
What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

author:Unicorn World

Table tennis is a very fun sport that not only exercises the body but also improves thinking and reflexes. However, if you want to play table tennis well, enthusiasm alone is not enough, you also need to master some basic principles and skills. Today, I'm going to give you a science popularization, what principles have you mastered after table tennis skills soared?

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

1. Pace. Pace is the foundation of table tennis, it determines whether you can reach the point of hitting the ball in time, as well as whether you can maintain balance and stability. Generally speaking, the short ball should be cushioned one step before going up, so as to ensure speed and power; The long ball should be quickly retreated, so as to prevent it from being suppressed by the opponent; The left and right movements should be flexible and changeable, and they can be synchronized or stepped along, and adjusted according to the actual situation. After retreating, the movement of the hand is not large, and the key to power is stability. The force starts from the soles of the feet, the lower plate is stable, and the force is stable. Basically, after retreating, it is in place to exert force.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

2. Rhythm. Rhythm is the soul of table tennis, it determines whether you can grasp the initiative, and whether you can play changes and effects. Generally speaking, each movement should have a sense of rhythm, and you can't go all out to make the previous movement big and the next action small, which will lose coherence and continuity. Bounce is a great way to change the pace, it can catch the opponent off guard, and it can also buy yourself time. If the forehand position is not withdrawn, the next board can be blocked, or it can be brought quickly.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

3. Feints. Feints are an advanced technique in table tennis, and it can increase your deception and threat. The most common is the feint of the serve. For example, whether it turns or not, it is anti-screwing. Specifically, I like to use it, throw it up, turn around and touch the ball with a downspin motion. In fact, there is no downspin, that is, the ball falls down and touches the board, if you really want to talk about it, weak topspin. If you can't see it, you will swing high. Then there are the feints of hitting the ball: for example, the fast swing becomes long, the sideways position swings and picks the short swing, the body stops when the side is sideways, the arms are brought out, and the landing point is straight and diagonal. This one is especially useful for left-handed shots.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

4. Long ball. The long ball is the killer feature of table tennis, which can break the rhythm and defense of the opponent. Long balls must be served, whether they are served well or not. Just think of it as a nuclear weapon. Remember, it's not about how well you are doing, it's about making his mind always think about long balls. In this way, he will make a choice between stepping up and anti-stealing.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

5. Hit the left hand. Pay attention to the position and angle of the left hand. Stand a little in the middle. The left-handed backhand slash is too threatening. If you don't adapt, then learn to mirror it. There is also a left-handed pull ball that likes to spin with a little sidespin. We can actually wrap and pull it.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

6. Hit the horizontal board. Pay attention to the combination of small triangle and long line when playing horizontal boarding. A small triangle of the forehand combined with a long baseline of the backhand can kill a large piece. Chasing in the middle is the way to death.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

7. How to fight if the opponent is tall. If you are tall, pay attention to the drop in the middle lane and on both sides. The opposite side of the middle lane has to move. If you fall on both sides, the opposite hand will prevent you from killing. Even a single step was made up.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

8. How to fight if the opponent is faster than you. If you play faster than you, pay attention to the retreat and quality. Don't be entangled in this kind of fast speed. Retreat and add quality, let him make mistakes on his own.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

9. Face those who are good at borrowing. In the face of those who are good at borrowing, we should pay attention to force and rotation. Sometimes don't rush too much, add a little spin to make him not so easy to borrow. Otherwise, it is yourself who is uncomfortable with your strength.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

10. Kill the high ball. Killing a high ball is physically demanding. So if you kill the high ball yourself, you have to do it quickly. But when you wait, you have to see the rotation clearly, and you have to be fast under your feet. The two backhands are connected to a large angle. No, loops. When I put it, I spin more side to the rookie. Spin more on the master and make the ball arch. Hair fluttering.

What principles did you discover that led to a surge in table tennis?

That's all I want to share with you today, I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any ideas or questions, please leave a message in the comment area and we will communicate and learn together. #Table Tennis ##中国乒乓挑战季#

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