
"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

author:Xiaoguang chats about the world

Wang Yu was born in Shanghai into a prominent political and business family. His father, Wang Daohan, was the mayor of Shanghai and later the president of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait.

Mother Sun Weicong is an ordinary teacher, and the two have a good relationship.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Wang Daohan, who only had a son at the age of 60, dotes on Wang Yu, as long as Wang Yu asks, Wang Daohan will meet it. Once, 5-year-old Wang Yu saw a balloon seller in the park and asked for a balloon.

Wang Daohan immediately bought all the balloons in the park, and then set up a ladder to tie the balloons to the trees in the park one by one.

At the age of 17, Wang Daohan sent Wang Yu to the United States to study. At first, Wang Yu was not very comfortable with life there. He made an international call to Wang Daohan in the middle of the night, saying that he wanted to return to China.

Wang Daohan flew directly over to see him the next day, and later found a Chinese professor to take care of Wang Yu throughout the whole process and take care of his daily life until he was completely adapted.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Under the care of his father, Wang Yu spent a relaxed and comfortable life studying abroad.

After studying in the United States for 7 years, 24-year-old Wang Yu received a doctorate in business. After returning to China, he first founded an art company. With his family's network resources, Wang Yu's company has a booming business, making a profit of 20 million yuan in the first year, making him stand out in the business world.

Three years later, Wang Yu had a unique vision, seized the opportunity of the real estate industry, and created his own real estate company. With the help of his father Wang Daohan, Wang Yu's real estate company obtained the development right of a prime location in the city center.

He recruited some of the best designers in China at a high price, and the high-end apartments he developed were very popular, with a transaction price of more than 10,000 yuan per square meter.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

The business is booming, Wang Yu has accumulated a huge fortune and entered the list of Shanghai's richest people. The outside world speculated that he would run his business in peace and enjoy family life. Unexpectedly, Wang Yu seemed to be a different person, messing around with friends all day long, cynical.

He likes actresses in the entertainment industry, and has talked about several celebrity girlfriends, and his tricks and demeanors have made him uproar, and he has been named "actress harvester".

On a rainy night in 2007, Wang Yu met Li Yu at a gathering of friends. Li Yu was wearing a pale yellow dress, quiet and gentle, which left a deep impression on Wang Yu.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Wang Yu took the initiative to talk, and the two chatted all night, and unexpectedly had many common languages. When saying goodbye that night, Wang Yu had already secretly decided to pursue Li Yu.

Wang Yu sent flowers one after another, shuttling and chasing them. Li Yu was cold at first, because she had advanced lymphoma and had little to do with the rest of her life. She didn't want to drag a young lad down.

But after Wang Yu learned the truth, not only did he not give up, but pursued it more enthusiastically, staying by Li Yu's side every step of the way.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Li Yu watched Wang Yu take care of himself all night, his heart softened, and finally agreed to be with him. She didn't expect that this rich second generation with a bad reputation would change so much for her, making her feel loved.

Wang Yu cooks nutritious meals for Li Yu and reads her favorite poems; With a look from Li Yu, Wang Yu knew what she wanted and immediately satisfied her. Wang Yu paid Li Yu a sincerity that he had never had, like a completely changed person.

Li Yu was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma and his health deteriorated. Her hair fell out after chemotherapy, she was pale and skinny. Wang Yu was distressed and ran around looking for top hospitals and experts in China.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

He piled up a hill of banknotes, just begging the doctor to cure Li Yu's illness. The days of seeing the doctor have become the norm for Wang Yu.

Once, Li Yu had a high fever that did not go away, and Wang Yu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. Li Yu's hands were as cold as ice, and Wang Yu clenched them, trying to warm her with his body heat.

Doctors diagnosed the need for surgery, which is very risky. Wang Yu signed the consent form for surgery with tears in her eyes. Fortunately, Li Yu successfully survived the operation and miraculously survived.

In order to make Li Yu happy, Wang Yu learned to sing and dance to make her laugh. I still remember that once Li Yu suddenly wanted to eat dried noodles in the northwest wind, Wang Yu flew to Xi'an that night, and delivered it to Li Yu's mouth early the next morning.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Seeing her eating happily, Wang Yu secretly held back tears.

One day in 2009, it was drizzling in the sky. Li Yu swallowed his last breath under Wang Yu's encouragement, ending his life struggling in illness. Wang Yu was in pain, hugging Li Yu's already cold body and crying bitterly, until it was dark, he reluctantly left.

At Li Yu's funeral, Wang Yu was dressed in a black suit, and his face was pale and haggard. He recited Li Yu's favorite poem over and over again with red eyes, and his voice was choked. When he was buried, he sprinkled the first handful of soil in a trance, and this farewell was forever.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

For the next year, Wang Yu lived a half-dead life. He wears Li Yu's favorite silver chain all day long, and goes to every corner of her life to remember the past. Sometimes Wang Yu would murmur to himself in Li Yu's photos, telling him his unfulfilled apologies and affection.

Li Yu's death was a major turning point in Wang Yu's life. In the past, he was cynical, but he experienced the days of life and death with Li Yu, and his personality changed dramatically. Wang Yu no longer lives a drunken life and concentrates on running his own business.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Today's Wang Yu is quiet and introverted, and there is no previous publicity and restlessness. He is no longer keen on socializing and partying, and devotes most of his time to work. Occasionally, when he participated in social gatherings, he just listened quietly and no longer actively told jokes to make people happy.

Wang Yu, who lost Li Yu, seems to have a knot in his heart, giving people a feeling of being afraid of being hurt again.

"Little Flowers in the Capital" Wang Yu: was once an "actress sniper", but later turned back for her as a prodigal son

Wang Yu is still single. He is very wary of feelings, for fear of repeating the mistakes of the past. Wang Yu's friends often tease him when he will find a new love, but Wang Yu only smiles gently and is noncommittal.

He had learned his lesson, and this time he would be more cautious about his feelings. Li Yu is destined to become Wang Yu's inseparable miss in this life.