
Leading the art paint track, where is the logic of Fima's choice to sink the market?

author:Finishing business

No matter how mature the paint market is, the first- and second-tier markets represented by the central cities are always the basic plate of consumption, and the third- and fourth-tier cities and county economies still have consumption increments, which is the logic of Fima to do the sinking market. - Zhou Furong

With the continuous improvement of residents' income level, the sinking market, which is composed of cities, counties and towns below the third tier and rural areas, has shown a life of "rich and leisure", and has gradually stepped onto the stage of the consumer market, highlighting the characteristics of highly personalized consumption, and becoming an important object of attention in the consumer market. Some data show that the sinking market is the market with the largest population base, the largest area and the greatest potential in the mainland, and the rise of the sinking market plays a self-evident role in the development of the entire economy.

Leading the art paint track, where is the logic of Fima's choice to sink the market?

Therefore, the art paint brand that originally focused on the first and second-tier cities has gradually begun to sink into the market layout and broaden the network channels and sales coverage area. Insight into the consumption characteristics of the lower-tier market can help brands and social retail platforms explore more business opportunities in this market with a large consumer base. In today's increasingly fierce competition in the paint industry, the German Fima brand has successfully led the art paint track with its excellent product quality, innovative marketing strategies and in-depth market insights, especially in the competition of the "sinking market".

01 Win the sinking market, appearance is justice

The sinking of the market in the paint industry has been a common topic. Everyone knows that after the primary and secondary markets are gradually popularized and saturated, there is no incremental demand, only the stock demand based on iterative replacement. This requires coating companies to look for new increments. And this increment is in the sinking market.

Few people deeply analyze the user portrait behind it, but Fima has done it: compared with consumers in the high-tier market, the daily consumption willingness of the sinking market is more vigorous and more rational; The sinking market generally does not recognize the "moonlight" type of consumption, and pays more attention to practicality when selecting goods.

It is worth noting that the sinking market has also begun to pay attention to the appearance of goods, and "appearance justice" is no longer an exclusive feature of the high-line market. Consumers in the sinking market like to actively experience and compare various products, and mostly obtain consumer information in the form of asking relatives and friends and inquiring about content e-commerce platforms.

From the perspective of the county economy, its characteristics are as follows: first, the elderly and children are the main consumer groups, and to a large extent, they rely on young people who go out to work to dominate the consumption of durable goods such as large coatings (the maturity and development of online shopping provides the possibility of realization); Second, the market is relatively scattered, some are in remote and remote areas, and the consumption capacity is uneven; Third, there is a lot of space in terms of ownership, but it is difficult to reflect the urgency of the use scenario, and the urgency of the demand is not strong; Fourth, based on the special structure of the crowd and the use scenario, it is very difficult to stimulate consumption. In other words, it is a market that is more difficult to tap.

In order to do a good job in the sinking market, Fima has significantly reduced the promotion of various marketing activities and market behaviors, and focused more on product aesthetics and applications, and talked more about the beautiful experience that art coatings bring to customers.

In the words of Zhou Furong, Deputy General Manager and Marketing Director of Fima China, "We want to enhance the sense of luxury in the industry, so that the whole industry can benefit and customers are willing to spend more money on the wall, so that the industry will prosper." When the industry is prosperous, everyone can make money. ”

There are no flowery words, but it can be seen that Fima has the responsibility of being a leading brand of art paints in China.

In order to better reach users in the sinking market, Fima has reached in-depth cooperation with high-activity platforms for young users such as Douyin and Xiaohongshu. The official account of Fima Germany has also specially added a "Creative Space" column to continuously update and share the project cases of Fima. Different space, extraordinary design, rich colors, and users have built a new home trend life.

02 Respond to different products for subdivided groups

Generally speaking, the sinking market has two major consumption drivers: one is the mass consumer who is very sensitive to product prices, and their consumption decisions are "priority over individuality"; On the contrary, there is a group of young people in small towns who have houses, cars and no loan pressure, and their consumption decisions are "personality over cheapness", but they suffer from the lack of small-town products and brands that meet their needs. Binary needs constitute the diversity and complexity of the market.

Based on the above situation, it is clear that the county-level market is very different from the market in first-tier and second-tier cities, and even with third-tier cities. The previous experience of the sinking market may be difficult to solve the practical problem. Moreover, the current sinking market has a very different economic background from previous years.

Change is common, and it will last for a long time. FIMA has developed a variety of cost-effective standardized products for subdivided groups. Understand the preferences of young people, use products and design to meet the needs of young people, solve the pain points of consumers' decoration, make high-value, high-quality, cost-effective home products, and promote the layout of Fima in the sinking market through product upgrades, service upgrades, experience upgrades, and marketing upgrades.

Not only that, Fima has activities every month, and there are new products every year, which can always give consumers a sense of freshness and refinement, thus establishing a product differentiation barrier. At the stage when China's art paint is in full bloom, German Fima still wins the loyalty and favor of more and more fans.

Now, through the continuous extension and upgrading of the product line and the continuous increase of brand communication, more new generation young people will experience the good products of the new generation, fully implement the brand's rejuvenation strategy, and provide better product and service experience for the new generation. "German Fima products will be more personalized, differentiated and stylized to cater to the aesthetic concepts of young consumer groups." Zhou Furong emphasized.

03 Serve dealers well with long-termism

The market represented by the county economy, fundamentally speaking, is still a part of the overall domestic market, or a relatively large one, to do a good job in the sinking market, Fima is ready to serve local dealers with long-termism.

The sinking market is different from the past, and its strategy is also different from the past, first, it requires a lot of patience and energy, which is obviously different from the mature market, and it is necessary to have a long-term strategic thinking; Second, to deepen the underlying market, we should pay attention to ways and means, but it is by no means a simple copy of the existing market experience; Third, the development of the county market should be based on the cooperation of the local construction team and existing building materials suppliers; Fourth, the sinking market should make full use of the Internet platform, and the development may be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

Leading the art paint track, where is the logic of Fima's choice to sink the market?

Different battlefields require different battle strategies.

No matter how mature the paint market is, the first- and second-tier markets represented by the central city are always the basic plate of consumption, and the third- and fourth-tier markets are the backbone, and only the county market still has a certain increment. Only by ensuring the increment of the sinking market on the basis of ensuring the fundamentals is the foundation for doing a good job in the current market.

Overall, FEMA relies on its strategic planning to design its business model, which has attracted a large number of dealers, while relying on sincere and effective support to stabilize the dealer team. This is even more of a clear stream in the current environment, and it is a peculiar place. We wish Fima the best of luck.

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