
Hu Changsheng supervised the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture to feedback and rectify the problems

author:Daily Gansu
Hu Changsheng supervised the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture to feedback and rectify the problems

Hu Changsheng emphasized when supervising the rectification of the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture

Seek truth from facts, adapt measures to local conditions, implement scientific policies, and promote rectification

Let green always be the bright background color of high-quality development

Hu Changsheng supervised the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture to feedback and rectify the problems

On December 14, Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, supervised the central environmental protection inspection team in Gannan Prefecture to feedback on the rectification of problems. New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Meng Jie

Hu Changsheng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, stressed on December 14 that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the Xi Jinping Ecological Civilization Thought, firmly establish Xi the concept of green development, conscientiously implement the requirements of the Central Ecological Environmental Protection Supervision Group, adhere to seeking truth from facts, adapting measures to local conditions, and implementing scientific policies.

Hu Changsheng supervised the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture to feedback and rectify the problems

Hu Changsheng successively came to the Zhangzigou sand and gravel mining site in Madang Town, Xiahe County, the sand and gravel processing point in Sayiang Village, Labrang Town, Sasu Natural Village, Dirui Village, Zuogai Manma Town, and Nanban Sand and Gravel Company in Kajiadao Township, to inspect the rectification and improvement of the problem and the ecological restoration on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to implement the rectification requirements to the letter, come up with rectification measures for one mine and one policy, speed up the progress of work, combine points and areas, treat both the symptoms and the root causes, accelerate the restoration of mines, vegetation restoration and cultivated land reclamation, and achieve scientific and comprehensive rectification in accordance with the law. It is necessary to strengthen risk awareness, comprehensively study and judge factors such as the amount of slag stacking, topography, precipitation, and rain collection surface at mining sites, eliminate potential geological disasters, and effectively ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

After learning about the situation on the spot, Hu Changsheng presided over a symposium to listen to the rectification ideas and progress reports of the relevant departments of Gannan Prefecture and the provincial government, and to study the key work in the next step. He stressed that Gannan is an important water conservation and replenishment area in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and shoulders the important mission of building a solid ecological security barrier on the plateau. Ideological understanding must be in place, and we must always grasp rectification and reform from a political perspective. Deeply understand the seriousness, urgency and extreme importance of protecting the ecological environment and building a solid ecological barrier, truly take ecological and environmental protection as a political task and a bottom-line task, promote rectification with the most resolute attitude, the most powerful action and the most stringent requirements, and firmly defend the "two establishments" and "two maintenances" with practical actions. Measures and measures should be in place, and rectification should always be aimed at the key crux of the problem. Systematically do a good job of digging up the root causes, checking blind spots, and making up for shortcomings, carefully compare the relevant policy requirements, industry standards and work specifications of the state and our province, refine the rectification plan item by item, adhere to the policy according to the situation, classify the treatment, clarify the responsibilities involved, strictly grasp the industry supervision, carry out special rectification actions in the field of sand and gravel, and ensure the high-quality progress of rectification. The management of the survey should be in place, and the rectification should always be highlighted from point to point. Adhere to drawing inferences from one case and treating both the symptoms and the root causes, do a solid job in the whole area, establish rules and regulations, follow up and supervise, consolidate achievements, etc., strengthen the demonstration and creation of green mines, and strive to solve a problem to plug a type of loopholes, improve a set of mechanisms, and comprehensively improve the efficiency of ecological environmental protection governance. The implementation of responsibilities must be in place, and always maintain a good style of work to grasp rectification. Strictly implement the requirements of "the same responsibility of the party and the government, one post and two responsibilities", the main responsible comrades should stand on the front line, command from the front, and earnestly shoulder the main responsibility for ecological environmental protection and problem rectification.

Hu Changsheng stressed that it is necessary to firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, correctly handle the relationship between economic development and ecological protection, accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development mode, and continue to enhance development potential and stamina. It is necessary to further promote the initiative to create security and stability, strengthen three-dimensional policies, prevent and resolve the risk of contradictions, strengthen social governance at the grassroots level, and consolidate the good situation of stability and unity. It is necessary to do a solid job in ensuring people's livelihood, solve the problems of the people's urgency, hardship and longing with heart and affection, and do practical things to benefit the people. It is necessary to strengthen grassroots party building, promote theme education and "three grasps and three promotions" in depth, strengthen the sense of purpose, improve service levels, and strive to make Gannan more harmonious and beautiful, and the people's lives happier and healthier.

Ma Tingli, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, attended. (New Gansu Gansu Daily reporter Zhang Fugui)

Hu Changsheng supervised the central environmental protection inspection team on the spot in Gannan Prefecture to feedback and rectify the problems

Source: New Gansu Daily Gansu Net

Editor in charge: Yang Yang Supervisor: Mu Haoqiang

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