
Fall on one's feet! The agent becomes a "firefighting pioneer" in seconds

author:Jiangnan Metropolis Daily

In the mouth of the community residents, they are enthusiastic guys, good neighbors in the community, and when residents encounter small things, they are always eager to help, or call colleagues to help solve them.

In June this year, Shell's new brokerage brand Nanchang Central Greenland Rose City Store Dong Che Binggen and Central East Arrow Road Store Dong Jin Zehua received pennants from the property to thank them and the store agent for their brave move in helping to extinguish the fire. Che Binggen, who received the pennant, smiled shyly, "Although we are real estate agents, we are also good neighbors and guardians of the community, and we do our best to call the police, put out fires, and contact the property on the premise of ensuring our own safety... These are all things we should do, and it is also our responsibility to keep the community safe! ”

Fall on one's feet! The agent becomes a "firefighting pioneer" in seconds

Che Binggen, Liu Fangtao

Fall on one's feet! The agent becomes a "firefighting pioneer" in seconds

Kanazawa Hua

On a quiet Tuesday afternoon, when Che Binggen, the owner of the Greenland Rose City store in Central, was having a meeting in the conference room, Liu Fangtao, a partner in the store, suddenly noticed that there was a violent smoke coming from the parking shed on the east side of the Greenland Rose City community next to the store, and his intuition told him that it seemed to be on fire. There are dozens of electric vehicles parked in the parking shed, and at the same time, there are shops on the street and the high floors of the community next to it.

Immediately, Che Binggen led other agents in the store to rush outside the store to confirm the situation, and found that it was indeed the battery car charging that caused the fire, and at the same time there was a loud popping sound in the smoke, and the fire spread rapidly. Jin Zehua, the owner of the East Arrow Road store in Central, who was showing customers not far from the fire scene, recalled the scene at that time and said: "It was just a little smoke just now, but it immediately rose, and the smoke was so big that it scared me." Subsequently, Che Binggen immediately dialed the 119 fire alarm number, notified the property, and at the same time arranged for Jin Zehua and other agents to go back to the store, and brought four cans of fire extinguishers to the scene to help extinguish the fire, but the fire and electric vehicles burned too fast, fortunately the firefighters arrived in time, after more than ten minutes of fire extinguishing, the fire has been completely controlled, except for dozens of electric vehicles in the parking shed burned to only the iron frame, nothing else, no casualties.

Fall on one's feet! The agent becomes a "firefighting pioneer" in seconds

The scene of the fire

"If we hesitate a little longer and move a little slower, the fire could spread even more and the loss of residents will be greater," Kanazawa said. "We get along with the owners like neighbors, and we can't sit idly by and watch something happen to their house." Che Binggen, agents Liu Fangtao and Hu Fangyong, and Jin Zehua, the manager of the East Arrow Road store in Central, were decisive and resolute, and made timely judgments and treatments in the face of emergencies to avoid the spread of the fire, "Regardless of whether we are real estate agents or not, we should be good neighbors in the community." ”

Everyone knows that "fire and water are ruthless", but there is such a group of retrograde people who bravely stand up in the face of fire and water to protect every resident in the community. This is not only the home where the residents live every day, but also carries the infinite emotions that the agent pours into it, and everyone is dedicating their own strength to protect the community!

Editor on duty: Yan Jiacheng

Duty review: Fan Junjie

Duty Editorial Board: You Jing