
Social media: Finding a balance between trust and interaction

author:Curious researchers' research

In today's digital age, social media applications have penetrated every corner of our lives, becoming the main channel for people to obtain information, communicate and connect. Whether it's WeChat, Weibo, Douyin, or various other social platforms, they all provide a platform for consumers to showcase themselves and share their opinions and experiences.

However, with the rapid growth of social media, we have also come to realize that while these platforms offer us endless possibilities, their main focus seems to have deviated from their original goal of promoting human relationships. Nowadays, content on social media platforms tends to be dominated by premium content, and the distribution of this content often relies on the user's behavior such as tracking and liking.

Social media: Finding a balance between trust and interaction

This begs the question: can we really build and maintain meaningful relationships in these ways in social media apps? Obviously, it's not enough to rely on behaviors like tracking and likes to gauge a person's interest in content. More complex interpersonal relationships are more difficult to assess, measure, and facilitate. This complexity stems primarily from the complexity of trust-based interactions between individuals.

Trust is a key factor in social media applications. It is only when a relationship of trust is established that they will be more willing to engage in in-depth communication and interaction. However, how to assess and promote this relationship of trust is a difficult one. Without an effective assessment of this level of trust, it becomes very difficult to foster meaningful relationships in social media apps.

To solve this problem, we have introduced an interpersonal trust model. This model works as a function of multi-dimensional functionality and is suitable for social media-specific interactions. It can help us better understand how trusting relationships between individuals are formed and how trust can be used to foster deeper communication and interaction.

Social media: Finding a balance between trust and interaction

Through this model, we can see that interpersonal trust is not just a single concept, but is determined by multiple factors. This includes the frequency of interactions, the quality and value of the content, and how responsive users are to the content. Together, these factors influence the relationship of trust between two people.

At the same time, this model also emphasizes the importance of trust in social media. Only when users believe that the other person's content is valuable, authentic and credible, they will be more willing to engage in in-depth communication and interaction. Therefore, for social media platforms, providing high-quality, authentic and credible content is key to building user trust.

Social media: Finding a balance between trust and interaction

Overall, social media provides us with a whole new platform for communication and interaction, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. In this environment of complexity and uncertainty, trust becomes a key factor in building connections between people. And in order to foster meaningful relationships in social media applications, we need to better understand and evaluate this trusting relationship. By introducing the interpersonal trust model, we provide a new perspective on this issue and hope to provide some inspiration and food for thought for the future development of social media.

Social media: Finding a balance between trust and interaction