

Gu Beiting raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

After exhaling, he said: "I believe that you and grandpa have already checked Su Shu's experience, it turns out that in the Shen family, the Shen family and his wife work wholeheartedly, and it was the nanny who brought her up."

Later, she found out her identity as a fake daughter, her biological mother died of illness, and she lived a very hard life in the Su family. When she came to the North Garden, she was like a frightened bird, afraid to talk and move around.

Now that I've finally raised her character, if you come again, she will definitely be cautious and go back to the way she used to be. ”

Qiao Huiyun looked at her son's serious appearance, weighed it in her heart, and compromised and said, "Okay!" I listen to you! But I'll come often! My poor daughter-in-law, the life she used to live was too hard, and I must give her all my love from now on! ”

Gu Beiting's eyebrows stretched and said, "You go back and prepare, I'll take her back to the old house for dinner in the evening." ”

"Go back to the old mansion!" Qiao Huiyun's eyes lit up suddenly, "I'll go back, I'm going to keep an eye on the cooking myself, I'm going to prepare a gift for her, I'm going to buy my little grandson's clothes, I... Oops, I'm so busy, I'm leaving! ”

As soon as she finished speaking, she panicked and ran away.

The smile on Gu Beiting's face grew bigger and bigger.

He's the mother, the most impatient, but also the most soft-hearted.

I hope that with her love, the part of Su Shu's lack of maternal love can be made up.

Qiao Huiyun returned to the old house, and the big boxes of luggage were also pushed back together.

When Gu Lao saw this, he felt a pang in his heart, "Su Shu doesn't like you?" ”

Qiao Huiyun's face was full of expression, "Dad! O my dearest father! My daughter-in-law, she's coming back for dinner tonight! She called my mom, she really shouted! Hahahaha..."

Gu Lao was ecstatic for a while, and he also laughed with Qiao Huiyun's "hahahaha".

After laughing, the Gu family began to get busy, and all the servants were mobilized.

There are those who buy ingredients, those who buy gifts, and those who buy potted flowers to decorate the yard...

Busy and orderly, each performing its own duties, and carefully preparing for the arrival of the young lady.

Gu Lao sat in the main hall, shaking Erlang's legs, his ears were shaking the earth-shattering music "Good Day", and he also hummed in his mouth: "Today is a good day..."

Gu Beiting called, but no one answered several times. The bells are all drowned out in this good day.

Gu Beiting hung up when he couldn't get through, but his phone rang.

It's Huo Qiyao.

"Gu Beiting, Lao Tzu wants your life! I stepped on the hot wheels chase, and it got a little better, and as soon as you make this trick now, people will directly block me and break off my friendship! ”

Huo Qiyao has been calm in front of Gu Beiting since he was a child.

It's the first time I've been so angry.

Gu Beiting lowered his volume and replied calmly: "My side is more anxious than yours." ”

"What's the hurry? The children are in their stomachs, can I be in a hurry? I haven't even pulled my hand on it yet! That's another proud master, and I have no hope for the rest of my life! ”

The more Huo Qiyao said, the more bottomless he felt in his heart.

It all started yesterday.

Last night, he managed to coax his beloved to his villa.

But someone actually appeared with a girl, and the girl smiled and said that she was here to go on a blind date with him.

On this occasion, he was beaten by the woman he loved, and then she clapped her hands and left in style.

After she got into the car, she rode into the dust, leaving only the car exhaust to Huo Qiyao.

Huo Qiyao was furious and angry, and he also scared the girl on a blind date away.

Just now, his secretary learned about it layer by layer, and only then did he know that Gu Beiting used him to design a bureau in order to make the Gu family accept Su Shu.

He couldn't wait to beat Gu Beiting to death!

This time I was really miserable by this old six!

Gu Beiting smiled slightly, "You may not be able to look down on you, but I, the one who is in love with each other." From an investment point of view, it is definitely necessary to protect the high-yield party. So, naturally, I'm going to take advantage of you. ”

"Gu Beiting!" Huo Qiyao's angry voice was about to burst the mobile phone.

Gu Beiting hung up the phone, and his ears were quiet.

He turned to look at Zhao Xu and warned, "Huo Qiyao is very dangerous. Don't answer any of his calls. ”

Zhao Xu nodded, but rolled his eyes in his heart.

Boss, you are so shameless!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Qiao Huiyun saw that Su Shu and the others had not yet arrived, so she couldn't wait, so she took a car to the North Park Villa.

When she went, Su Shu was still sleeping.

