
Igniting the Engine of Science and Technology Innovation and Cultivating New Quality Productivity (2)

author:Shangguan News

To actively cultivate future industries and accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, future technologies that support the development of future industries are needed as the "cornerstone". The laboratory is an important scientific and technological force that nurtures major original innovations and promotes the development of disciplines and industries. Jiangsu continues to expand the laboratory matrix, accelerate the construction of a high-level laboratory system, has been approved to lead the construction of 31 national key laboratories, Jiangsu Provincial Laboratory Alliance was established and convened the first batch of 55 laboratories to assemble, jointly build strategic scientific and technological forces, accelerate the realization of high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance.

Facing major needs, the "national team" set off again

"The mission and goal of all of us in the laboratory is for this blue sky. On November 30, Zhu Fahua, director of the laboratory and chief scientist of the National Energy Group, told reporters at the experimental base of the "National Key Laboratory of Low-carbon Intelligent Coal-fired Power Generation and Ultra-clean Emissions" located in Jiangbei New Area, Nanjing.

Facing the three major strategies of the national "dual carbon" goal, energy security and the construction of a beautiful China, this year, the "National Key Laboratory of Low-carbon Intelligent Coal-fired Power Generation and Ultra-clean Emissions" was successfully reorganized on the basis of the original "State Key Laboratory of Clean and Efficient Coal-fired Power Generation and Pollution Control", and gathered the three major forces of the National Energy Group Electric Power Research Institute, Southeast University and the National Energy Group Kehuan Group to accelerate the realization of the three goals of "low-carbon, ultra-flexible and ultra-clean emissions" of coal-fired power generation. How to make the green energy transition of coal power is the top priority of the post-restructuring laboratory research.

"To form a new quality of productive forces, we must rely on scientific and technological innovation, and the key is to cultivate and form new industries. Zhu Fahua believes that the new quality productivity is a productivity based on scientific and technological innovation, a productivity that has gotten rid of the traditional growth path and meets the requirements of high-quality development, and a productivity that is more integrated and reflects the new connotation in the digital era. The process of green energy transformation of coal power is also the process of cultivating new industries. "Coal-fired low-carbon power generation burners and ultra-clean emission catalysts are expected to become part of the future industry and contribute to the high-quality development of the energy industry. ”

In the 2G and 3G eras, the mainland mobile communication failed to take the lead, but in the 5G and 6G eras, the mainland has been at the forefront of the world. Some of the important technical support stems from the "National Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications" (before the reorganization) built by Southeast University.

Wireless transmission technology for 6G is the key research direction of the laboratory. Professor Pan Zhiwen of the laboratory told reporters that the wireless transmission algorithm should solve the problem of reliable transmission and effective transmission, and the laboratory has made important breakthroughs in 6G wireless transmission technology and core support technology, some of the performance indicators are leading in the world, and some technologies have served important national projects. "For example, the high-frequency devices we developed for mobile communication are in response to major national strategic needs. The positioning of the laboratory is applied basic research, and our mission is to strengthen the chain and complement the chain. ”

In Pan Zhiwen's view, 6G is an important technical support for empowering new quality productivity, and he positions it as an "enabler" technology for new quality productivity. "6G is the technical foundation of informatization. For example, digital twins need to rely on high-speed wireless network transmission, and for example, the industrial Internet, 5G is not enough to support it well, and 6G will be expected to solve this problem. ”

Concentrate efforts on major tasks and carry out organized research on key issues

High-level laboratories are the key support for achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance. The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Science and Technology that our province has actively promoted the reorganization of the State Key Laboratory, and has passed the reorganization of 31 national key laboratories, and the scientific research direction is mainly concentrated in the fields of information, agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, energy, and engineering. As a "national team", 31 national key laboratories are oriented to future industries, gather first-class scientific and technological talents, resources and equipment, carry out major scientific research and technological innovation, and contribute to the cultivation of new quality productivity.

"The successful reorganization of the laboratory has played a huge role in promoting the realization of low-carbon, ultra-flexible and ultra-clean emissions in coal-fired power plants. Zhu Fahua introduced that the national energy group attaches great importance to the reorganization of the laboratory, issued relevant documents, included coal-fired clean and low-carbon power generation in the group's "14th Five-Year Plan" scientific and technological innovation and development plan, and supported the laboratory to be built into a "power science and technology innovation champion", "special zone of system and mechanism" and "talent training highland".

