
He forced her to admit that he liked him. But he didn't say anything! This cunning old man!

author:Jiangjiang fishing fire
He forced her to admit that he liked him. But he didn't say anything! This cunning old man!

The picture comes from the Internet

Zhao Xu had some gossip, got closer to Aunt Zhou, and asked, "Auntie, the boss has always been like this, eyeing men close to the young lady?"

Aunt Zhou nodded and whispered back: "Especially the one named Chu Yun, the eldest young master is angry once he sees it!"

After Aunt Zhou finished speaking, she whispered again, "Our eldest young master is now in the courtship period, all kinds of abnormalities!"

Su Shu didn't hear anything else, but she heard a "courtship period".

She suddenly leaned over and asked, "Beiting is now in the courtship period?"

The aunt and nephew, who were gossiping, were so frightened that they jumped up.

The two of them were startled, startling Su Shu.

Gu Beiting's cold eyes lifted, "What courtship period?"



Aunt Zhou and Zhao Xu both denied it and went to the kitchen.

Gu Beiting beckoned, and Su Shu went to him like a kitten.

"What are they talking about?" Gu Beiting squinted in the direction of the kitchen, and the two were still muttering, not knowing what they were discussing.

Su Shu replied honestly: "I just heard a sentence, saying that you are in the courtship period!"

Gu Beiting's face darkened, "Only animals have a courtship period." ”

Su Shu whispered, "You are also an animal. ”

Gu Beiting: "..."

You can't say you're not an animal!

Forget it, the woman you want to marry, just bear with it.

Su Shu scratched her hair, "I'll go see what to eat tonight!"

With that, she walked towards the kitchen.

Zhao Xu poked his head out and glanced at his boss. Sure enough, after being smoothed by the young lady, the whole person was much softer.

"Auntie, tell me more, I'm not gossiping, I just want to hear how they get along. Zhao Xu turned his head and urged Aunt Zhou to continue.

Aunt Zhou had long wanted to talk to someone, but now that an audience came, she seemed to be alive.

"I'll tell you something exciting!" Aunt Zhou leaned closer, "I saw the eldest young master like this!"

Aunt Zhou said, her left hand was like a chicken claw, and her five fingers were put together and poked on her lips.

Zhao Xu said "Hmm", his eyes flashed, "This is something you can watch without paying?"

"I don't dare to look at it more, just... Just quit!" Aunt Zhou patted her thigh, very regretful.

The gossip between the two became more and more energetic, and when Uncle Zhao came in, he saw that the boiled pumpkin on the fire was empty.

He exclaimed, and the two of them reluctantly shut up.

After dinner was served, everyone sat down around. When Su Shu saw the steamed hairy crab, her saliva was about to flow out.

Gu Beiting gave her a piece of pumpkin, "You didn't eat crabs." ”

Aunt Zhou said, "It's okay to eat a little bit." ”

Su Shu's eyes just lit up, and Gu Beiting said again: "Cold food, don't eat a bite!"

The light in Su Shu's eyes dimmed again in an instant.

"Be avoidant, it's good for the baby. Gu Beiting's tone softened a lot, and he also touched Su Shu's head.

Zhao Xu seemed to be eating, but in fact, his eyes caught a glimpse of Gu Beiting's face.

Wow, the boss is so gentle that he can pinch out the water.

But the action of touching the head, how can it be full of daddy?

When Su Shu heard that it was good for the baby, she obediently stopped looking at the crabs.

"Click!" Zhao Xu took a bite of the crab leg and made a slight sound.

All eyes suddenly converged on his face. He held the crab leg up, not daring to eat it, nor did he dare to put it down.

Gu Beiting pointed to the kitchen and motioned for him to go in and eat.

Zhao Xu shook his head strugglingly.

Gu Beiting's pupils shrank, and Zhao Xu immediately took the bowl and wanted to get up and leave.

"Where is Assistant Zhao going?" Su Shu wondered.

Zhao Xu replied respectfully: "Young lady, I'll go to the kitchen to eat." ”

"Why?" asked Su Shu again.

Zhao Xu was embarrassed, "Because..."

"Sit down!" Gu Beiting re-ordered.

Zhao Xu sat down obediently again, but he didn't dare to eat crabs anymore.

The meal was finally finished, although Zhao Xu still wanted to listen to the gossip, but it was still important to be safe, so he left first.

