
The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

author:Late life

In Longquan, Lishui, a welcoming procession attracted the attention of many passers-by, who did not have a luxury fleet or pomp, but became the focus in a unique way. The team consisted of more than a dozen rickshaws, each with a red cloth and the words "Double Happiness" plastered, carrying the newlyweds and greeters to the wedding site.

The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

Mr. Mao, the groom, said that he learned that most of the local wedding car rentals start from 4,000 yuan, and they only spent 1,000 yuan to rent 10 rickshaws, which not only saves money and attracts popularity. This idea was came up with by my father-in-law, and the effect was unexpectedly good, which not only attracted the attention of many passers-by, but also attracted comments from netizens: "In the era of luxury cars everywhere, occasionally come to a little fresh, save money, pull wind and environmental protection." ”

The appearance of this welcoming team broke people's traditional impression of weddings. In many people's minds, a wedding should be a grand celebration that requires a luxurious fleet of vehicles and a huge pomp to show off the status and wealth of the couple. However, this welcoming team shows the warmth and romance of the wedding in a simple way, making people feel the essence of the wedding.

The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

As a traditional means of transportation in the mainland, rickshaws used to be a scenery that could be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys. However, with the development of society and the upgrading of means of transportation, rickshaws have gradually faded out of people's sight. Today, they appear at weddings in a new light, evoking not only memories of the past, but also respect for tradition and culture.

The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

The concept conveyed by this welcoming team is in line with the simple life and green travel advocated by the mainland in recent years. In modern society, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life and pursue a simple and environmentally friendly lifestyle. The emergence of this welcoming team undoubtedly provides people with a new way of thinking, so that people can not only show their personality but also practice the concept of environmental protection at the important moment of wedding.

The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

In addition to saving money, pulling wind and protecting the environment, this welcoming team also conveys the warmth of family affection and love. Mr. Mao, the groom, said that this idea was given by his father-in-law, which shows the importance and blessings of both families to this wedding. And netizens also left messages: "Such a wedding is so loving, I wish the newlyweds happiness!" "Being together as a family is the most beautiful picture." ”

The newlyweds rent ten rickshaws to make wedding cars, netizens: save money, pull wind and environmental protection

This welcoming procession became the center of attention of passers-by in its unique way, showing the warmth and romance of the wedding. They not only break people's traditional impression of weddings, but also convey beautiful concepts such as simple life, green travel, family affection and love. Such a wedding is undoubtedly an unforgettable feast, and it also makes people full of expectations and yearning for life. In the days to come, I hope that more people can draw inspiration from this welcoming team and create more beautiful memories in their own way.

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