
"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

author:Xiaoguang chats about the world

On an ordinary morning in 1968, in a small courtyard in Jinan, Shandong, Deng Wendi came to this world unremarkably. Unlike most girls' childhood, when the mother held her soft little body, her eyes did not look as happy as when she saw the boy, on the contrary, the ability to ignore obviously made little Wendi Deng suffer from the cold.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Her mother, who had lost her color in the years, could not afford all the living expenses of a child, and in this era and social context, only a man could really support a family.

So whenever relatives and friends come to the house as guests, my mother will always push Wendi Deng's two sisters out to show them first to add luster to herself. But when they asked if there was a son in the family, the smile on the mother's face would disappear, and she could only shake her head helplessly, crying aloud under the ignorant gaze of her daughters.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

When Wendi Deng was four years old, her mother became pregnant again. My mother knelt in front of the Buddha every night and prayed for a very healthy son, and even Wendi Deng and her sisters were looking forward to it, imagining what her younger brother would look like.

However, the good times did not last long, and the result of the prenatal examination was as good as ever, and the mother and daughter couldn't stop crying in the maternity ward. Dad is also pacing in the outside of the world in disappointment—one step away from a complete family.

In 1987, 19-year-old Wendi Deng embarked on a journey to study in the United States alone. On the plane to Los Angeles, she meets Mr. and Mrs. Cherry, who are returning from vacation.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Perhaps out of sympathy for the strange girl in a foreign land, or perhaps deeply attracted by Wendi Deng's intelligent and intelligent conversation, the couple finally decided to bear all her academic and living expenses, so that she could devote herself to her Xi studies without worries.

For the first year of living in the United States, Wendi Deng boarded at Cherry's home. Xi diligently during the day, and take care of Mrs. Cherry's children at night. Gradually, she integrated into this middle-class American family like family.

However, the good times did not last long, and just as Mrs. Cherry was full of praise for this optimistic and sensible Chinese girl, she discovered Wendi Deng's ambiguous relationship with her husband. Mrs. Cerry was so distressed that she threw them out of the house in a fit of rage.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

In 1990, 22-year-old Wendi Deng married 53-year-old Mr. Cherry, a marriage that lasted more than two years before it ended. However, for Wendi Deng, who is scheming, the U.S. green card is the treasure she really wants to obtain.

At this point, the scheming girl once again showed her pure desire for success, believing that as long as she was not on her knees, she had nothing to regret.

In 1996, Wendi Deng embarked on a journey to Hong Kong. As an upright business woman, she bought a first-class ticket and was ready to meet people on the plane who could help her career.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Sure enough, this decision directly changed her fate.

On the plane, Wendi Deng met Bruce, an executive of Murdoch News Corporation, and with her brilliant mind and outstanding conversation, she successfully won the appreciation of this big man.

Brewster deliberately arranged for Wendi Deng to enter his satellite TV station, Star TV, to practice Xi, giving this ambitious strong woman a big platform to display her ambitions.

In Star TV, Wendi Deng studied hard and Xi worked hard, and soon stood out and stood firm. With her excellent professional ability and keen business acumen, she was gradually promoted and raised, and finally became an executive of the company.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

However, for her, this is just a small stop on the road of struggle, and the dream of entering the top rich circle has never stopped. At the same time, Wendi Deng is also actively absorbing the experience of learning Xi business operation, which lays the groundwork for her to reach the peak of life one day in the future.

One day in 1998, Wendi Deng received a notice to attend an important meeting. At the meeting, she was shocked to realize that it was the boss of News Corporation, the world's top media billionaire Murdoch, who visited Hong Kong to investigate the possibility of expanding the Chinese market.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

As one of the few Chinese executives in the company, Wendi Deng is under Murdoch's heavy attention. As a translator, she gave Murdoch a detailed introduction to the Chinese market and her own unique insights, which deeply touched the tycoon.

This meeting became an opportunity for the two to have a good impression of each other. A year later, the 67-year-old Murdoch announced the news of his lightning marriage to Wendi Deng, which shocked the entire entertainment industry.

After marriage, Wendi Deng became the wife of a billionaire and enjoyed the luxurious life of a top rich. However, the ambitious woman is not at peace with herself, and she fears that her position in the vast Murdoch family will be unstable.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Eventually, she chose to have children to cement her position – and after giving birth to two daughters for Murdoch, the marriage looked flawless.

In 2011, Wendi Deng's heroic act of standing up and fighting in the incident of her husband's splashed paint became the focus of global attention for a while. The attitude of the media and public opinion towards this oriental woman has also changed from initial skepticism to praise - she has successfully made everyone recognize her status in this top wealthy family.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

If the paint splashing incident in 2011 was the most glorious moment in Wendi Deng's life, then 2013 is destined to be a turning point in her life. This year, her affair with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was exposed all over the world.

It turns out that behind the superficial affection, this strong woman in the East and the Western male magnate have been secretly in the warehouse for a long time.

When the news reached Murdoch's ears, the tycoon was furious. He personally investigates and interrogates employees, and soon finds out that the two have a secret date on his farm.

For a while, his wife's betrayal and the hurt of his friends made him feel painful, and finally chose to divorce Wendi Deng and cut off his long-term friendship with Blair.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Despite the breakdown of the relationship, Wendi Deng still received tens of millions of dollars in breakup fees from the ex-husband. And as Murdoch's rightful wife, her two daughters will also share the billion-dollar family inheritance in the future.

The price of losing love seemed insignificant, and Wendi Deng quickly adjusted his mentality and started a new single life.

After the divorce, Wendi Deng was not melancholy, she quickly adjusted her state and indulged herself to embark on a more free and easy life. This oriental strong woman seems to have regained her life and has begun to chase after handsome young guys.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

She is no longer satisfied with hunting for successful men, but has turned her attention to those small fresh meat with outstanding appearance. Beach walks, drinking parties and dancing, and romance are frequently on the hot search, becoming an indispensable spice in her life.

At the same time, Wendi Deng did not relax his attention to his career. The art trading platform she invested in has expanded its business year by year, steadily bringing her considerable income to her personal wealth.

The failed divorce did not affect the business of this smart woman. The rich and varied life experience has made her more insightful when it comes to investing and negotiating, and as a result, she can often make a profit easily.

"Fierce woman" Deng Wendi: married to a billionaire and had an affair with the prime minister, and still took away 26.8 billion from her ex-husband after cheating

Today, Wendi Deng is still living a life that is the envy of many strong women. She has her own place in the top financial circles, art circles, and rich circles.

Success, beauty, and self-confidence will always be synonymous with this woman, and she is far from the age to calm down.