After he left, Su Shu said to Aunt Zhou: "I feel that Assistant Zhao is very afraid of Beiting. ”

Aunt Zhou shook her head, "No! everyone is afraid of your Beiting!"

Your Northern Thunder...

Su Shu was shy for a while, and whispered, "Beiting is actually not that fierce. ”

He is still very gentle with himself.

"My young lady, that's for you! You're the only one who sees this gentleman's gentle appearance!" Aunt Zhou replied with a smile.

Su Shu was savoring this sentence when Gu Beiting called her.

"Here we are!" she replied, and walked towards him.

Gu Beiting was at the corner of the stairs and saw her trotting, so he hurriedly went downstairs and grabbed her wrist.

"Slow down!" Gu Beiting held her down and didn't let her go again, "Don't run in the future, walk slowly." ”

"But I also saw a female celebrity on my Internet who was pregnant and ran a short marathon. Su Shu protested in a low voice.

Gu Beiting didn't know which female star she was talking about, but corrected her, "Everyone's physique is different, and you can't use other people's experience to apply yourself." Besides, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, if there is an accident and the child is gone, it will be difficult to get pregnant. ”

With such a reminder, Su Shu immediately became nervous.

I live a chic day and forget about such an important thing!

She became more cautious, and walked with much smaller steps.

Gu Beiting got down to business, "Your aunt is in prison, and your uncle will definitely look for you." To be on the safe side, I'll send some bodyguards to protect you. ”

"Hmm!" Su Shu also felt that the possibility of her uncle looking for her was very high.

"There's a chance you'll get a call from him, don't get provoked, don't go out and meet him. There is nothing more important now than taking good care of your baby. ”

As soon as Gu Beiting's words fell, Su Shu's mobile phone rang.

When she took it out, it turned out to be her uncle.

As soon as Su Shu connected the phone, Su Dayong's angry voice came-

"Dog, you actually sent your aunt to the police station, are you human? Lao Tzu has raised you for ten years, and you have raised you for nothing!"

His voice was very loud, even if Su Shu didn't turn on the speakerphone, Gu Beiting heard some.

Before he could wait for Su Shu to reply, he took the phone over.

"Shut up!" Gu Beiting's voice was cold, "Say one more word, and you'll never come back in Africa!"

Because Chen Hong was at the police, he confessed to all of his guilt and picked Su Dayong cleanly. So Su Dayong was not arrested.

Su Dayong suddenly heard the male voice, and immediately reacted that it was Gu Beiting.

He knew how powerful Gu Beiting was, so he didn't dare to say anything, so he hung up the phone directly.

Gu Beiting blocked his phone before handing it to Su Shu.

Su Shu drooped her eyelids, feeling a little sad in her heart.

While his uncle blamed himself, he didn't think about how his aunt and him treated him?

If he hadn't gotten out of trouble that day, would he have been forced by Qiu He?

What will I do in the days after that?

She had always been grateful to her uncle for taking her in, and hardly mentioned moving out.

Anyway, according to my mother's last words, as long as I don't study, I can take the rest of the money and leave the Su family to live my own life.

In the Su family, she also tried to do as much housework as possible, wanting to be better to the people of the Su family.

But their own efforts were regarded by them as a manifestation of their dare not leave.

They are bullying themselves and oppressing themselves more and more recklessly.

Su Shu regrets thinking about it now, and should have moved out earlier.

But she will not criticize her past self, and the mental maturity of each stage is different.

After all, I am now 20 years old, and I have matured a lot in terms of mental experience. It is inevitable to be biased to use the current mature mental experience to be harsh on oneself when it was a minor.

Gu Beiting saw that she was stunned, thinking that she was uncomfortable.

He gently wrapped the person in his arms and patted her on the head as if coaxing a child, "Okay, okay." ”

Su Shu felt his heartbeat, and an unsettled heart slowly calmed down.

"It's all over, and no one will bully you again. I'll have your back, you just have to be yourself. ”

Su Dayong, on his side, was angry and anxious, like an ant on a hot pot.

What Chen Hong did, the evidence is conclusive, and it is impossible to release it at all.

The lawyer said that if the client forgives and does not pursue the case, he can be given a lenient sentence.

But damn Su Shu, a white-eyed wolf with no conscience, isn't this still strong yet? Why do you hold on to your aunt?

