
"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

author:Lao Zhang's health theory

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Winter is a cold season, and many people will choose to eat some warm foods, such as mutton, chicken soup, red dates, etc., to increase the body's resistance and warmth. However, did you know that there are actually some melons that are suitable for eating in winter, which can not only moisturize the body, but also prevent and treat some common diseases, such as cough, cold, constipation, etc.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

These melons are "eat 4 melons in winter, and you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine". So, what are these melons, and what are their effects? Let's take a look.

1. Winter melon: clear heat and water, reduce swelling and detoxification

Winter melon is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine to clear heat and water, which can help the body discharge excess water and toxins, eliminate edema and edema, and has a good adjuvant treatment effect on patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, etc. Winter melon can also clear heat and detoxify, and has a relieving effect on symptoms such as cold and fever, sore throat, mouth and tongue sores.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

Winter melon can also moisten the lungs and relieve cough, and improve respiratory problems such as dry cough, phlegm, and asthma. Winter melon can also strengthen the spleen and appetize, and has a regulating effect on digestive problems such as loss of appetite, indigestion, and constipation.

The best time to eat winter melon is in the morning or noon, so that you can use the heat and water effect of winter melon to help the body discharge water and toxins of the day, and reduce the burden on the body. The consumption of winter melon should also be appropriate, generally no more than 500 grams per day, otherwise it may cause the body to be too cold and affect the function of the stomach and intestines.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

2. Pumpkin: nourishes qi and blood, lowers blood sugar and fights cancer

Pumpkin is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine to replenish qi and nourish blood, which can help the body increase the production and circulation of qi and blood, and has an improving effect on symptoms such as anemia, weakness, and paleness.

Pumpkin can also lower blood sugar and fight cancer, it contains a substance called pumpkin polysaccharides, which can reduce the level of blood sugar and cholesterol, and has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease and other patients. Pumpkin polysaccharides can also enhance immunity, inhibit the growth and spread of cancer cells, and also have a good adjuvant treatment effect for cancer patients.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

Pumpkin can also moisten the intestines and laxative, it is rich in dietary fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, help discharge waste and toxins from the body, and has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on constipation, hemorrhoids, intestinal cancer and other patients.

The best combination of pumpkin is brown sugar, wolfberry, longan, walnut, etc., which can increase the blood tonic effect of pumpkin, and at the same time increase the sweet taste of pumpkin.

3. Zucchini: clear away heat and relieve heat, diuretic and anti-inflammatory

Zucchini is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and relieve heat, which can help the body dissipate excess heat, and has a relieving effect on symptoms such as fever, thirst, and headache.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

Zucchini can also diuretic and anti-inflammatory, it contains a substance called zucchin, which can increase urine output and uric acid excretion, and has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on edema, urinary tract infection, gout and other patients.

Zucchini can also clear the liver and eyes, it is rich in carotene, can protect the health of the eyes, for dry eyes, eye fatigue, myopia and other eye problems have an improvement effect. Zucchini can also be used for beauty, it is rich in antioxidants, can resist free radical damage, and has a preventive and therapeutic effect on skin aging, wrinkles, spots and other beauty problems.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

The best time to eat zucchini is in the afternoon or evening, which can use the effect of zucchini to clear away heat and relieve heat, help the body lower the temperature of the day, and reduce the fatigue of the body. The consumption of zucchini should also be appropriate, generally not more than 300 grams per day, otherwise it may cause the body to be too cold and affect the function of the stomach and intestines.

4. Winter melon skin: clear away heat and phlegm, relieve cough and asthma

Winter melon peel is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine to clear away heat and dissolve phlegm, which can help the body eliminate phlegm in the lungs, and has a relieving effect on cough, phlegm, asthma and other symptoms.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

Winter melon peel can also relieve cough and asthma, it contains a substance called winter melon quercetin, which can inhibit the cough reflex, and has an improvement effect on dry cough, phlegm, coughing up blood and other symptoms.

Winter melon peel can also clear heat and diuretic, it contains a substance called winter melon peel acid, which can increase urine output and uric acid excretion, and has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on edema, urinary tract infection, gout and other patients.

Winter melon skin can also clear heat and detoxify, it contains a substance called winter melon skin alkali, which can resist the invasion of bacteria and viruses, and has a relieving effect on symptoms such as cold and fever, sore throat, mouth and tongue sores.

"Eat 4 melons in winter, you don't need to catch traditional Chinese medicine", which 4 melons are they? Eat more after winter, and survive the cold winter in peace

The best time to eat winter melon peel is in the morning or evening, which can use the effect of winter melon peel to clear heat and dissolve phlegm, help the body clear phlegm from the lungs, and reduce the difficulty of breathing. The consumption of winter melon skin should also be appropriate, generally no more than 10 grams per day, otherwise it may cause the body to be too cold and affect the function of the stomach and intestines.


These melons are very beneficial foods for health, which can help us prevent and treat some common diseases, such as cough, cold, constipation, etc. There are also many ways to eat these melons, which can be chosen according to your preferences and needs, but you should pay attention to the appropriate amount and timing, and avoid excessive and improper consumption, otherwise it may backfire and affect the balance of the body.

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