
Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

author:Qingya Games said

Speaking of the best-looking female generals in the Three Kingdoms, everyone has different opinions. But the female generals who coexist with violence and beauty are only a few generals like Ma Yunluo. So it's clear that Ma Yunluo is the most damaging general, why don't any players like to play?

Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

[Phoenix]: When you use the first [Kill] or [Duel] target in the play phase, if the target character has 1, you can choose one: 1. Draw X cards, 2. Deal damage from this card + X (X is the number of cards in your square hand).

[Equestrian] Locking Skill, you calculate the distance from other characters by -1.

Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

Ma Yunluo's [Phoenix Spirit] skill is quite violent, and when he makes the first kill or duel, he can add damage or draw cards. This skill is very simple, whether [Phoenix Spirit] is played or not depends on how many square cards the opponent has. Ma Yunluo can become the most violent general in the Three Kingdoms by relying on this skill, and he can kill generals like Shen Cao Cao and Shen Xunyu in seconds with one sword, what kind of generals like Xu Chu are not enough to see in front of Ma Yunluo!

Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

But have you noticed that the biggest problem with Ma Yunluo is that [Phoenix Spirit] can only have an effect on the opponent's cards. Most of the block cards are defensive, which leads to the fact that the characters with block cards are likely to have a foil in their hands, and the characters who are not foil, so how many square cards can they have in their hands? Therefore, it is simply unrealistic to rely on Ma Yunluo to add injury. If you choose to draw cards, in fact, the effect is not obvious, how many cards can you draw? It's far less profitable than gambling on injuries.

Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

Ma Yunluo can only be bound to the Guanshi Axe to play, but if it is bound to the Guanshi Axe, then most other kitchen knives can also do 90% of what Ma Yunluo can do, and this general has no advantages of his own at all.

Three Kingdoms Killing: Obviously the most damaging general, why is Ma Yunluo no one playing?

One thing to say, this Ma Yunluo is really good-looking, blonde ponytail Lori, it is not too much to say that it is the most beautiful military generals in the Three Kingdoms. But this strength is really worrying, which is why no player likes to play.

Okay, this issue is over here, if you have any understanding or opinions, please feel free to leave a comment below, and we'll see you next time!

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