
Wrigley Home Xie Anqi: Practice social responsibility


On December 15, the 2023 CBN Good Business Forum and CSR Awards Ceremony was officially held. In the CBN CSR Annual Ceremony, ARROW Home won the "2023 CBN China Social Corporate Responsibility List - ESG Innovation Practice Award" for its outstanding achievements in the field of ESG and outstanding contributions in the field of public welfare.

From the use of clean energy, the production of green products to the construction of green factories, from public welfare donations to long-term, co-creation and sustainable public welfare activities, ARROW Home has always adhered to the people-oriented, starting from the goal of sustainable development, and injected vitality into adapting to the new development pattern, tapping new development momentum, and accelerating green and low-carbon transformation.

Xie Anqi, director and head of public welfare of Wrigley Home Group, said at the roundtable discussion of "Resilience, Symbiosis and Sustainable Development: New Ideas for ESG Management" that public welfare is not the business of one person or one enterprise, and public welfare can be co-created.

Wrigley Home Xie Anqi: Practice social responsibility

Green development sets an industry benchmark

In addition, the company has improved its core competitiveness through green production standards, including the use of clean energy and the production of green products, and has driven the transformation of a healthy and environmentally friendly lifestyle with scientific and technological innovation capabilities.

It is understood that as a private enterprise founded in the 90s of the last century, since its inception, ARROW Home has integrated the concept of green environmental protection into the production and manufacturing of products: the introduction of advanced automation equipment, machinery instead of traditional manual, in reducing the waste of materials and water, saving resources and energy at the same time, reducing pollution, to achieve the purpose of energy conservation and environmental protection, to create "low consumption, low emission, high efficiency" Through the implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction, clean emissions are realized, and the road of sustainable development is taken, and strict quality standards and environmental management system standards are strictly implemented, and consumers are committed to creating comfortable, healthy, quality-guaranteed, low-carbon and environmentally friendly products.

At the same time, ARROW Home has already laid out the construction of green factories and the development and production of green products. In 2020, Wrigley Home Furnishing stood out in the first batch of China Green Product Certification for its breakthrough in solving the technical problems of water conservation and flushing conflicts.

In the "2020 List of Toilet Water Efficiency Leader Products", the shortlisted products of ARROW Home Furnishing accounted for 60%, and the proportion of shortlisted local brand products was as high as 80%. The selection of water efficiency leader products is very strict, with as many as 24 testing items alone, which not only have strict requirements for the water consumption of toilets, but also need to undergo tests such as anti-siphon and water hammer, as well as test indicators such as water seal depth and pressure resistance, which can be called an all-round "selection competition". In the end, only products with a water efficiency rating of 1 (with an average water consumption of only 4 liters) are eligible for the shortlist. With its precise and diverse brand routes, excellent product quality and technical strength, ARROW Home Furnishing Group was awarded 12 shortlisted products in one fell swoop. In accordance with the sustainable development strategy, ARROW incorporates the concept of "green water saving" into the product development and design process, and leads the mainland bathroom industry with a pioneering and enterprising spirit of innovation and low-carbon, energy-saving and environmental protection technology.

As a leading enterprise in the home furnishing industry, ARROW Home has always adhered to independent R&D and innovation in the field of energy conservation and environmental protection to help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality in mainland China. In October 2021, ARROW Home X6Leo Leo Smart Toilet (AKB1331) was selected as the 2021 "Energy Efficiency Star" product of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

In 2023, Dezhou Lehua Ceramic Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd., the Dezhou production base of ARROW Home, was selected into the 2022 green manufacturing list announced by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, and was commended at the Advanced Manufacturing Strong City Construction Promotion Conference held in Dezhou City.

According to reports, at present, Arrow Home has ten major manufacturing bases in China, and has completed the transformation of photovoltaics by using the roof of the plant to form a truly low-carbon development model of "low consumption, low emission and high efficiency". The titles of China Green Product Certification, Water Efficiency Leader Product, "Energy Efficiency Star" Product and so on all represent the understanding and practice of ARROW Home's concept of green environmental protection, and also provide a direction for the development and transformation of the industry.

The water flows for a long time, and the hearts of the people are kind

In fact, in the past nearly 30 years, the brands of ARROW Home Group have been promoting green and high-quality development from R&D, production, products and sales, and actively participating in public welfare undertakings. Xie Anqi said.