Besides, I was kind enough to find a man for her, which was also for him and her to promote a happy marriage!

Like her mother, she is better to her best friend than to her brother!

The more anxious he was, the more helpless he became, so he had no choice but to call his daughter Su Wan.

Su Wan was still in a study tour abroad, and she was already asleep at this time.

When the phone rang insistently, she answered angrily.

Before she could have a seizure, Sun Dayong said, "Why don't you answer the phone?

"Dad?" As soon as he heard something big, Su Wan also woke up instantly, "What's wrong?"

"Su Shu, that little slut put your mother in jail. The lawyer said that if you don't get a light sentence, your mother will go to at least three years in prison. ”

"Su Shu put my mother in jail?" Su Wan joked, "Dad, you're not drunk, are you? Just that wild child who has no father and no mother, how can he have such great ability? Hasn't my mother been pinching her for the past ten years, beating her whenever she wants, and scolding when she wants to?"

Now that she has a boyfriend with a little money, she will be lawless, and she won't pay attention to any family affection!

I didn't just use her money to buy a car, and her boyfriend found a relationship to pressure our boss to transfer me to Africa.

Your mother couldn't be angry, so she wanted her to sleep with Qiu He, so she called the police. This little thing is so big, do you think she wants to be shameless?"

After hearing this, Su Wan was furious, "Can Su Shu find a rich boyfriend? I haven't found it yet, how dare she find it first? Little slut, this is deliberately comparing with me, trying to suppress me!"

Her focus made Su Dayong dissatisfied, "The question now is how to save your mother! Do you have any good ideas? Time is too late, you have to come up with a solution as soon as possible!"

Su Wan was silent for a while and asked, "Dad, have you seen her boyfriend?"

"I've seen it! ”

Su Wan sneered and replied confidently: "As long as I snatch her boyfriend over, won't he listen to me for everything?" If I ask him to go east, he won't dare to go west! When the time comes, not only do you not have to go to Africa, but my mother will be fine, and our family will soar from now on." ”

Su Wan hung up her father's phone and immediately called Su Shu.

It's a pity that Su Shu didn't answer.

So, she changed to WeChat: [Su Shu, I can't contact my parents, do you know what they're doing?]

Su Shu glanced at WeChat, sneered, and threw the phone aside.

But Su Wan didn't stop, and the news still came.

[I heard that you found a boyfriend, and you're quite rich, is it really fake?]

[Why don't you reply?How do you know a rich man?]

[What's his name??Tell me about it!What does their family do?]


The sound of the news "Dididi" sounded, Su Shu was impatient, and was about to walk out of the room when the WeChat video rang.

She let out a breath, grabbed her phone, and answered.

"Su Shu, what's the matter with you, why don't you reply to my message?" Su Wan blamed.

"Something to say!" Su Shu didn't have the heart to talk to her.

Su Wan didn't go straight in, but asked, "What about my parents, why can't they be contacted?"

"Your mother was arrested, I don't know about your father!" Su Shu didn't believe it, she wouldn't know where her parents went.

Su Wan pretended to be surprised, "Ahh

"Because she committed a crime! Almost killed me! So I called the police and arrested her!"

Listening to Su Shu's emotionless words, Su Wan panicked with anger, "You shameless little slut, you just want my mother to go to jail like this?"

She is doing a good deed, otherwise how can you find a husband who loses money like you? Qiu He also has a son, you don't have a son if you don't give birth, you will die beautifully!"

Su Shu listened to these dirty words, and gritted her back molars, "Su Wan, I didn't care about you before, and I still remembered my cousin's affection."

But now, your parents can do such a unconscionable thing, and there is no affection between us, if you talk nonsense again, I will sue you for slander!"

"Hey, this shameless slut, did she succeed in hooking up with a man, and now she will show off her might?" Su Wan was so angry by Su Shu's hardness that she jumped to her feet.

But Su Shu hung up the video and deleted her by the way.

Su Wan smashed her phone and went crazy for a while before she calmed down.

It seems that her boyfriend is really rich. Money can make her so hard!

She even made up her mind to return to China as soon as possible and get that man in her hands!


Su Shu didn't sleep well that night, her dreams were full of dirty words, she quarreled with them while pregnant, and finally hurt herself.

She was frightened, and the sound of fright in her dreams was repeated.

Gu Beiting heard her cry and came to her room.

