
No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

author:Director Xu Health said

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There is a saying that there are always moments in life when it seems destined to smoke a cigarette. But, did you know that at certain moments, the harm of tobacco multiplies, not only affects your health, but can also quietly lead you to the brink of cancer?

Mr. Zhang, a middle-aged sales manager, is a living example of this. He used to be a big smoker, whether it was under pressure at work or in his leisure time after dinner, a cigarette always made him feel relaxed.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

But it wasn't until that physical exam that the doctor told him that he had a suspicious shadow in his lungs. Lung cancer. His world collapsed in an instant. Experts say that the harm of smoking is exacerbated at certain times, such as after meals, in the morning, and when mood swings.

This is because at these moments, certain physiological activities of the body are at their peak and are more sensitive to the absorption of harmful substances. When smoking cigarettes immediately after a meal, nicotine reacts chemically with certain components in the food to produce more carcinogens.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

The stomach and intestines are struggling to digest food at this time, but they have to deal with these harmful substances additionally. In the long run, not only lung cancer may come to the door, but esophageal cancer and stomach cancer will also quietly approach.

When you wake up, your body is in a dehydrated and acidic environment, when you smoke, nicotine and tar are more absorbed. Before the lungs have time to "breathe", they are "attacked" by the harmful substances of tobacco, and in the long run, the risk of lung cancer is greatly increased.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

Smoking during stressful work and mood swings is considered by many people to be a stress reliever. But in fact, this will make the body in a state of tension, increase the dependence on nicotine, and accelerate the body's absorption of carcinogens. In the long term, the damage to the cardiovascular system and lungs is enormous.

After Mr. Zhang quit smoking, his life changed dramatically. He began to realize that health is not taken for granted, but needs to be maintained with every small choice. He often said, "If I had known, I would have chosen something different." ”

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

No matter how big your cravings are, stay away from tobacco at these critical times. After all, the price of health is something that no cigarette can measure. Our choices affect not only ourselves, but also our family and friends.

Let's use action to escort health and add points to life. On the road to health, we walk together. There are too many people around us who, like him, are gradually on the verge of health because of the smoke of certain "specific moments".

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

The harm of tobacco never picks time, but at certain moments, its destructive power is even more powerful. After a long day of work, the body is exhausted, and smoking at this time not only does not help recovery, but increases the burden on the body.

When fatigue puts the heart and lungs under stress, the harmful components of tobacco can further impair the function of these organs, increasing the risk of heart disease and lung disease.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

In cold weather, people often feel that smoking brings warmth, but in fact, cold weather causes blood vessels to constrict, and smoking is more likely to lead to cardiovascular disease. In cold air, harmful substances are more likely to penetrate deep into the lungs, causing more damage to the respiratory system.

Many people are Xi to smoking after drinking, but this combination is extremely dangerous. Alcohol accelerates the body's absorption of nicotine, and at the same time, the chemicals in tobacco interact with alcohol, increasing the risk of cancers such as oral cancer and laryngeal cancer.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

Tobacco, this seemingly ordinary little thing, lurks countless harms. It destroys our health at any time and on any occasion. Every moment you choose to smoke, it may be an open door to illness.

So, what should we do in the face of the temptation of tobacco? Tell ourselves that health is far more important than short-term gratification. In those "specific moments", divert attention and find an alternative to tobacco. Such choices may seem insignificant, but it is these small choices that build the fortress of our health.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

We can start now, start with ourselves, and resist the temptation of tobacco with practical actions. Every rejection of tobacco is a respect for life and a value for health.

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you

What do you think about smoking?

No matter how big the craving is, don't smoke these days, otherwise these cancers will get closer and closer to you