In 2022, Angel Xie believes that corporate social responsibility should be extracted and sublimated, built into a sustainable and deeply involved public welfare IP, and open up more rich and close forms of public welfare. So, in September of that year, under the initiative of Xie Anqi, the public welfare brand of the Wrigley Ze Plan was officially released.

This is not achieved overnight, patted the head to come up, but from the public welfare precipitation of ARROW Home Furnishing for many years, as well as the exploration and research of sustainable development brand strategy, on the road of goodwill, ARROW Ze plan gave birth to the public welfare concept of "fine water and long flow".

From 2021 to 2022, ARROW Home Furnishing cooperated with the Heung Kong Social Assistance Foundation to help build schools in key poverty-stricken areas, and successively donated toilet tiles, toilets, squatting toilets, column basins, faucets and other sanitary ware products to ten primary schools in Hunan and Guangdong, helping the local area improve the educational environment and enhance relevant hygiene experience standards and children's hygiene knowledge. Wrigley Home Furnishing has joined hands with the Guangdong Women's Children's Foundation to focus on the care and support of extremely poor mothers and their families, providing sanitary ware products for 50 extremely poor families to help them solve the problem of healthy life. In addition, ARROW Home Furnishing has joined hands with the China Women's Development Foundation to become a practitioner of the "Mother's Water Cellar" project, participating in and witnessing the "Mother's Water Cellar" becoming a source of hope and happiness for thousands of families in China's water-scarce areas.

Xie Anqi hopes to build the Wrigley Ze Project into a public welfare brand, with the theme of "The Power of Thin Water", pay attention to social issues in the field of public welfare such as water for people's livelihood, environmental protection, health and hygiene, implement low-carbon environmental protection measures, and actively participate in public welfare undertakings such as lucid waters and lush mountains. This also means that the public welfare sector of ARROW Home Furnishing Group has entered a new stage of branding, systematization and normalization.

Xie Anqi believes that normalization is a magnifying glass for brand goodwill, and only by opening up a complete and inclusive public welfare ecology that is as inclusive as water can the pace of public welfare continue to be extended. The name of the public welfare program "Ze" is to hope that the good deeds done by the brand can nourish all things like rain and dew, and dedicate the help and blessings of public welfare to more people.

As a result, ARROW Home has also opened a new round of public welfare concept transmission, and the mission of "taking hygiene and environmental protection as the starting point to help more people solve the problem of healthy life" and the values of "people-oriented, far-sighted, sustainable development, and collaborative assistance" have been interpreted more actively and influentily in public welfare actions. By focusing on the power of public welfare, the Wrigley plan expresses the brand's goodwill to drive cultural and social value, and at the same time extends the pace of the brand's public welfare, so as to be kind to the hearts of the people and make the world a better place.

To this end, Wrigley plans to set "the power of the long stream" as the annual slogan of the public welfare brand, and launch more public welfare activities and value transmission to the society through actions, so as to form a broader "goodwill" force.

In just one year since its establishment, the program has traveled to Dunhuang in Gansu, Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia, Jieyang in Guangdong, Yan'an in Shaanxi and other regions, focusing on cultural inheritance, elderly care, poverty education, green and low-carbon, rural revitalization and many other fields. In addition, we also hope that all public welfare forces can be loyal to practical things rather than actions, not only to see the present, but also to look far-reaching.

Therefore, after a year, in September this year, Wrigley Ze Plan once again released the public welfare partner plan, which is intended to invite more institutions, enterprises and individuals who have a little bit of goodwill and work together to join the ranks of "doing good deeds bit by bit", hoping to let partners from all walks of life join in public welfare activities through the model of "everyone can do public welfare", continue to help people in need, and do long-term, sustainable and co-creative public welfare.

In Xie Anqi's view, "one person can walk fast, but a group of people can walk longer." We believe that the essence of public welfare is to awaken the goodness of each individual, and the individual is the greatest object of public welfare. Only by awakening everyone's goodwill can we practice a more lasting public good."

This point of view is also what this young post-90s philanthropic practitioner has always adhered to.

"I hope that what we are doing is to become an open platform to attract more people with common ideas to create public welfare together, whether it is the recipient or the donor, including every public in the society, can be a co-creator of the solution. Xie Anqi said, "Only by breaking the circle will there be greater influence." ”