
After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

author:Don't dream cold tonight

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After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

Have you ever heard of "Savages"? Not a legendary unknown creature, but a real person. In Shangtian Village, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province, there was once a story of a "wild man", which made the surrounding villagers afraid to go up the mountain. However, this so-called "wild man" turned out to be a man who had lived in seclusion in the mountains for 23 years! Who is he? Why choose such a lifestyle? Let's uncover this mysterious figure together.

One day in 2006, a person visiting relatives from out of town stumbled upon a figure in ragged clothes with long hair scattered in the mountains. The discovery caused a lot of discussion among the locals and even alarmed the police. However, the results of the survey surprised everyone. It turned out that this "wild man" was not some terrible creature, but an ordinary person named Yu Shuifang.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

So, who is Yu Shuifang? Why did he choose to live in seclusion in the mountains?

Yu Shuifang was born in 1954 and is the child of a poor family in Xiaodu Village, Poyang, Jiangxi Province. He has loved learning since he was a child, and he used to be a good student in the eyes of his teachers. Unfortunately, his family's poverty prevented him from continuing his studies. In the 70s of the last century, Yu Shuifang came to the city and became a worker. However, he did not give up studying, but used his spare time to teach himself mathematics, physics and chemistry.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

You may ask, why did he choose to live in seclusion when he worked so hard? The answer lies in his emotional experience.

Yu Shuifang's first love affair occurred when he was working as a storekeeper. He fell in love with a beautiful girl in the factory, but the girl's parents strongly opposed the relationship. Can you imagine? Just because Yu Shuifang is an ordinary warehousekeeper and her family background is not good, this relationship ended without a problem.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

After falling out of love, Yu Shuifang decided to go to Shenzhen. There, he met his second relationship. However, the relationship also ended in failure. The blow of two lovelorn blows made Yu Shuifang fall into a deep depression.

It was then that a chance chance changed the course of his life. Yu Shuifang followed her friends to Jishui County to play. As he walked into the mountains, a bold idea struck him: why not live in seclusion here?

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

Just do it, Yu Shuifang quit his job, returned to Jishui County, and began his reclusive life. You must be wondering, how did he live in the mountains?

Yu Shuifang chose to dig a cave halfway up the mountain as her home. Can you imagine? It took him more than a year and more than ten hours a day to finally dig out a cave 30 meters long and 2 meters wide. However, he was not satisfied. He continued to carve out several branch caves in the cave, forming a unique "three-room and one-hall" structure.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

Living deep in the mountains, eating and drinking are problems. How did Yu Shuifang solve it? He carved out two small vegetable plots near the cave and planted seasonal vegetables. Excess vegetables can also be taken to the mountain and sold in exchange for daily necessities. In order to solve the water problem, he even spent more than a month digging a well more than 10 meters deep by himself.

You may think that such a life must be lonely, right? But this is not the case for Yu Shuifang. He has his own way of life. In his spare time, he plays the erhu, plays the flute, and even composes songs. Although he was only in the beginning of Chinese, he was proficient in qinqi calligraphy and painting. In addition, he bought a lot of books and found inner solace in reading.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

In this way, Yu Shuifang has lived in the mountains for 23 years. He hardly leaves his "three-room, one-room" unless necessary. For him, this is his peach blossom paradise. There are no complicated interpersonal relationships, and you can live freely, although it is hard, but you are also happy.

Yu Shuifang's story makes us sigh: everyone has their own way of life, as long as they find what suits them, it is the best. Maybe in the eyes of others, Yu Shuifang's choice is very strange, but for him, this is the best life.

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!

What do you think of Yu Shuifang's choice? If it were you, would you choose to live like this? Maybe we don't need to live in seclusion in the mountains, but we can learn from Yu Shuifang's courage to pursue inner peace and find our own "peach blossom source" in the busy modern life. After all, isn't the true meaning of life about living oneself and finding inner peace?

After 23 years of seclusion in the mountains, he chiseled out "three bedrooms and one living room" with his hands!
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