
The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

author:Guangdong Health Online
The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

Cantonese people's love for seafood


The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

The river fresh and seafood are delicious

But it's not easy to deal with

If you're not careful, you'll scratch and stab yourself

Doctor reminds

If you are accidentally stabbed by fish and shrimp, don't take it seriously

Keep the wound under close observation

Deal with it in a timely manner

The 53-year-old man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish

Recently, a 53-year-old man in Yangjiang was stabbed by a fish on his finger and died due to Vibrio vulnificus infection, which led to multiple organ failure.

It is reported that the man's finger was stabbed by a fish, and the local area was red and swollen, and he had a fever for 12 days before he went to the hospital in the jurisdiction for diagnosis and treatment. After 2 days, there was no improvement, blood pressure dropped, and blood pressure needed to be maintained with vasopressor drugs, so he was transferred to Yangjiang People's Hospital for emergency treatment.

Li Menghe, director of the Department of Burn Plastic Wound Repair in the hospital, considered it to be septic shock from fish stab wounds. Immediate transfer to the ICU for anti-shock therapy and monitoring is recommended. The patient was admitted to the ICU and actively rescued, but his condition deteriorated sharply, and multiple organs failed, and he passed away two days later.

Li Menghe said that Yangjiang, as a major coastal fishing city, has many cases of fish and shrimp stabbing every year, and in addition to general bacterial infection, many cases also have the possibility of marine Vibrio vulnificus infection.

The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →


Reports of being stabbed by seafood are not uncommon

Every year, people are injured by fish and shrimp

Resulting in infection and amputation or death


Case 1

Dongguan's Mo Bo was stabbing his left hand while cooking and washing shrimp. Two days later, his left upper limb suddenly began to swell and ache. More seriously, there were many blisters, oozing, and local ecchymosis on the left palm and forearm, and the person also developed a high fever.

Mauber came to the hospital for treatment. Upon diagnosis, it was confirmed that he was infected with Vibrio vulnificus. Despite a series of treatments, Mober's condition still could not control the necrosis of his left upper limb, and only amputation could save his life.

The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

Case 2

Mr. Su, who is in his 20s in Guilin, Guangxi Province, accidentally punctured the little finger of his left hand while handling a marine fish, causing a serious infection and the amputation of his entire left arm.

The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

Case 3

After Mr. Shi from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, was accidentally stabbed by a tilapia bone, his middle finger turned black and the joint position of the palm of his hand was swollen.

Huang Yuesheng, director of the wound repair department of the Southern University of Science and Technology Hospital, said that the man had been injured more than 40 hours after seeking medical treatment, and his general condition was very bad, and he was judged to be septic shock. Eventually, the man's middle finger was amputated. Upon examination, it was confirmed that Mr. Sze was infected with Vibrio vulnificus.

Stung by fish or shrimp should be debrided immediately

It is understood that Vibrio vulnificus is mostly distributed at the junction of rivers and seas and brackish water, often parasitic in shrimp, crabs and fish, or directly existing in seawater, with rapid onset and rapid progression after infection, and the case fatality rate is as high as 50%-70%.

"For patients with suspected Vibrio vulnificus infection, it is important to intervene early and actively, and do not waste window time. Li Menghe said that the timely and effective expansion and drainage of specialist surgeons is a very important means to reduce the bacterial toxin load in the body.

If you are accidentally stabbed by a fish, do not disagree, immediately debridement, squeeze out local blood, and then disinfect with iodophor or iodine for many times, closely observe the local condition of the affected area, if there is local redness and swelling or fever all over the body, you need to go to a specialist hospital for diagnosis and treatment immediately.

The man died 16 days after being stabbed by a fish, doctors reminded →

It is important to note that in addition to infection through trauma, raw consumption of aquatic products with Vibrio vulnificus may also cause primary sepsis through the intestine.

"We used to call it sepsis, but now everyone calls it sepsis, bacterial toxins and bacteria have entered the bloodstream, and the toxins have an impact on various organs, on circulatory respiration, causing shock, and finally causing multi-organ failure. Huang Yuesheng said.

Case 4

Xiao Wei (pseudonym), a 32-year-old from Quanzhou, Fujian Province, suffered a high fever of 39.5 °C the next day, listlessness, septic shock, obvious swelling of his right thigh, and black skin on his leg.

After more than a month of treatment in the hospital, he underwent four surgeries, and finally his life was saved, but unfortunately because of severe infection, the limbs were avascular necrosis, and the lower limbs were not saved.

According to the doctor, Xiaowei was infected with Vibrio vulnificus, and raw pickled, undercooked or stale seafood may carry this germ.

Is it really so dangerous to be pricked by seafood or eat raw seafood?

Doctors said that in daily life, the common ways of infection of Vibrio vulnificus are: raw seafood and wound contact.

Although Vibrio vulnificus is dangerous, healthy people with normal immune function are not easy to be infected by mouth, and they are vigilant about wound infection.


Both groups of people are advised to avoid handling seafood

Wounds on the body: People with wounds on their hands or mouths should try to avoid touching and eating raw seafood to avoid bacteria taking advantage of it.

People with weakened immunity: The elderly, children, pregnant women, and patients with diabetes and liver damage should be careful, as such people are more likely to be infected due to their low immunity.

Chita D

Except for Vibrio vulnificus

Seafood may also contain:

The following pathogenic microorganisms


▍ Parahemolytic arc bacteria

Vibrio parahaemolyticus mainly contaminates seafood, including a variety of marine fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish. Consumption of raw and cooked seafood or other ready-to-eat food contaminated with Vibrio parahaemolyticus may lead to infection.

The most common symptom of Vibrio parahaemolyticus infection is acute gastroenteritis, such as severe abdominal pain, paroxysmal colic pain in the umbilical cord, etc., which generally recovers quickly, and a small number of patients can develop dehydration and shock.


The most common contaminated foods are shellfish, such as oysters, clams, scallops, etc., among which oysters are highly susceptible to norovirus contamination.

The main symptoms of norovirus infection include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, low-grade fever, etc., which usually disappear spontaneously after 12-60 hours.

▍ Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis A virus is easy to accumulate on aquatic products such as cockles and oysters. Consumption of raw or half-contaminated aquatic products may result in HCV infection.

The onset of hepatitis A is acute, and patients have symptoms of loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness, and some patients have symptoms of jaundice, fever, hepatomegaly and liver damage.

Edit | Ren Junfei is in charge of the editor| Zhang Xiuli

Source | Yangjiang Daily reported previously by Guangdong Health Online

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