When Su Shu saw her coming, she hurriedly pulled the quilt, "You... Woke me up?"

Gu Beiting walked over and sat on the bed. Then I naturally took off my shoes and went to bed and lay down.

"Ahh This, this, this..."Su Shu panicked for a moment.

He wants to share a bed with him?

Gu Beiting said indifferently, "You have already had nightmares and shouted three times tonight, or I will accompany you, you sleep more peacefully." ”

"With me? I'm already twenty years old, so I don't need to accompany the bed!" Su Shu was a little scared, and kept shrinking in.

Gu Beiting said calmly: "We are already married, and it is scary to sleep together?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Shu calmed down a little.

It's me who overreacted!

"What's more, you're pregnant, what can I do?" Gu Beiting's eyelids lifted.

I want to do something, but I can't do it.

When Su Shu heard this, she was completely relaxed. She scratched her head and patted the bed next to her, "Sleep!"

Seeing this girl's playful appearance, Gu Beiting was helpless and touched her face, "Sleep!"

Su Shu lay down, Gu Beiting helped her pull the quilt up, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

He said that he would sleep and not say a word.

Su Shu blinked her eyes, the moonlight came in, and Su Shu could see his handsome face, which was really like a work of art.

She cautiously reached out to touch his face, but she didn't have the guts.

Gu Beiting took her hand and stuffed it into the quilt.

was caught, Su Shu smiled, and could only obediently close her eyes and sleep.

She didn't make any more movements, but for ten minutes, she let out an even breathing sound.

Gu Beiting turned sideways and faced her.

The moonlight was on her face, and she couldn't quite see the face.

But the pink and tender lips are unobstructed.

He held his breath, shifted his head slightly, and pressed his lip flap to hers.

The next day, when Su Shu woke up, Gu Beiting had already gotten up.

She touched the place where he had slept and it was out of temperature, and it seemed that he had been up for a long time.

It's nice to avoid the embarrassment of waking up.

It should be because he slept with him, and there were no nightmares in the second half of the night, and he slept soundly.

With a smile on the corner of her lips, Su Shu washed up quickly and went downstairs for breakfast.

Gu Beiting saw her come down and pulled out the chair.

Su Shu sat down and saw him holding a bun for himself with his left hand, wondering, "What's wrong with your right hand?"

I slept with my right hand in my arms last night, and I was so crushed that I couldn't lift it.

But this cannot be said.

He said with a faint expression: "Occasionally practicing the left hand is conducive to the development of the cerebellum. ”

Su Shu saw that his left hand was shaking, and he almost shook off the bun.

She laughed dryly, "Heh, the left hand is pretty good!"

Gu Beiting put the bun in her bowl, Su Shu raised her lips and smiled, "Beiting, sure enough, your cerebellum is well developed!"

When Aunt Zhou heard this, she couldn't hold back, and laughed with a "poof".

Gu Beiting went to work.

Su Shu sat in the living room on the first floor for half an hour, and her butt didn't move.

Aunt Zhou cleaned back and forth, and she had already peeked at her several times, but she was still stunned.

Finally, Aunt Zhou couldn't help it, sat beside her, and said gently, "Young lady, what are you thinking?"

Su Shu was upset.

Although Su Wan was blocked, she still texted herself with a different number.

Those words were all about asking her boyfriend how he was.

This fool can also see that she wants to beat Gu Beiting's idea!

Although Gu Beiting is not the master who does not refuse to come, she has already caused too much trouble for Gu Beiting, and she doesn't want him to be harassed again.

But how to prevent Gu Beiting from being harassed is a headache.

She'd been sitting here for so long, and she hadn't come up with a better solution.

Seeing that Su Shu didn't answer, Aunt Zhou gently patted the back of her hand, "Young lady, you are not interesting at home all day long, and it is normal to be cranky." Pregnant women's nerves are already sensitive and emotionally changeable, so don't pay too much attention to emotional changes. Why don't I go shopping with you?"

Su Shu stared at Aunt Zhou's face, her eyes rolling.

She wanted to tell Aunt Zhou all her doubts, but she didn't know how to say it.

I can only stop talking again and again.

When Aunt Zhou saw her getting so close, her mouth still pouted and loosened, and then pouted again.

Aunt Zhou was furious in her heart, afraid that she would kiss herself for no reason.

