
Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

author:Lemon Entertainment
Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined
Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

No one is perfect.

It's said that everyone isn't perfect. Even the well-known director Feng Xiaogang, who is already a household name, will become the focus of public attention because of some other things.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

From the movie "Lao Paoer" collided with Deng Chao's movie, the two publicly tore each other and reconciled, to the movie "Loyal Dog Hachiko" starring in person. There is no doubt that Feng Xiaogang still has some achievements in film.

However, after the hit of "Night Banquet" made Zhang Ziyi popular, the ensuing "naked replacement" turmoil also pushed Feng Xiaogang to the forefront again.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Is it the "big coffee" who "has no faith in his words" and "character problems" after the fact? Or is it Shao Xiaoshan's "addiction to wanting to be popular" and "malicious slander"?

A phone call brings "pouring wealth"

In 2005, Feng Xiaogang started filming the movie "Night Banquet".

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

It is said that this movie is adapted from the story in Shakespeare's plays, so Director Feng's expectations for this movie are still very high. Whether it is from the script to the filming and production, a huge amount of effort has been poured in.

The heroine Zhang Ziyi is well known to be a very popular actor at that time.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

When it comes to the "International Chapter", it can be said that everyone knows about it. After an actor becomes famous, he often pays more attention to his image.

Therefore, when she received Feng Xiaogang's invitation to shoot, when she heard that she wanted to shoot some large-scale shots, Zhang Ziyi refused at first, after all, this also directly affected her reputation in the future.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

However, he couldn't resist Feng Xiaogang's repeated invitations, so he reluctantly entered the group.

Seeing that filming was imminent, Zhang Ziyi was still a little hesitant to shoot large-scale shots, and Feng Xiaogang simply agreed that he would choose a stand-in to star, which would reassure the protagonist.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

After all, the actors he values will not give up easily. But where to find a suitable stuntman for a while, which also made Feng Xiaogang difficult.

Like everyone else, they also began to take the easiest method, the national audition of stuntmen actors. Because it is a "naked substitute", most of the people who come for the interview are ordinary people who come for money, and naturally they are not outstanding in terms of acting skills and appearance.

Inadvertently, Feng Xiaogang thought of the actor Shao Xiaoshan who had worked with him.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

With the mentality of trying it out, Feng Xiaogang dialed the phone. thought that Shao Xiaoshan would refuse, but for her who has been at home for a long time, this is undoubtedly "pouring wealth".

Although Shao Xiaoshan hesitated again and again, she heard that Director Feng would add her name to the end of the film in the later stage, and at the same time, she could have the opportunity to act with first-line actors and get a high salary, so she happily agreed to act.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Although he is not a professional actor, he is strict with himself according to the standards of professional actors. This dedicated attitude also made Feng Xiaogang more sure of his original choice.

Shao Xiaoshan's perfect figure interpretation made the movie "Night Banquet" exceed 100 million at the box office, and it became a smash hit movie for a while, and the starring Zhang Ziyi, Ge You, Gong Li and others in the play became even more famous.

Unfulfilled promises after fame

In 2006, the movie "Night Banquet" was successfully scheduled for broadcast.

After the movie was broadcast, it also received a lot of praise, which is naturally inseparable from the blessing of several "large-scale" shots in the movie, and the audience also sighed that the actors' acting skills were excellent, and Feng Xiaogang also gave a relatively high evaluation.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

The success of the movie is nothing more than thanks to the hard work of the script creation and the cast and crew. No matter how small the role is, it naturally contributes to the movie.

Shao Xiaoshan watched the movie with great anticipation and looked for her name in the credits at the end, but the result disappointed her.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

At first, I thought I was looking too quickly and didn't find it, but I was disappointed when I repeated it over and over again. Everyone was immersed in joy, and it seemed that the "naked substitute" actor who had made great sacrifices naturally chose to turn a blind eye.

Shao Xiaoshan called Feng Xiaogang, but Feng Xiaogang said that he didn't know this person, and bluntly said that Shao Xiaoshan wanted to be red and crazy.

His various remarks were like a sharp sword stabbing Shao Xiaoshan's heart. Later, I called again and simply hung up, and the explanation in exchange changed to the statement that the name of the group performance was not worthy of appearing in the subtitles.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

It doesn't matter if it's passing the buck to each other, or whether it's completely erasing the pay. Shao Xiaoshan knew that she couldn't fight, but she still wanted to ask for an explanation for herself, so she chose to post an article on the Internet to bombard Feng Xiaogang.

Taking advantage of the popularity of the movie, the majority of netizens quickly noticed the incident, and some female friends still chose to support Shao Xiaoshan and directly aimed public opinion at Feng Xiaogang.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Feng Xiaogang's response was simple and indifferent, and people still felt that this might be just a game directed and acted by the eighteenth-tier young actors, relying on their impression of trust in the big director.