For the first time, she was patient, sitting in the living room and waiting.

Finally, when there were footsteps upstairs, she ran up like a gust of wind.

Su Shu just woke up, Gu Beiting was hugging her, and the two snuggled together.

As soon as Qiao Huiyun came up, pushed the door in, and saw the intimate picture of them hugging each other and rubbing their cheeks.

"Ouch!" Qiao Huiyun smiled from ear to ear, "Tut-tut..."

Su Shu and Gu Beiting also saw her, although she closed the door again, but Su Shu was shy and hurriedly got up.

"It's fine." Gu Beiting patted her head, "Don't be embarrassed, she broke in." ”

Su Shu turned her face away, and the tips of her ears were red.

Gu Beiting stepped forward and took her by the hand, "Let's prepare and go to the old mansion." ”

Of course he knew that Qiao Huiyun came here to pick up people.

"I'll change my clothes." Su Shu is now wearing lounge clothes, which is not suitable for going out.

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

After Gu Beiting went out, she locked the door.

Although Gu Beiting's mother likes her, what about the rest of the family?

I don't know yet.

The thought of going to the old mansion made her nervous.

She chose a light blue dress, which Gu Beiting bought.

This dress is very well-behaved, and she looks even more well-behaved when she wears it.

The maternity cosmetics that Gu Beiting bought, she has never used. To make her complexion look a little better, she applied a base cream to brighten her complexion and cinnamon-colored lip clay.

Although it was just a simple cleanup, the whole person looked really different.

It looks even more beautiful.

She came downstairs, and Qiao Huiyun was even more precious when she saw her like this.

Holding her hand, how to see how to like it.

Aunt Zhou brought a snack, Qiao Huiyun hurriedly took it and handed it to Su Shu, "Good girl, are you hungry?" Eat a little mat, let's go to the old house for a big meal! ”

Su Shu took a piece and took a bite gently.

"Is it delicious?" Qiao Huiyun asked.

Su Shu nodded, Qiao Huiyun also took a piece and put it in her mouth, and said exaggeratedly: "Ouch, it's really something you like to eat, it's delicious!" ”

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Feng glanced at each other, Madame didn't touch pastries before to lose weight?

Gu Beiting said: "Let's go, let's go!" ”

Gu Beiting took Su Shu's hand, and only after taking a step, he felt resistance.

Looking back, Su Shu's other hand was grabbed by his mother.

"Obediently, go with your mother, take your mother's car. Mom's car, more expensive than his. ”

Gu Beiting: "Take my car, I can take care of her." ”

Qiao Huiyun: "Mom's car has delicious snacks, you little girls love to eat." ”

Aunt Zhou and Aunt Feng glanced at each other, but they didn't expect that Mrs. would have snack shells in order to abduct people!

But Su Shu is very sensible, "Mom, I try to eat as few snacks as possible when I'm pregnant." I'd better sit with Beiting! ”

Qiao Huiyun was stunned.

Which pregnant woman is not greedy when she is pregnant?

Why doesn't this trick work here?

She found the steps herself, "I also take a car with you, and I like to take a cheap car the most!" ”

Gu Beiting glanced at her sideways and was glared back by her.

Su Shu curled her lips and smiled.

This mother and son are so cute!

Aunt Zhou picked up Su Shu's handbag, and Aunt Feng quickly packed the unfinished snacks just now, and the two followed.

Qiao Huiyun took the handbag and put it on her arm, "Good girl, I'm your little sister with the bag!" I'll sit next to you, and I'll bring you whatever you want to eat. ”

Gu Beiting was completely defeated, and could only let Qiao Huiyun get in the car together.

Su Shu sat in the middle, and the mother and son sat on either side of her.

In the car, Qiao Huiyun took Su Shu's hand and didn't let go, and kept staring at her, looking at her hairy.

Su Shu's eyes rolled and she came up with a good way to sleep.

So she slowly leaned back, and quietly tilted her head towards Gu Beiting and closed her eyes.

Gu Beiting moved her head to his shoulder.

Qiao Huiyun was dissatisfied, "Could it be that my shoulders are not wide enough?" ”

Gu Beiting: "Not enough! ”

Qiao Huiyun visually measured the thickness of the shoulders of the two, and could only shut up.

Su Shu pretended to be asleep at first, but relying on Gu Beiting, she really fell asleep after a while.

waited for the car to stop steadily in the old mansion before Gu Beiting woke her up.