Thinking like this, Aunt Zhou distanced herself a little, "Young lady, why don't I take you to the eldest young master?" How many kisses will you kiss him to relieve the lovesickness?"

When Su Shu heard this, her face suddenly turned red, "I don't want him! I just want to ask you some questions." ”

"You say what you say!"

Su Shu pursed her lips and organized her language before asking, "Aunt Zhou, when you were young, did you have the idea of a little girl beating Uncle Zhao?"

When Aunt Zhou heard this, she waved her hand, "Young lady, don't worry too much. Our eldest young master is clean and self-conscious, no girl dares to squeeze over!"

"I... I'm not talking about the Northern Thunder. Su Shu turned her face away, "I'm asking you and Uncle Zhao!"

Aunt Zhou's shoulders shrugged, very domineering, "He doesn't dare!"

"Others come up and whether he dares or not are two different things. Su Shu corrected.

"No!" Aunt Zhou sat closer, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she looked like she had seen through the truth, "As long as men don't dare, there is no woman who can really get through!"

Su Shu's little head tilted, "Oops!

Aunt Zhou saw that her insights were recognized, and she became even more interested, and planned to teach her the way of marriage.

"Young lady, when you get along with a man, the main thing is to be afraid of the word! Let him know that he is afraid of you, and he will not dare to provoke the moth!"

Su Shu muttered, "If I had your kung fu, I would dare to say that." ”

Aunt Zhou doesn't agree with this statement, "No, no, no, I have never persuaded people with reason, and I don't act rudely." ”

"But last time I heard Uncle Zhao say that you practice with him every day. ”

"This..."Aunt Zhou touched her nose, "Don't listen to his nonsense, look for a beating!"

"Heh... Hehe..."Su Shu laughed awkwardly, "I'll think about it myself." ”

Aunt Zhou got up and didn't bother her to continue pondering.

Hey, my daughter-in-law doesn't approve of my insight, and now the young lady doesn't approve either.

There really is no heir!

Su Shu didn't figure out anything, and grabbed more than a dozen hairs.

On her mobile phone, a text message came from time to time, all of which were Su Wan's messages inquiring about Gu Beiting.

Su Shu didn't reply.

She thought that when the game was over, she would change her mobile phone number!

If you change it now, I'm afraid that the organizer of the competition will call and it will be an empty number.

As long as the number is changed, Su Wan can't send a message.

Su Shu has been absent-minded for a day, and she didn't even answer Gu Beiting's video call.

In order not to upset herself when she saw Su Wan's news, she threw her phone aside.

Gu Beiting was worried, so he could only call Aunt Zhou.

As soon as the phone was connected, Aunt Zhou gushed about what Su Shu asked him this morning.

The more Gu Beiting listened, the more frowning he became, this little girl, did she have a sense of crisis inexplicably?

What causes it?

Is there a media chasing after the wind?

After Aunt Zhou finished speaking, she added, "Young Master, she... She..."

Seeing Aunt Zhou's hesitation, Gu Beiting's voice was a little colder, "Just say it! Is Chu Yun here?"

"That's not true!" Aunt Zhou hurriedly denied, "She always pouts, I'm afraid she wants to kiss you!"

Aunt Zhou was embarrassed to say this, but today she always saw the young lady pouting, and she could only let the eldest young master relieve it.

When she fell in love when she was young, she also wanted to hold the person she liked and gnaw, she can still understand it!

Gu Beiting's face was rarely slightly red.

He let out an "um" and hung up.

Could it be that when she went to bed last night, she knew about kissing her, and she missed the feeling of being kissed?

Well, got it!

He knows how to do it!

Zhao Xu saw his boss standing by the window, his cheeks crimson.

Oops, he was in love just now?

Miss miss, eat melon miss!

Gu Beiting suddenly, turned his head and said to Zhao Xu, "Buy me a lipstick." ”

Zhao Xu was puzzled, "Boss, you don't do it in this summer, do you?"

Gu Beiting glanced at him, and Zhao Xu immediately turned around and left.

"Wait!" Gu Beiting stopped the people, "The whole network is investigated, and if you find me and the other girls, you will kill them!"

Gu Beiting came back and brought six bodyguards.

He held a bouquet of roses in his hand, and before entering the door, he wiped off the lip balm with the back of his hand.

Aunt Zhou saw her eldest young master holding roses, and she understood in an instant, and went to open red wine to wake up after saying hello.

