
Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

author:Unpretentious leaf z8g

The hospital's repatriation of the certificate is unbelievable. Not only is it expensive, with a birth certificate costing 96,000, but it also provides a full set of legal procedures to dress trafficked children in the cloak of legality and make them appear to be the legal population. This transformation of hospitals, from medical institutions to channels for human trafficking, has made the people feel incredible.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

One wonders why child trafficking is so rampant. Why is it so difficult to recover abducted children? Perhaps a birth certificate is the answer, which can whitewash the abducted child and establish a legal identity in society. This also makes people wonder why the evil act of reselling life certificates is illegal and prohibited, and why is the crime so great? According to reports, Shangguan Zhengyi, a volunteer for the abduction, broke the news that the director of Cambridge Hospital in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, Ye Moumou, was suspected of selling birth certificates. You only need to provide identity information and pay a fee of 96,000, and the hospital will apply for a real and verifiable birth certificate for the child according to the normal production process. The scope of this black market transaction involves more than 10 provinces and cities across the country, which shows that the dean's business can be said to be all over the country.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

Incredibly, in this hospital, only need to provide the baby's name and other relevant information, the baby does not need to be present, and the director can apply for a real birth medical certificate for a virtual baby. What's even more shocking is that the hospital provides regular vaccination books to vaccinate these virtual babies according to the procedures of real newborns. This practice caused widespread indignation and outrage. Some netizens lamented that the corruption in the medical industry in the past was shocking, and now the dean has achieved the extreme, which is simply heartbroken. Dean Ye's actions have refreshed people's perception of the bottom line of morality, and his conscience must have been completely lost. However, some netizens expressed their feelings about Shangguan Zhengyi, a volunteer who fought against abduction, and he was a real warrior, and through his undercover identity, he successfully made the abduction and trafficking nowhere to escape for more than a year.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

The birth certificate is known as the first certificate of life, which is of vital significance for the identification and settlement of the child. Its management norms are directly related to the success rate of human trafficking. However, the fact that hospitals sell genuine birth certificates at a clear price is actually providing a divine assistance for human trafficking. At present, the relevant departments have intervened in the investigation, the surveillance video and medical records of the relevant departments have been sealed, and the dean Ye Moumou has also been taken away by the police for investigation, and he will face legal sanctions. Why has the sale of birth certificates been repeatedly banned? Why is it so difficult to crack down on child trafficking, since the relevant platforms have been able to successfully check the authenticity of the hospital's forged birth certificates?

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

There are many reasons for this problem. First of all, as a dark criminal act, child trafficking is often hidden in underground trading networks, involving a large number of people and involving a wide range of people, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to effectively detect and crack down on them. Secondly, the existence of some immoral behaviors and their long-term social impact have led to the dilution of moral concepts and the lack of social responsibility, ignoring the dignity of life and the rights and interests of children. Thirdly, in some regions, weak legal systems and social security mechanisms also provide opportunities for child trafficking. At the same time, child trafficking often involves cross-regional and cross-border crimes, which require cooperation between multiple countries or regions to fully combat them.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

The staff of Jianqiao Hospital signaled to hand over the money with one hand and the other hand to hand over the certificate, courtesy of the interviewee

In order to solve this problem, a series of comprehensive measures are needed. First, law enforcement needs to be strengthened to invest in technology, intelligence, and collaboration. Closer international cooperation mechanisms must be established to combat the criminal act of transnational trafficking in children through intelligence-sharing, information exchange and joint action. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the supervision of related industries, especially hospitals and birth certificate-related institutions, severely crack down on the behavior of reselling birth certificates, and improve the rigor and intensity of supervision. In addition, education and publicity are also very important, and it is necessary to raise public awareness and vigilance against child trafficking through extensive publicity, education and social welfare activities, and call on society to participate in the fight against child trafficking. In addition, the government should establish a more complete and comprehensive social security system, strengthen attention and support for vulnerable groups, poor families and migrant populations, and reduce the motivation and conditions for child trafficking.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

The fight against child trafficking is a complex and huge system project, which needs to be prevented and cracked down on at the source, and at the same time, it is also necessary to improve the social environment and strengthen social security, so that every child can grow up healthily and enjoy full rights and dignity. Only through the joint efforts of all sectors of society can we create a safe, healthy and beautiful environment for children to grow up.

Knowing the law and breaking the law? The dean sold 96,000 birth certificates? He deserves to be arrested for selling his life certificate for profit

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