
The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face


In that unforgettable moment two years ago, Hua Shanshan was proposed to by her rich second-generation boyfriend Zhuang Haolong, which caused a sensation. At that time, the marriage proposal scene made people feel a kind of fairy-like romance, although before that, Hua Shanshan was not well-known in the Internet celebrity circle. But this marriage proposal made her quickly popular and became a high-profile figure in the Internet celebrity circle.

At the same time, netizens also discovered Hua Shanshan's advanced history of appearance, coupled with her dance academy graduation background and perfect figure, which allowed her to show the image of a big beauty in reality on her social account. However, this popularity was also accompanied by a series of negative news, rumors about her change of face and some doubts about her character. Despite this, Hua Shanshan still became the first Internet celebrity to become popular by proposing.

The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face

originally thought that a successful marriage proposal meant that divorce was not far off, but the news more than a year later was shocking - Hua Shanshan was not the bride of the rich second generation. This aroused the curiosity of many people, especially the attention of the bride. Through the wedding photos they posted, we found that although the bride is different from Hua Shanshan's sweetness, she shows a cold temperament. What's even more striking is the luxurious equipment on her body, the golden gold, which is said to be the wedding dress of Hermès, making her a representative of the top configuration.

The identity of the bride has also caused speculation, and it is rumored that she did not marry into a wealthy family, but that she is a wealthy family at home, and her family background is no less than that of the man. Although the bride is not very old, she was born in 99, but according to family traditions and regional customs, it is not too early to marry at this age. She is the fourth girl in the family, and the first three older sisters are all married and have children, in keeping with family traditions.

The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face

Regarding the bride's profession, she is mainly based on Bai Fumei's identity, and she is also a blogger who has signed a contract with an Internet celebrity company. Although her early image didn't highlight her strengths, she managed to find a dress that suited her cool style by refining her makeup techniques. As a beauty blogger, she frequently shares tutorials and posts beauty photos as a beauty blogger. Recently, she has been actively engaged in business on her wedding photos, showing her unusual side.

Although she is not well-known in the Internet celebrity circle, the company she signed with is Xingxingge, a very famous Internet celebrity company. This aroused people's curiosity and also brought her to the attention in an unexpected way. Compared with Hua Shanshan, both of them are very young, both were born in 99. Although both have been proposed, netizens have different opinions when comparing, with some praising the bride's appearance while others believe it is a blessing of money and status.

The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face

Compared with Hua Shanshan, the bride is more mature, and although her facial features are not amazing, her cold temperament is impressive. Hua Shanshan has become a high-profile existence in the Internet celebrity circle by virtue of the hardware conditions and the online presence of American businessmen. However, the comparison of appearances is only a matter of eyes, after all, in reality, the two parties may not have much intersection. Let's appreciate their unique charm, and this story about marriage proposal and marriage is also quietly circulating in the Internet celebrity circle.

Two years ago, Hua Shanshan's marriage proposal scene amazed many people. As a relatively unknown Internet celebrity, she successfully attracted a lot of attention by relying on the marriage proposal of her rich second-generation boyfriend. This sweet fairy tears instantly became the focus of heated discussions on the Internet, triggering many discussions and envy. Hua Shanshan's appearance and body advantages, coupled with her beauty quotient and sports maintenance, make her show a real-life atmosphere beauty image on social media. And another eye-catching deed of hers is that she was asked for contact information by six men at a meal, making her a representative of pure desire, and her popularity is not low.

The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face

However, as Hua Shanshan became popular, it was also accompanied by a series of exposure of black materials, involving issues such as her face change and character. Some netizens questioned whether the rich second generation had done enough background research when they got married. Although she became popular because of her marriage proposal, more than a year later, the rich second generation married another beautiful woman instead of Hua Shanshan. This incident has sparked curiosity about the bride, especially her status as the "incumbent of Hua Shanshan's predecessor". The bride's wedding photos show a cold appearance and golden gold equipment, which makes people speculate about her background.

The bride is a white rich beauty, combined with a rich second-generation man in Hong Kong, making people speculate that she may also be from a wealthy family. She is young and beautiful, has excellent bone appearance, and the cold face and gold jewelry in the wedding photos make a deep impression. Fourth among sisters, early marriage seems to be a family tradition. Although some information about the bride has been exposed, her status as an Internet celebrity has also aroused curiosity, especially the company she signed with Xingxingge, a company that has cultivated many well-known Internet celebrities.

The rich second generation doesn't do "back tune" when they get married? The current exposure of Hua Shanshan's predecessor has an eye-catching face

Comparing Hua Shanshan and the bride, the different atmospheres and styles show the very different beauty of the two women. Hua Shanshan became popular with her sweetness and pure desire, while the bride showed a cold appearance and wealthy status. The appearance of the two varies according to the personal preferences of the audience and cannot be directly compared. In addition, the reason why their fates converge on the event of marriage is also a coincidence of fate. Before the bride became popular on the Internet, marrying into a wealthy family became an opportunity for her to become popular.

Overall, Hua Shanshan and the bride represent two different influencer styles and life trajectories. Their road to popularity has intersected due to marriage, but under the development and formation of the Internet celebrity circle, they have each shown different charms. Although their appearance and background are eye-catching, their performance on social media is also unique, which meets the diverse needs of the audience for different types of Internet celebrities.