Su Shu was drawing designs upstairs, and Gu Beiting knocked on her door.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw a handsome man, with a smile between his eyebrows and eyes, and a bouquet of delicate roses in his hand.

In this way, Su Shu reminded of that painting - "Rose and Boy"!

He is heroic, matched with the big red rose, and he is so handsome!

Subconsciously, Su Shu swallowed her saliva.

Gu Beiting captured this action.

Sure enough, she wanted to kiss!

"You sent me?" Su Shu got up and walked towards him.

Gu Beiting suppressed his thoughts and handed over the flowers, "Do you like it?"

Su Shu took it, sniffed it, and raised a small face. In that way, it is even more delicate than flowers.

Gu Beiting's throat rolled and took a step closer to her.

His legs were long, and this step was a little big, and his face instantly enlarged in front of Su Shu.

Su Shu hurriedly took a step back, but he took another step.

The two were very close, and Su Shu slowly raised her hand and walked towards his face.

Gu Beiting closed his eyes slightly.

Okay, she can take the initiative.

Suddenly, I felt a warm touch in the corners of my eyes, and suddenly opened my eyes, Su Shu pinched his fallen eyelashes, and asked with a smile, "Do you want to make a wish?"

Gu Beiting clenched his hands into fists, put them to his mouth, and coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"Eyelash wishes, it won't come true. After Gu Beiting said this, he left the room.

Su Shu pinched his eyelashes and made a wish for him: "A dream come true!"

The two of them stepped back and forth, and a bottle of red wine was placed on the table.

Gu Beiting glanced at it and said, "Put it away." ”

Aunt Zhou sighed slightly, it seems that the little couple didn't kiss.

Gu Beiting went to work today and asked Zhao Xu to buy a plaster, and after pasting it, his right hand can now move.

He steadily sandwiched a piece of meat for Su Shu, Su Shu took it and asked, "Beiting, tomorrow's prenatal checkup, can you go with me?"

Gu Beiting nodded, "There is a meeting in the morning, and I can't push it away." At ten o'clock, we met at the hospital. ”

Su Shu replied obediently and continued to eat.

She was a little entangled in her heart, whether to tell him about Su Wan.

I thought about it for a day today, but I couldn't come up with a way to deal with it.

"Don't be in a daze, eat quickly!" Gu Beiting reminded.

"Oh!" Su Shu exhaled slightly, don't worry about it for now, wait for Su Wan to return to China!

At this moment, Gu Beiting's mobile phone rang.

It's Gu Shijun.

"Big brother, can I go and hide from you?"

As soon as Gu Beiting heard this, he knew that he had done something wrong, and the old man was going to trouble him.

"Can't!" Gu Beiting sternly refused.

"Why? Are you afraid of scaring your sister-in-law? But I know her!" Gu Shijun begged, "You can do it!"

"Is it Doctor Gu?" asked Su Shu in a low voice.

Gu Beiting nodded, paused, and asked, "He's coming over, okay?"

Su Shu nodded, "Hmm." ”

Gu Shijun was over there, and when he heard Su Shu's words, he immediately said, "Thank you, sister-in-law, I'm coming!"

Gu Beiting hung up the phone and said, "He is open-mouthed, I'm afraid that he will talk nonsense." ”

Su Shu smiled, "It's okay, Doctor Gu is actually still measured." ”

At this time, she had completely forgotten how Gu Shijun scared her into having a miscarriage.

After eating, Gu Beiting replied to a few business calls, and called the bodyguard to meet Su Shu.

After all this was done, the two of them went out for a walk.

Gu Beiting didn't take her far, so he went to the crape myrtle tree in the southwest corner.

The street lights are on, and the crape myrtle flowers are in full bloom again, and there is a sense of atmosphere when you look at the patches.

"Why didn't I pick up the video today? I played twice. Gu Beiting asked seemingly casually.

Su Shu pursed her lips, but still told the truth, "My uncle's daughter, Su Wan, contacted me last night." I've been contacting me today, and I've been blocking and changing my number and sending messages non-stop. I'm annoyed and I don't want to look at my phone. ”

Gu Beiting nodded, "You are right to do this." ”

"Northern Thunder. Su Shu took a step closer to him, "I..."

Gu Beiting's eyes fell on her face and motioned for her to continue.

