
Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu finally started a war, and Wang Ziru smiled!

author:Brother Hong talked about business


Recently, the disputes between the workers and the boss have really come one after another, Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong have just been resolved, Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu have begun to scold each other again, and the days of loving each other are gone after all.

Dong Mingzhu publicly angrily reprimanded Meng Yutong for using Gree's platform to not want to serve Gree well, and he couldn't even write an ordinary article, but instead wanted to be an Internet celebrity. Dong Mingzhu was also very disdainful of Meng Yutong's fans and status, saying that if he just wanted to make more money, it would be no different from the walking dead.

Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu finally started a war, and Wang Ziru smiled!

Hearing Dong Mingzhu pointing his nose and scolding himself like this, Meng Yutong was of course not convinced, so he directly came to a frontal counterattack, saying that during his tenure in Gree, he could not get in touch with the real business at all, and his private work was out of touch with the specific business, although he would also participate in some e-commerce and market projects, but most of the time he was just watching, so he gradually lost the ability to work.

In fact, compared with the problem that broke out between Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong, the problem between Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu seems to be simpler, and neither is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. People who support Dong Mingzhu will think that Meng Yutong used the identity of Dong Mingzhu's secretary given by Gree to receive advertisements privately during his tenure, and earned hundreds of thousands of dollars, which would have been considered a violation of the spirit of the contract and fell into the eyes of money, rather than an attitude of sincerely serving Dong Mingzhu and Gree.

Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu finally started a war, and Wang Ziru smiled!

But the people who support Meng Yutong, especially the majority of migrant workers, can completely empathize with Meng Yutong's situation, a high-achieving student who graduated from Zhejiang University went to Gree and got the title of secretary to the chairman, but he couldn't learn anything at all in actual work, and his salary was pitiful of a few thousand yuan, but he was publicized by Dong Mingzhu as if he had received a lot of benefits. On the other hand, someone is willing to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for Meng Yutong to advertise, in this case, any worker will probably choose the latter. After all, not everyone is Dong Yuhui.

What's more, after Meng Yutong left Gree, the number of fans continued to increase, and it is said that it has reached the level of the head on Xiaohongshu, with a single advertising price between 18-220,000 yuan, and Meng Yutong's advertising revenue on a single platform alone can easily reach 4 million yuan in the past year and a half. If she wants to get this money in Gree, I'm afraid she will have to wait for many more years, so for herself, if she wants to make money, this path does not seem to be wrong.

Meng Yutong and Dong Mingzhu finally started a war, and Wang Ziru smiled!

However, in Dong Mingzhu's eyes, Wang Ziru is a qualified worker, he once said, "I haven't read the salary slip given to me by Gree", "Young people who have just graduated must learn to reset their mentality to zero", "I feel very happy to see what Dong Mingzhu says and does every day" These words not only yin and yang Meng Yutong, but also directly helped Dong Mingzhu to say everything in his heart, no wonder Dong Mingzhu coaxed him to smile.

But some people think that Wang Ziru is a worker who eats soft rice, and some people go to the direction of "despising Ziru - hating Ziru - understanding freely - becoming free - ashamed of himself". I want to ask all the workers, do you want to be Meng Yutong or Wang Ziru?

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