
Oriental Yuhong water-based polyurethane waterproof coating environmental protection upgrade

author:HC waterproof net

Huizheng Information:

Keywords for water-based coatings

Safe and environmentally friendly, good adaptability of the grassroots and convenient construction

Key words for polyurethane coatings

Safe and environmentally friendly, good flexibility at low temperature, excellent mechanical properties

With such a strong performance advantage, people can't help but imagine what kind of sparks will collide when water-based meets polyurethane?

As the star product of waterborne polyurethane in the Dongfang Yuhong product family, GES-W318 waterborne polyurethane waterproof coating (hereinafter referred to as "GES-W318") and GES-W308 exposed waterborne polyurethane waterproof coating (hereinafter referred to as "GES-W308") have both the environmental performance of waterborne waterproof coating and the mechanical properties of oily polyurethane waterproof coating, and have become the preferred choice for building waterproof engineering with their excellent water resistance, dirt resistance and construction performance.

Oriental Yuhong water-based polyurethane waterproof coating environmental protection upgrade

Choice of exposed waterborne polyurethane

10 years can be exposed, quality choice

Application scenario: It is suitable for new construction and maintenance projects with exposed waterproof requirements, such as concrete roofs, tile roofs, exterior walls, etc.

Oriental Yuhong water-based polyurethane waterproof coating environmental protection upgrade

Choice of non-exposed waterborne polyurethane

Near-"zero" VOCs, the safe choice

Application scenario: It is suitable for new construction and maintenance projects without exposed waterproof requirements, such as toilets, kitchens, pools, etc.

Green environmental protection, safe and reliable

GES-W318 and GES-W308 both have the environmental performance of water-based materials, nearly "zero" VOC, do not contain formaldehyde, ammonia, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury and other toxic gases and substances, suitable for use in construction sites with high environmental protection requirements or children often visited, green, safe and reliable.

Endless possibilities

The color is as you like, and life is more colorful. GES-W318 and GES-W308 waterborne polyurethane products can be freely blended in color, and different colors can be adjusted according to needs, which are suitable for indoor/outdoor buildings with color requirements.

Low temperature flexibility, no fear of cold

GES-W318 and GES-308 waterborne polyurethane products have low temperature bendability: they can give full play to the waterproof performance in the ultra-low temperature environment, and there are no cracks at -35°C, which can be applied to the waterproof use of buildings in areas with low temperature or large temperature difference in winter, effectively avoiding cracking of the coating and protecting the long-term safety of the building.

Efficient construction and time-friendly

The two waterborne polyurethane products have a short dry time. Under standard test conditions, the surface drying time is 2h*, and the drying time is only 3h*. In summer, the construction can be carried out in as little as 1 hour* to achieve the solid effect, and the next construction process can be carried out. The product is a one-component material, ready to use out of the barrel, no need to stir, can be sprayed, roller coated, convenient construction, time-friendly.

Typical project cases

Oriental Yuhong water-based polyurethane waterproof coating environmental protection upgrade

* The data in this article comes from the data of Oriental Yuhong Laboratory, which may be different from the actual use data.

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