
Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

author:Purple Cow News


On the evening of June 28, the 29th Shanghai TV Festival "Magnolia Bloom" award ceremony was held at the Lingang Performing Arts Center, and Hu Ge and Zhou Xun won the best actor and best actress respectively. Among them, "Flowers" became the biggest winner of "Magnolia", winning five awards for Best Chinese TV Series, Best Actor, Best Screenplay (Adaptation), Best Cinematography, and Best Art, and Hu Ge won five awards for "Best Actor". Excellent dramas such as "The Long Season", "Imperfect Victims" and "South to North" have all been harvested, and it can be said that everyone is happy.

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

Hu Ge recalled that Ah Bao "cultivated" like this:

Director Wong Kar-wai taught me how to act

"Best Actor" competed between Ding Yongdai in "South to North", Fan Wei in "The Long Season", Hu Ge in "Flowers", Wang Renjun in "Ask the Boundless", and Wang Yang in "The Wind Chaser", and finally Hu Ge won the award. This is Hu Ge's second Magnolia Award after eight years. On stage, he mentioned that his heartbeat "has exceeded 160" before the award was announced, and also said that "being an actor is the happiest profession in the crew", "In addition to gratitude, I want to say thank you".

There was also a touching scene at the scene, Hu Ge mentioned that before the filming of "Flowers" started, he had collected props from the whole society, so he also sent some "very important and precious objects for me" to the crew at that time, he choked up and mentioned that he sent the clothes, velvet thread, and sewing machine left by his mother to the crew, hoping to leave the memory that can never be returned through the image, and the scarf used by "Mr. Bao" in the play is woven from the wool that Hu Ge's mother is not willing to use and exists at home.

"Director Wong Kar-wai is the soul of this drama, and he has made this drama and its actors a success." In the backstage interview, he once again thanked the director Wong Kar-wai, who missed the Best Director award: "It's the first time to have such a filming experience, and I don't want to come out, it carries a lot of my life and past." I know in my heart how I became Po in the course of nearly 4 years of filming. Many times, it is the director who teaches me to act, "Flowers" is like a film school, everyone whether it is an actor or a servant, everyone has made great progress in this process, thanks to the director.

Hu Ge, who won the Best Actor Award, won the award in Magnolia again after 9 years after "Langya Bang". Backstage, he said in Shanghainese: "The filming of "Flowers" is like a dream for me. Asked to use one word to describe his current feelings, Hu Ge chose "worthwhile trip" - this is also the title of his work last year, which won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actor at the 25th Shanghai International Film Festival. Interestingly, Hu Ge said: "When I went out, I asked my daughter, will my father win the award today?" She said no! Now I can tell her that I did. ”

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

The main creator said that he suffered from the "sequelae" of "Flowers",

Dong Yong and Tang Yan "goodbye to the rivers and lakes"

During the interview, the award-winning "Flowers" art director Tu Nan, photographers Bao Dexi, Chen Cheng, Jin Chenyu and screenwriter Qin Wen invariably mentioned the hardships and difficulties of the creative process of the "Flowers" project in the past few years, and expressed their gratitude to director Wong Kar-wai, the actors and the staff of various departments of the crew.

Bao Dexi, Chen Cheng and Jin Chenyu won the "Best Cinematography", and Bao Dexi said, "When Director Wang shoots women, he has to rewatch her previous films, and he pays special attention to state and posture, all of which are in the language of the lens. In his opinion, there are many aspects to the success of photography, "In terms of the overall visual presentation, the photography award of "Flowers" is attributed to many departments and many people. I would also like to thank the long-term cooperation of the photography team, the lighting team, and the mobile team, which are all factors of success. ”

He said, "Our shooting method is the same as that of the film, we rehearse each scene first, and then we go to the lighting, and we have to know how the actors are going first, so that we can understand which angle to shoot them to best meet the needs of the plot and capture their most vivid side." We did have a little 'sequelae of flowers', and after the shooting, everyone was a little reluctant. ”

"Director Wang is a servant, and I am a receiver. It's just that he will serve multiple balls at a time, and at first I didn't know how to catch them, and after a year, I slowly figured out that I had to hit them back in my own way, so that the balls could be played. Qin Wen, who won the "Best Screenplay (Adaptation)", said that from preparation, filming to post-production, she has always been with the crew of "Flowers". "I watched the production process with the director and thought about how to write the script from the perspective of using the script."

The creators of "Flowers" reproduced the classic lines in the play in Shanghainese in unison: "If you celebrate often, you can succeed", and the atmosphere was joyful and warm. Dong Yong, who was shortlisted for Best Supporting Actor and Actress, said with a smile: "I'm very disappointed that I didn't win the award, we'll see you in the rivers and lakes!" Fan recalled the bits and pieces during the filming of the work, and was moved to tears several times. Tang Yan, who regretted missing the Best Actress of this year's Magnolia Awards, happily said that she "is fortunate to be a member of "Flowers", and the road ahead is still very long, and you can continue to see you in the rivers and lakes"!

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

Zhou Xun was "sealed" for the second time:

These two characters give me different powers

"Best Actress" competed between Ren Suxi in "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm", Tang Yan in "Flowers", Yan Ni in "Grandma's New World", Yang Zi in "Sauvignon Blanc Season 1", and Zhou Xun in "Imperfect Victim", and finally Zhou Xun won the award. Zhou Xun won the Magnolia Award for Best Actress in 2015 for "Red Sorghum", and this is the second time she has won the award.

Zhou Xun, who won the award, was so happy backstage that she said to the trophy "Magnolia Magnolia, I love you", and she also bluntly said that the feeling is the same every time she receives the award, "I was more excited and nervous when I came, Magnolia is one of the highest awards in the TV drama industry, from my heart, I want to get this honor very, very much." ”

"Thanks to the director's firm choice, I have a new role at this age." In "Imperfect Victim", Zhou Xun plays lawyer Lin Kan, who paid tribute to all Chinese lawyers in an interview, "hoping that they can help more people in need." Talking about the age and flowering period of the actress, Zhou Xun did not evade: "When I reach the age when I should wear reading glasses, I will wear them." Later, when I met a character who wore reading glasses, I knew what to do. In the backstage interview, when asked how Zhou Xun is related to the two very brave and strong characters she plays Jiu'er and lawyer Lin Kan, Zhou Xun said, "Everyone has different sides of strength and gentleness, and it is these two characters who appear in my life and give me different strength." ”

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

In addition, Xin Shuang, director of "The Long Season", won the Best Director Award. When asked how to review the creative process of "The Long Season" with a song, the director sang "Looking Back Again" and specially explained, "When there are ugly entries, it's my problem, not the song." ”

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

Ning Li won Best Supporting Actor for "Under the Prosperous City"; Jiang Yan, the actor of "Yao Yuling" in "South to North", won the best supporting actress; "Ask the Boundless" won the Grand Jury Prize. Ning Li, who took the stage to win the award, emotionally mentioned that the first time he knew about the "Magnolia Award" was in his second year of college, and he thought that he would definitely win this award one day in the future, "I just counted the six steps (from the stage to the stage), and it took me thirty years!" ”

Hu Ge re-named "Magnolia" as the emperor: My daughter said I couldn't get it, but I did it

Jiang Yan, who won the supporting actress with "South to North", couldn't cry at the scene, she expressed her gratitude for the honor awarded to her by the Magnolia Award, "I hope to let more producers and producers know that 'I can'." ”

Yangtze Evening News/Purple Cow News reporter Zhang Nan

Video clip: Dai Zhehan

Proofread by Faye Wong

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