Su Shu clenched her fists and stared down at the tips of her shoes, a little embarrassed.

"We are husband and wife, and there is nothing we can't say. Gu Beiting straightened her broken hair and encouraged her to speak out.

Su Shu raised her head, stared into her eyes, and said, "Su Wan, she wants to snatch you." I'm scared!"

Gu Beiting was slightly stunned, but immediately, the corners of his lips hooked.

"Why are you afraid?" asked Gu Beiting.

"Because..."Su Shu was a little nervous, her nails sinking slightly into her palms, "Because I'm afraid that she will hurt you, she's not a good person." ”

"Why are you afraid that she will hurt me?" Gu Beiting chased after him.

Su Shu exhaled slightly, "Because I like..."

"Big brother, so you're here!"

A joyful cheer interrupted Su Shu's confession.

Gu Beiting turned his head, and the light in his eyes was sharper than a sharp knife.

Gu Shijun grabbed Gu Xiye's arm beside him.

How could he have the illusion that his life was short?

Gu Shijun kept retreating, grinning on his lips, "Big brother, I won't bother you, I'll go watch TV first!"

Su Shu finally mustered up the courage and wanted to confess. But it was disturbed.

She felt inexplicably relieved.

It's good that he didn't hear it, and it's humiliating to be rejected.

Su Shu breathed a sigh of relief slightly, "Doctor Gu, wait, I have a question to consult." ”

As she spoke, she walked up.

Gu Shijun ran fast, "Sister-in-law, don't ask me, don't ask!"

Gu Beiting licked his back molars, and with a pair of hands, he made a clucking sound.

in the living room.

On the long sofa, four people sit.

Su Shu sat on the very edge, followed by the three Gu Beiting brothers.

Gu Beiting stared at the TV with an expressionless face, Gu Shijun glanced at him with his spare eyes, and a chill ran down his spine.

He bumped into Gu Xiye and wanted him to bring it up and leave.

But Gu Xiye was also afraid of his eldest brother, so when he said that he was watching TV, he really stared at the TV intently.

Gu Shijun swallowed his saliva and laughed awkwardly, "Hey... Hey, hey..."

Gu Beiting looked at him coldly, although he didn't say a word, it made him uncomfortable.

"Big... Big brother, your TV is not very good, I'll go back... Let's go back!"

Gu Shijun got up and moved towards the door.

As long as the eldest brother gives an order, he will slip away.

"If we don't watch TV, we go to boxing. Gu Beiting opened his mouth slowly, moving his neck left and right.

Gu Shijun grabbed Gu Xiye, "Second brother, second brother save me!"

Gu Xiye took a step back and said, "Big brother, your TV is very good, I still want to watch it for a while." ”

Gu Beiting grabbed Gu Shijun by the collar and dragged him to the gym.


Su Shu shook and sat on the sofa, not daring to move.

She said, Beiting is wrong today!

And so it was!

Looks frustrated at work!

Thinking of this, she patted her chest happily.

Fifteen minutes later.

Gu Shijun, who was limping, walked out.

He beckoned to Gu Xiye, "Two... Second brother, let's go!"

Gu Beiting clapped his hands, calmly sat beside Su Shu, and watched TV.

When everyone left, Su Shu asked intimately: "Beiting, did you encounter something unhappy at work today?"

"Nope. ”

"But it's a little strange that you came back today, and your face was not good when you ate, and now you're beating Doctor Gu again. Su Shu's voice became lower and lower the more she spoke.

Gu Beiting couldn't say it clearly: Because I didn't get a kiss, my confession was interrupted again, and I was angry in my heart.

He said calmly, "Not really." That kid did something wrong, and I beat him up for my grandfather. ”

"Really?" Su Shu always felt that something was wrong.

Gu Beiting's eyes were deep and thick, "Really." ”

Su Shu didn't ask any more questions.

The two watched TV for a while before going upstairs to sleep.

Su Shu took a bath, and as soon as she lay down, Gu Beiting came in.

"Beiting, is there something wrong?" Su Shu sat up.

"I'll go to sleep. Gu Beiting said lightly, as if the weather was not bad today.

"I'm sure I won't have nightmares tonight, so I won't have to sleep with me. Su Shu replied.

"I'll sleep here after that. Gu Beiting sat beside her, staring into her eyes.

