
What is the "double carbon" goal?

author:Ecological environment of Chengdu


Greenhouse gases are actually coming together for a conference?!

"Picking" or carbon dioxide?!

The editor seems to smell the smell of "conspiracy".


It turns out that greenhouse gases want to continue to enjoy

The "dividend" of human industrialization strengthens itself

It's a pity that this conspiracy was discovered

The "dual carbon" goal set by people

Precisely due to the increase in greenhouse gases

The "good medicine" for climate change

What exactly is "dual carbon"?

Let's look at it quickly~


What is the "dual carbon" goal?

Due to the industrialization process of human beings for more than 100 years, the development of the greenhouse gas family is very prosperous, and the earth's climate is gradually warming, in order to control the average temperature rise of the earth by the end of this century to 2 degrees Celsius compared with the pre-industrial revolution level, and strive to reduce the global emissions by 25% by 2030 compared with 2010.

What is the "double carbon" goal?

Carbon peaking and carbon neutrality are the means by which humanity can combat greenhouse gases. Carbon peak refers to the carbon emissions of the world, countries, cities, enterprises and other entities, and in the process of rising to falling, carbon emissions reach the highest point, that is, carbon peak.

What is the "double carbon" goal?

Carbon neutrality, on the other hand, refers to the balance between anthropogenic emission sources and anthropogenic absorption and sink through afforestation, carbon capture and storage technologies.

What is the "double carbon" goal?

More and more countries have announced that they will achieve the goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality as soon as possible, and some countries have already achieved carbon peak. In China, for example, the growth rate of carbon emissions has slowed down much from the rapid growth period between 2000 and 2010, and the country's announcement in September 2020 that it would strive to peak its carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060 shows its determination.

What is the "double carbon" goal?

China's carbon intensity in 2020 fell by nearly half compared to 2005, and has basically reversed the rapid growth of carbon dioxide emissions.

Source: China Weather

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