
Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

author:Beiqing Net

Water is the source of life, and the origin, conception and maintenance of life are inseparable from water. Without water, the human body cannot maintain physiological activities such as blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, and constant body temperature. However, there are many types of water we drink every day, some water nourishes people, and some water harms people.

Don't drink too much of 3 kinds of water, 1 kind hurts the liver, 1 kind destroys the kidneys, and 1 kind causes cancer!

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

Too hot water "Drink more hot water" can be said to be a good Xi engraved in the DNA of Chinese people. It's cold now, and it's so comfortable to drink a glass of hot water to warm your whole body.

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

However, it is actually warm water that is really good for the body, and drinking too hot water for a long time is not only not healthy, but also has a risk of causing cancer. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has issued a warning: "Drinking hot beverages above 65 degrees Celsius is a carcinogenic risk". Because too hot drinks enter the esophagus through the mouth, they will burn the esophageal mucosa. If the esophageal mucosa is repeatedly burned, it may lead to more and more abnormal "abnormal" cells, which may accumulate over time, and even gradually become malignant, and may eventually evolve into cancer cells and induce esophageal cancer. The optimal eating temperature for the human body is 10~40 degrees Celsius, and the maximum temperature that the oral cavity and esophagus can tolerate is 50~60 degrees Celsius. Tips: Remember to dry it before drinking hot water, and then sip it with your lips, it doesn't feel hot.

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

The weather of the old fire soup is getting colder, and it is the season to drink the soup again, especially the southerners, who are famous for their love of drinking the old fire soup.

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

There are two key factors in the sweet and delicious soup: one is the meat, such as chicken racks, pork bones, and lean meat, and the other is the long boiling time, starting from half an hour, which is usually "boiled three and stewed four" (that is, the soup is boiled for 3 hours, and the soup is stewed for 4 hours). However, the longer it is boiled and the more ingredients there are, it will only cause the nutrients in the food to be lost quickly, and the purine and fat content in the soup will become higher, especially in some old soups, there are animal offal, such as pork belly soup, pig lung soup, pig offal soup, etc., with higher purine content. When the body ingests too much purine, it will produce uric acid. High uric acid not only causes gout, but also causes urate deposition and uric acid stones.

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

If you add green vegetables to the soup, simmering it for too long will increase the potassium and oxalate content in the soup, and drinking it for a long time will also increase the risk of kidney stones. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone should drink "old fire soup" no more than 3 times a week, and it is not recommended that everyone cook soup for too long. It is best to boil meat soup for about 1 hour and no more than 2 hours, while fish soup should be kept within 1 hour.

Fruit juice juice is not as healthy as everyone thinks. It perfectly avoids the advantages of fruits, the dietary fiber is destroyed, the vitamins are lost, and it is not the essence that is concentrated, but a large amount of fructose.

Three kinds of water that they don't even drink when they are killed, one hurts the liver, one destroys the kidneys, and one causes cancer! Too many people drink it wrong without knowing it, so it's no wonder that the body collapses

For example: a glass of 500~600ml of fruit juice contains more than 100 grams of sugar. The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" points out that adults should not exceed 50 grams of added sugar per day, and it is best to control it to less than 25 grams. Fructose is one of the sweetest of all natural sugars.

After eating fructose, the rate of glycemic rise is slower and there is no feeling of fullness, so it is easy for people to unconsciously consume excessive fructose and calories. Long-term intake of excessive sugar can cause great harm to the liver: sugar is metabolized in the liver, and the liver will convert sugar into fat, inducing fatty liver, and may also cause insulin resistance, interfere with metabolism, lead to increased blood pressure, and thus damage the liver.

In addition, drinking fruit juice often can easily induce gout attacks. Although fructose does not contain purines, when it enters the body, the final metabolite will be turned into uric acid, which will increase uric acid production. Moreover, consuming too much fructose will also lead to an increase in visceral fat, which in turn will affect the excretion of uric acid. Studies have found that healthy people who drink two or more glasses of fruit juice a day have an 81% increased risk of gout. Therefore, for the sake of liver health, it is best to drink little or no fruit juice, especially for patients with hyperuricemia and gout.

The pictures in this article are all from

(Health Daily Push)