Public opinion once again stood on Feng Xiaogang's side. Although Shao Xiaoshan has photos and other materials as evidence, everyone maintains a wait-and-see attitude as to what the truth of the matter is.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

This incident also indirectly shows that Feng Xiaogang is not without problems. Regardless of whether the promise to add the name is true or not, as the so-called promise is true, if what Shao Xiaoshan said is true, then it is indeed a huge smear to Feng Xiaogang's character.

Playing the "naked replacement" signboard to swagger everywhere

The matter of fighting a war of words may be over, but it seems that Shao Xiaoshan has also achieved the goal of promoting herself to a certain extent.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Although people still sympathized with her at the beginning, her series of operations later made people more truly aware of the true side of the artist's pursuit of fame and fortune.

Although the company that cooperated with her later admitted the "naked replacement" incident, the world also knew that Shao Xiaoshan's beautiful back was starred by her.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

There are certainly many actresses in the entertainment industry who have become popular because of tertiary films, and some of them have become popular after successful transformation. Shao Xiaoshan also seems to have seen the dividends of the entertainment industry, and she also has the opportunity to become a safflower, so how can she be willing to be someone else's green leaf?

However, things don't look like they will only learn from Handan, and eventually lead to a road of no return.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

At the beginning, Shao Xiaoshan starred for the so-called "commitment", but some people thought that she lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds. It is said that in order to play a naked substitute, he resolutely broke up with his boyfriend who had been in love for many years. could have successfully stepped into the marriage hall and had a different life, but because of a choice, he was involved in a turmoil.

Perhaps, because of this, he became famous, and because of this, he lost his future.

After tasting the sweetness of exposure, Shao Xiaoshan simply turned "Zhang Ziyi's naked replacement" into her own label. We do not shy away from developing development programs under labels. For this reason, he did not hesitate to put down his reputation, expose the unspoken rules of the entertainment industry, and publish a book publicly.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

No one knew if what she said was true or not, but people would never sympathize with her anymore.

The subsequent operation made everyone see the dissatisfaction and resentment in her heart, and there was an element of malicious anger in it.

She claimed that Fan Bingbing ruined her life, and also posted a curse.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Many people think that she has a mental problem, and she even spoke disrespectfully to her mother during a live broadcast. Later, her marriage was even more unhappy, and she played a good hand of cards, which also made people feel embarrassed.

"The Cultivation of an Actor" and "The Conscience of a Director"

The Shao Xiaoshan incident does not seem to be an isolated case in the entertainment industry, and there may be many such things happening in places we don't know. This also reflects the contradiction and conflict between the two main subjects in today's entertainment industry, namely directors and actors.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Feng Xiaogang is certainly not the glamorous that everyone sees. When the movie is released with bad reviews, he always complains that Wanda is not scheduled, or that the film critics are "garbage".

If you don't find problems in yourself and reflect in time, then it goes without saying that you ignore the promises of actors.

The director and the actor themselves are combined based on the relationship of interests, but the result is often to achieve the goal of "win-win".

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Back then, Xu Shaohua left Director Yang Jie to find another way out because Zhang Jinlai was paid dozens of yuan more than him, and there was also a situation where Zhao Benshan's apprentices helped the master to get a piece of the pie.

Shao Xiaoshan, as a young actor, seems to want to be famous and popular, and she is a little anxious to achieve quick success, but in the end, it was not Fan Bingbing who ruined her, but she personally ruined her future.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

The entertainment industry has always liked to use "virtue and art" to advertise itself, especially some famous people. After experiencing this, it seems that Feng Xiaogang should also carefully reflect on his own problems. In the Analects, it is said that there is a promise of a thousand gold, and there is also the question of "conspiring with others but not being loyal?", and it is not difficult to see that sometimes a person's character is more important than his works.

Humility is not cold, self-confidence is not arrogant, the more famous the director, the more it should be.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Looking at the new directors in recent years, such as Wu Jing, Jia Ling and others, Feng Xiaogang should indeed learn more from the younger generations, Xi learn.


In the decades of life, the pursuit of fame and fortune is of course everyone's pursuit, but sometimes the way is wrong, and it will lead you astray.

Shao Xiaoshan's experience also shows from the side that there are many ways for women to make themselves strong, sacrificing their reputation in exchange for the so-called popularity, turning against their families, and bombarding others, in the end, it will only backfire and make themselves more unbearable.

Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined

Director Feng was not spared in this turmoil, so it is also a way to add color to his character by not making promises easily, and keeping a humble and low-key attitude at all times in work and life.

We hope that after this turmoil, Shao Xiaoshan can understand herself more correctly, and director Feng Xiaogang can also precipitate himself and really come up with powerful good works to conquer the audience, we look forward to it together.


Naked substitute actor Shao Xiaoshan bombarded Feng Xiaogang: You wait, I will expose you and make you ruined