
A certain support brigade of the Naval General Staff Department carried out military activities for political cadres

author:Wuhan is a big deal

Original title: Carry out military activities for political cadres to study military affairs

Zhang Youjun and Ge Kaiyue reported: In the communication room, the warning light of the optical transceiver machine flickered non-stop, and the instructor Liu Weihua quickly determined the cause and resolutely switched the alternate channel; in the theoretical night school, Huang Yingzhi, the organization officer, took detailed notes while consulting the teaching materials... Recently, a certain support brigade of the Naval Staff Headquarters organized political cadres to carry out the activity of "studying military science, command, science and technology, practicing physical fitness, practicing skills, and practicing strategy" to comprehensively enhance the military quality of political cadres.

"Political cadres must firmly establish the standard of combat effectiveness and focus all their attention on studying and planning wars." According to the leaders of the brigade, they organized all political cadres to strengthen the study of military theory and combat training laws and regulations, and constantly consolidated the foundation of military theory; they adopted methods such as political cadres squatting on duty and dispatching backbone technicians to give lectures to guide political cadres to improve their military quality in connection with the practice of their posts. They also deployed to carry out cooperative activities such as participating in a duty duty, organizing a discussion and analysis, and carrying out a camping exercise to speed up the improvement of the military quality of political cadres.

"With the continuous development of the 'three studies and three exercises' activities, improving military capabilities has become a conscious action of political cadres." According to the leader of the brigade, many political cadres took the initiative to go to the training department to seek lessons and discuss training plans with the training staff officers. In the next step, they will take the competition as the starting point, promote political cadres to go on the field to organize training, command on the battlefield, and operate in the upper body, and link their performance with the promotion and use, and the evaluation of excellence, so as to encourage political cadres to strive to grow into experts in military training.

(Editor-in-charge: Bo Chendi, Wan Peng)

【Source: Jiefangjun Daily】

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