Her eyes are like water, and her lips are as red as cherry blossoms, which is very moving.

Gu Beiting looked away an inch, waiting for her answer.

"I turn over a lot at night, how bad it is to press you. Su Shu replied.

Actually, she sleeps well. He forcibly pulled her into his arms last night.

"Su Shu, what are you afraid of?" Gu Beiting looked at her cramped appearance, and his tone suddenly became more solemn.

"I..." Su Shu licked her lips and lowered her eyelashes.

He slept next to him, and she was afraid that she would not be able to control it, so she moved her hands and feet.

This can't be told the truth, he listens to it, and still doesn't think he's a pervert?

"And. Gu Beiting asked again: "Under the crape myrtle tree, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing!" Su Shu replied decisively, "I'm just afraid that Su Wan will cause you inconvenience, I have already caused you a lot of inconvenience." ”

"No!" Although she denied it, Gu Beiting didn't believe it.

She clearly heard the word "happy", she must have confessed!

"That's it!" Su Shu didn't follow his script, "Sleep, sleep!

She doesn't care if he wants to share a bed with her, as long as she can end the topic!

Su Shu shrank into the quilt, not only with her back to him, but also with her head covered.

Gu Beiting sighed.

This little girl, is it difficult to say that you like it?

He also lay down.

After lying down, he hugged Su Shu from behind.

Su Shu was stunned and didn't dare to move.

She didn't move, and neither did Gu Beiting.

But this posture, such a stalemate, Su Shu felt that she was going to suffocate in the quilt.

She finally turned slightly and lifted the covers.

But as soon as the quilt was lifted, a pair of dark eyes met.

In these eyes, there was a certain emotion, which made her a little stunned.

Gu Beiting's lips, without warning, kissed the lip flap that he had coveted for a long time...

He deepened the kiss, and finally kissed it!

And when she opened her lips, she gave Gu Beiting a chance to go in.

But Gu Beiting didn't have much experience, but he just relied on his instinct to keep deepening.

Both gasped slightly before he let go of her.

Su Shu got the fresh air and hurriedly took two big breaths.

Her face is as red as a peach blossom in March, and her eyebrows and eyes are squinted, which makes her even more charming.

Gu Beiting's voice was so gentle that he could pinch out the water at the moment, "Why don't you refuse?"

Su Shu looked at him with watery eyes and did not answer.

"Su Shu!" Gu Beiting asked word by word: "You like me, right?"

Su Shu was stunned by the kiss, and the whole person was confused. When asked a question, he subconsciously answered truthfully: "I like you!"

Gu Beiting felt that there were fireworks blooming above his head.

His smile grew bigger and bigger, and he lowered his head again and kissed Su Shu.

This kiss is not long, but with endless bondage.

After a kiss.

Su Shu's hand, like a fish, slid over and stuck to his waist.

Gu Beiting froze suddenly, not daring to move at all.

But Su Shu was just borrowing strength, she found a support point and immediately got up.

She hurriedly got out of bed, "I want water!"

Gu Beiting looked at her slender and thin back, and dared to move slightly.

When he got out of bed, he glanced at his pants and withdrew his gaze.

When Su Shu came back after drinking water, Gu Beiting was no longer in the room.

She crept over to the door of his room and heard the sound of running water.

Su Shu's face flushed, knowing that he had solved it on his own.

With a sigh of relief, she hurried back to her room.

There was a "click" and the door was locked.

Sleep sleep!

Gu Beiting took a bath for a long time.

When he opened Su Shu's door with the key, he found that Su Shu was already asleep.

Gu Beiting lifted the quilt and lay down, this time in order to avoid crushing his right hand, he chose to take Su Shu's hand, and then closed his eyes and slept peacefully.

The next day.

Gu Beiting advanced the meeting because he wanted to accompany Su Shu for the prenatal examination.

By the time Su Shu got up, he had already gone to work.

As soon as Su Shu entered the bathroom, she saw the squeezed toothpaste, and a happy smile appeared on her face.

She looked at the smiling face in the mirror and suddenly found an important point!

Yesterday, Gu Beiting forced her to admit that she liked him.

But he didn't say anything!

Does he like himself?

I don't know that!

This cunning old man!

Thinking like this, she stomped her foot in hatred.


Continued next:

He is the youngest heir, but today, for the first time, he heard his little wife say that he was old!

If it is invaded and deleted

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