Concentrating efforts on major issues will help speed up the resolution of key core issues and develop strategic, critical, and original major scientific and technological achievements. Zhu Fahua said, "The laboratory will further study the power generation technology of coal-to-electricity coupling with renewable energy sources such as green hydrogen, green ammonia, biomass, combustible solid waste and energy storage and heat storage, as well as the key technologies of wind, solar, thermal storage, wind, solar, gas and hydrogen storage and multi-energy complementarity, so as to support the key technologies of low-carbon and ultra-clean emission coal-fired power generation in mainland China to a new level." ”

Over the past year since the reorganization, the scientific research organization of the National Key Laboratory of Mobile Communications has been continuously optimized and adjusted. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the laboratory aims at the major strategic needs of the country and carries out organized scientific research. Pan Zhiwen said that mobile communication is a very large and complex system, and many countries have invested more than 100,000 people to make a generation of mobile communication systems in 10 years. "The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) recently released the "IMT Framework and Overall Objectives Recommendation for 2030 and Beyond", which clearly puts forward six major scenarios of 6G, which are extremely challenging for the industry, which is the scientific research direction that we need to gather the most advantageous forces to break through. ”

To this end, the laboratory has taken the lead in undertaking several national projects and reformed the original scientific research organization model. "As a part of the industrial chain, we expect to integrate the industry-university-research institutions and upstream and downstream resources in the industrial chain, actively create a good ecology of mutual communication and complementary advantages, and lay a solid foundation for cultivating future industries and forming new quality productivity. Pan Zhiwen said that it is necessary to study how to control the cost of 6G so that it has the possibility of commercial promotion, which is a problem that the industry is very concerned about and needs to be solved by scientific research.

Expand the laboratory matrix, Jiangsu quickly whipped

"The key to forming a new quality of productivity is to cultivate future industries, and the cultivation of future industries needs cutting-edge technology as support. Zhang Hua, vice president of the Provincial Institute of Science and Technology Development Strategy, believes that the reorganization of the State Key Laboratory focuses on the reconstruction of the system, the recombination and optimization of the layout of basic scientific research forces, and should focus on solving the problem of mechanism design to promote the transformation of basic science into cutting-edge technology, and also to solve the problem of how to integrate and integrate key scientific research forces in the same field under the new system. "The national key laboratory should focus its research problems on the areas necessary for national strategy and industrial innovation, give full play to the advantages of institutionalization, systematization and integration after the reorganization, carry out mission-oriented basic research, produce major original and leading research results, clarify its role in the national innovation system, and explore a new path for cultivating new quality productivity under the new national system. ”

The 31 national key laboratories are an important part of the laboratory matrix of our province. Our province also has 1 national laboratory, 3 provincial laboratories and more than 140 provincial key laboratories, and has basically formed a laboratory system in Jiangsu Province composed of national laboratories (bases), national key laboratories, provincial laboratories and provincial key laboratories.

In order to enhance the overall competitiveness and contribution of laboratories in our province, on August 31 this year, the construction of Jiangsu laboratory system made another "big move" - the Jiangsu Provincial Laboratory Alliance, led by Suzhou Laboratory, was established in Nanjing, which was jointly composed of the National Key Laboratory of Suzhou, the Provincial Laboratory and some Provincial Key Laboratories. Xu Nanping, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Suzhou Laboratory, served as the director of the first management committee of the alliance, and Liu Qing, president of the Provincial Institute of Industry and Research, served as the director of the office of the management committee of the alliance.

The laboratory alliance has sounded the rallying cry to the first batch of 55 member units to jointly promote the construction of a high-level cooperation, exchange and sharing platform. Liu Qing introduced that the alliance will promote the interaction between the laboratory and regional characteristic parks and industry backbone enterprises, guide the reasonable flow and efficient agglomeration of laboratory innovation elements, fully share innovation resources and information, establish an interdisciplinary, large-scale collaboration and innovation cooperation mechanism for government, industry, academia and research, and transfer and transformation mechanism of scientific research achievements, promote the transformation of innovation advantages into industrial advantages, better serve the high-quality development of the economy and society, and strive to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-improvement for Jiangsu. Build an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence to provide strong support.

Continuously expand the laboratory matrix, improve the construction of the laboratory system, and provide a "multiplier effect" for the formation of new quality productivity.

Xinhua Daily Intersection reporter Cai Shuwen, Zhang Xuan, Yang Yizhen, Zhang Lin