The Gu family's mansion has red walls and high tiles, the word "Gu House" is written on the door number, and the red lanterns are hung, which is very festive.

The grandeur of this appearance is more noble than the Qi Mansion, which is also an old mansion.

After looking at him quietly, he was led by Gu Beiting and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he saw a familiar old man walking towards him.

"Su Shu!" Gu Lao shouted first, with a smile on his face.

The old man with a bride price of two billion!

"This is my grandfather." Gu Beiting introduced.

Su Shu was stunned for a moment, and finally clarified the relationship.

It turned out that the old man with a bride price of 2 billion, his grandson was Gu Beiting!

Gu Beiting turned out to be so rich!

"Grandpa." Su Shu's face flushed, "I'm really sorry, I didn't recognize you." ”

"Oh, I'm also an old fool, you are such a beautiful child, I still treat you as a nanny!" Gu Lao grabbed Su Shu's arm, "I originally thought that if you got married, I wouldn't have the fate to become a family with you." What did you think? Hahaha, you have long been my granddaughter-in-law! ”

The more Gu Lao spoke, the more excited he became, and even the housekeeper on the side also smiled with dentures.

Su Shu was originally very nervous, but at this moment, surrounded by their enthusiasm, she also relaxed a lot.

Gu Lao was as happy as a child, and pulled her forward,

Gu Lao patted her arm, "Su Shu, I came to pick you up in person, just to support you." In this home, no one dares to do anything to you! ”

Su Shu nodded gratefully, "Thank you, grandpa." ”

"Good!" Gu Lao smiled from ear to ear.

Gu Beiting followed behind them with relaxed steps.

A group of people came to the main hall, and all the servants at the door bowed and said hello.

At this moment, Su Shu felt like she was acting in a TV series.

After entering, Gu Lao pulled Su Shu to sit beside him, and was about to speak, when he saw Gu Beiting's father Gu Weiguo come in.

Gu Lao asked, "What about Qi Lao?" ”

Qi Lao had long known that his eldest grandson was married, but he hid it from himself and called him to tease him.

He wants him to come and watch now, and enjoy the joy of his family!

I can't kill him!

Gu Weiguo replied: "Old Qi said that he had a headache, so he won't come." The meeting gift has already been given, he is Su Shu's teacher, and he has the opportunity to see Su Shu. ”

"Cunning bad old man!" Gu Lao snorted coldly, very dissatisfied.

Gu Weiguo's gaze looked at Su Shu.

A clean little girl, it's really nice.

Born from the heart, this character is no wonder very good.

Gu Beiting said: "This is my dad." ”

Su Shu politely called Dad, and the muscles on Gu Weiguo's face trembled, but he still suppressed his excitement and nodded.

Qiao Huiyun gave him a slap in the back, "Why are you so cold to my daughter-in-law?" ”

"Nope! I couldn't be more welcome! Gu Weiguo whispered: "I am an elder, and I can't be too unreserved and shout." ”

Qiao Huiyun's face became darker and darker.

She pinched Gu Weiguo's waist, "You said me?" ”

"How dare I?" Gu Weiguo was wronged.

"You mean me!" Qiao Huiyun dragged Gu Weiguo and walked outside.

In the main hall, no one felt that there was anything wrong with this scene, Gu Beiting and Gu Lao didn't even raise their eyelids.

Su Shu sighed: The status of the hostess of the Gu family is too high, right?

Gu Lao said to Su Shu in a warm voice: "These two are like this, don't be scared." Huiyun is a little fierce and can control the country. ”

Su Shu nodded obediently.

Gu Lao lifted the chestnut cake beside him and handed it to Su Shu: "Eat two cushions, and when they bring the things, let's go to the dining room to eat." ”

Su Shu took it, took a small piece, and took a bite gently.

"Take what?" Gu Beiting asked.

Gu Lao said mysteriously: "You'll know in a moment." ”

Gu Lao and Su Shu were talking about common things, and after a while, Qiao Huiyun came back majestically, followed by Gu Weiguo, who was limping.

Everyone was still unwavering, but Su Shu's eyes were slightly surprised.

It's really called out to clean up people, right?

Gu's father must love Gu's mother very much, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to let her repair it.

As soon as Qiao Huiyun came in, she saw Su Shu holding a chestnut cake in her hand, and immediately asked for credit, "Su Shu, the chestnut cake was made by me guarding the kitchen." Is it tasty? ”

"It's delicious." Su Shu raised a bright smile, "Thank you, Mom." ”

"Huh!" Qiao Huiyun replied happily.

