
"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

author:Xiaoguang chats about the world

The dream of chasing stars and enlightenment is to participate in the Chinese opera performance department

"Dad, that's what I want to do!"

On a summer afternoon, the Qin family's mansion in Shenyang was quiet, but 7-year-old Qin Hao sat on the carpet in the living room, staring at the TV in front of him like a great enemy. At this time, there were a few soft and melodious whistles on the screen, and a girl in a pink floral dress walked briskly towards the camera, looking at the audience watching the show through the screen with a pair of bright and slightly resentful eyes.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

"Where my heart desires, go where I go......" The song "Dancing Street" came out melodiously, and in the heavenly singing, the young Qin Hao felt that the whole person was fluttering.

He closed his mouth lightly and stared intently at the girl singer on the screen, his eyes full of endless longing and yearning.

From that moment on, a cluster of acting fire ignited in Qin Hao's heart. He simply tore off the blank pages of his textbook and began to scribble on the photos of the stars in the pictorial; Use a cassette recorder to play the copied music tapes over and over again, imitating the singer's singing and dancing over and over again...... Qin Hao's parents discovered their son's new hobby, and they did not restrain them much, but gave them full understanding and support.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

This understanding and support have achieved the dream of acting in the heart of the young Qin Hao.

The parents pondered for a moment, but finally nodded in approval of their son's dream, and fully supported him to start preparing for the art exam. After a year of hard work, 17-year-old Qin Hao got his wish and was approved to the Chinese Opera Performance Department, and was trained as a classmate with future film and television superstars, starting his tortuous but vigorous acting career.

Strictly screen the script, and the film and television road is difficult

"I can't take these scripts!"

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

Qin Hao closed the documents on the table irritably, got up from his chair and paced around the room. Seeing that batches of classmates have begun to appear on the screen frequently, but he has been screening scripts and has no scenes to shoot for a long time, which made him gradually turn from anxious to secretly anxious.

"I understand your good intentions, but the film and television industry is all about output and popularity.

Qin Hao shook his head, still insisting on his opinion: "Even if the popularity can't catch up for the time being, I have to choose works that have depth and meet my acting requirements." Only by standing in the center of the stage can you shine your own light.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

As a result, Qin Hao kept refusing, choosing, and waiting for a few years after graduation. Most of the scripts received by the agent were lost in the sea, and gradually some producers shy away from this "picky actor".

In the past few years, Qin Hao has only occasionally made guest appearances in a few small-scale TV series, and he has never appeared on the big screen.

It wasn't until 5 years later that a theatrical short film "Mistaken Youth" put Qin Hao on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, and director Wang Xudong also praised Qin Hao in an interview, "This is the most dedicated actor I have ever met".

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

Standing under the flash of the center of the world film industry, Qin Hao finally confirmed that his choice of strict screening of scripts was the right path. After that, he began to turn to the development of literary films, and gradually won the reputation of "the little prince of literature and art" in the circle.

The most difficult thing on the road to acting is to have fun in time at the beginning. Qin Hao chooses to use time and patience to create high standards and high quality, which is beyond the reach of many newcomers.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

Although the development is slow and the benefits are limited, he has taken a firm step on this long journey that is difficult to travel on the film and television road.

The idol counterattacks and becomes true love, and let go of persistence

"I didn't expect Teacher Qin to show up and say something?" There was a burst of laughter from the audience, Qin Hao pursed the corners of his mouth a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect the host to suddenly cue himself. He looked up at the bright protagonists on the stage - idols, singers, queens, and now his wife.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

When he first met Yi Nengjing many years ago, Qin Hao fantasized countless times about being able to communicate face-to-face with idols, even if it was just "I'm your fan". Now that I think about it, God's joke on him is too big.

Qin Hao's heart still lives in the heart of the young man who was obsessed with chasing stars, how could he imagine that he would marry her one day.

The turning point came in 2013. has reached out in public many times, which has made Qin Hao's good impression of Yi Nengjing continue to rise. After coming and going, Qin Hao plucked up the courage to ask her to dinner, but he was a little unhappy after learning the fact that she was married.

However, the goddess of fate seems to be secretly laughing, and this encounter finally leads to a sincere relationship.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

At first, Yi Nengjing was also worried about the age gap between the two. She had already tasted bitterness in her previous marriage, and it was difficult for her to look forward to love again. However, Qin Hao's repeated expressions of heart finally touched her long-guarded heart.

In 14 years, the two officially announced their relationship, and Qin Hao also confessed to his family about this surreal "idol drama". Because of Yi Nengjing, he is willing to put aside his choice and persistence again, and accompany his lover wholeheartedly.

On the road of life, it is inevitable to encounter some unexpected turns. Some seemingly ridiculous plots may be the most wonderful arrangements of God. Choose to face and accept this surprise and start a new chapter in your life.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

For Qin Hao, this new chapter in his life is his most precious sustenance and hope in his long journey.

The hidden corner achieves a superstar, and the double harvest of the product stream is huge

"I should be grateful for this Zhang Dongsheng. ”

After finishing work, Qin Hao sat alone on the steps at the entrance of the studio. He shook his head vigorously, as if he wanted to throw the sinister and treacherous character out of his brain.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

The role of "The Hidden Corner" undoubtedly brought a huge leap forward to his acting career, but it also consumed a huge amount of his mental energy, which is a psychological war without gunpowder.

"Forget it, I'm so happy that my popularity has risen!" The agent on the side laughed, his eyes full of joy. Since the hit of "The Hidden Corner", the resources received by Qin Hao have been surging like a tide.

Blockbuster scripts, all kinds of variety shows, and advertising endorsements poured in one by one, and it seems that acting skills and popularity have finally been harvested.

At this moment, Qin Hao suddenly realized that this arduous road of being an actor finally ushered in the blossoming of spring. From an ignorant teenager to a well-known first-line superstar, only he knows the ups and downs he has experienced in the middle.

"Rich son" Qin Hao's history of ascending to the throne, from no drama to "top stream", this woman is too important

Fortunately, with the support of his loving wife and lovely daughter, the traces of wind and rain on the road ahead gradually faded away in the laughter.

Perhaps many years ago, the teachers persuaded themselves to seize the opportunity in time to catch up with the heat, and those words were not unreasonable. But I have always chosen to measure and persist with my heart, and in the end I still failed to disappoint my heart.

Now finally ushered in a bumper harvest of both quality and quantity, this harvest is not easy to come by, but it is also more precious and precious. It's a long journey, and this dream should be like this.

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