At this moment, the servants came in with three large boxes.

Seeing this, the housekeeper hurriedly went down to Zhang Luo's position.

According to the previous rehearsal, all of them were placed in front of Su Shu, lined up.

Gu Beiting's gaze crossed the boxes and landed on Su Shu's little face. She was really nervous, and her hands were half-clenched into fists.

He got up and came to her. put the whole plate of chestnut cake on the table first, and Su Shu didn't finish it, he took it directly and ate it in one bite.

Gu Lao saw this series of actions in his eyes, and hooked the corners of his lips, "Take her to see!" It's all a gift for us! ”

Gu Beiting took Su Shu and walked to the first box. The housekeeper opened the box, and the calligraphy and paintings inside came into view.

"I asked, what Old Man Qi gave Su Shu was a painting. Now I'm sending a box, and I'm just going to beat him down. Hahahaha..."Gu Lao laughed contentedly as he spoke.

Gu Beiting turned his head and glanced at him, "Childish!" ”

"Leave me alone!" Gu Lao glared at him, but when he looked at Su Shu, he became gentle again, "Good granddaughter-in-law, do you like these calligraphy and paintings?" All of them are genuine! ”

Su Shu thought that the words sent by Qi Lao were already ridiculously expensive. Now Old Man Gu's box, I'm afraid it's expensive!

"It's not precious, he still has more." Gu Beiting patted her on the back.

Su Shu turned around, "Thank you, grandpa!" ”

Gu Beiting led her to the second box again, Gu Weiguo pretended to cough, "Ahem, this is what I prepared, Su Shu, you see if you like it or not." ”

Sure enough, with his wife's training, Gu Weiguo's mouth was much sweeter.

As soon as the second box was opened, Su Shu couldn't hold back and exclaimed.

It's all gold!

This big box is full, how much does it cost!

Gu Lao and Qiao Huiyun saw it, and at the same time gritted their teeth and said, "Vulgar! ”

Gu Weiguo's face was embarrassed, "The high price of this gold shows that I attach importance to it." ”

Gu Lao and Qiao Huiyun sneered at the same time: "Hehe..."

Su Shu bent down slightly towards Gu Weiguo, "Thank you, Dad!" ”

The third box was opened by Qiao Huiyun himself.

"Dangdangdangdang..."After Qiao Huiyun opened it, she automatically matched the music, and made flower hands with both hands, "It's good-looking, right?" ”

In this box, there are ancient gold hairpins and gadgets in hand. There is a kind of jewelry box of the golden boudoir in ancient times.

From Su Shu's point of view, what she likes most is what Qiao Huiyun sent.

A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, "Thank you, Mom." ”

Qiao Huiyun looked at it very carefully, and only when she came to herself, her thanks were smiling.

She looked at Gu Lao proudly, Gu Lao knew her mind and turned her head.

She said to Gu Weiguo proudly: "I'm the first!" ”

Gu Weiguo, if not the first, is the last.

So he doesn't care, by the way, compliment his wife, "My wife is amazing, first place!" ”

Gu Beiting rolled his eyes again, "Childish!" ”

"These gifts, you will bring them back to Su Shu in a while." After Gu Lao finished instructing, he got up, "Let's go!" Don't be hungry for my granddaughter-in-law, let's eat! ”

He was with him, and everyone walked out.

Gu Beiting took Su Shu and followed behind.

When I arrived at the dining room and sat down, a maid brought a wash basin and mouthwash.

Gu Beiting was like taking care of a child, personally picking up Su Shu's hands to wash and wipe her clean.

He put the mouthwash cup to her lips again, "Take a sip, rinse your mouth and spit it out." ”

Everyone was stunned by his mother-like courtesy, and Su Shu's ears were slightly red.

Qiao Huiyun sighed, "The first time I came to the house for dinner before, some people didn't treat me like this." As for me, I swallowed the mouthwash stupidly. Fortunately, in order to relieve the embarrassment, Dad also swallowed mouthwash. Some people, hey..."

Gu Weiguo had mouthwash in his mouth, he couldn't swallow it, and he didn't vomit it.

Why did you make your daughter-in-law unhappy again?

He's a water reversal today, right? So unlucky!

Su Shu listened to her mother-in-law's words, and instantly understood that Gu Beiting was afraid that she had not experienced embarrassment.

A warm current slipped through her heart, and she suddenly felt very happy.


Title: Pregnant with a cub flash marriage, the little pitiful second becomes Gu Shao's heart

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