
Survey|Online traffic, no offline sales, who is hyping the "military coat"?

"It's not that you can't afford a down jacket, but that the military coat is more cost-effective", a video with a commentary, coupled with the "subject three" dance steps, made the military coat suddenly explode on the Internet. But offline, there are very few ordinary people who actually travel in military coats. Who is the hot speculation of the "military coat"? The reporter's investigation found that the words "traffic" and "bringing goods" are still inseparable behind the hot speculation.


The video hangs on the "shopping cart"

"In just a few days, there was a fashion wind of military coats blowing on campus. "On the short video platform, there has been a lot of content related to military coats recently. The footage of the video is similar, and even a lot of it is repetitive, and it is a scene of young people, especially college students, wearing military coats "on the catwalk".

Survey|Online traffic, no offline sales, who is hyping the "military coat"?

On the short video platform, many short videos on the theme of military coats are also hung with sales links

Among them, there is a clip of seven or eight students wearing military coats and walking into the classroom, which is the source of the popularity of this military coat video. On November 10, a netizen located at Shenyang Agricultural University posted a video of eight boys wearing green military coats walking into the classroom, triggering onlookers. The video exploded instantly, and on the same day, there was a hot search topic of "It's not that you can't afford a down jacket, but that a military coat is more cost-effective". The topic has been read more than 63.75 million times.

Although more than a month has passed since the release of the source video, there are still many parody videos appearing on various platforms. A netizen with IP positioning in Shijiazhuang filmed a video on campus, wearing a military coat, shouting "cost-effective", and dancing "subject three", which attracted 240,000 likes.

In addition to using short videos to earn traffic, there are more behaviors with goods. Many short video pages of military coats have "shopping carts" hanging on them, and clicking on them is the purchase link of military coats. On the online retail platform, the reporter found several stores with relatively large sales. On the promotional page, the store states the purpose - night shift, cold storage work, outdoor work, labor, standing guard on duty, and crew shooting. The customer service said that sales have indeed risen this year, and some young people want to buy. What's more interesting is that in the "Ask Everyone" section of the online store, some netizens asked: "Are there any college students?", and the most liked sentence was received in the reply: "No, they are all bought by workers." ”

On an online wholesale platform, the reporter tried to ask if there was a market for selling military coats around the university. The wholesaler replied, "You can try it." ”


There was no real change in sales volume

Outside the South Second Ring Road, Bairong World Trade Mall, there are many clothing wholesale stalls, and the most popular affordable clothing can be found here. The reporter visited here on the weekend, and among the crowds, the best-selling products were down jackets, cotton clothes, and jackets. At the central service desk of the mall, the staff thought for a while and said, "I didn't see the military coat?" Or you go to the tooling side to have a look, if there is no there, there will be none. ”

On the first floor of Bairong Area A, there are seven or eight stalls in the corner, selling tooling wholesale. A green military coat with a black security suit. Several merchants told reporters that the sales of military coats are stable every year and there is no change. The most common thing to buy a military coat is in cold storage, and when you buy it back to work in cold storage, you can wear it temporarily. The reporter did not see young people visiting these booths at the scene, in fact, these booths are also mainly wholesale, and there are few retail customers.

Survey|Online traffic, no offline sales, who is hyping the "military coat"?

In the offline clothing wholesale market, military coats, as labor protection clothing, are rarely sought after by young people, and are mainly sold to cold storage workers

"Who has some conditions and doesn't want to wear something good, right? This military coat is thick and heavy, and it is not very good-looking. It's online, and I really don't see young people buying it in physical stores. Lao Liu, the stall owner, said that the military coat in his store costs 80 yuan a piece, while Bairong's most common down jacket can be bought for 200 yuan, and the gap is not outrageous. He also told reporters that the online Red Army coat can only be regarded as ordinary labor protection clothing, and serious training clothes are already two kinds of clothing.

Survey|Online traffic, no offline sales, who is hyping the "military coat"?

The net Red Army coat is actually an ordinary labor protection uniform

It is known that recently this net Red Army coat, weighing about 2.5 kg. When I actually wear it, it feels heavier. And its warmth effect is no better than down jackets and artificial cotton.

The reporter also interviewed several college students in Beijing, and they reported that the craze for military coats seems to be only on the Internet, and it is rarely seen on real campuses. Xiao Chen, who is studying at a university in Beijing, said: "I haven't seen it at school, and to be honest, I haven't thought about wearing it, and my classmates still wear down jackets." Maybe the military coat is still used for taking pictures more. Or maybe it's a little bit further north?"

Xiao Gao, a travel expert who happened to be traveling in Harbin, said: "I don't see anyone wearing clothes on the streets here, at most they are wearing clothes and taking pictures." You're going to ask me to pick out a warm garment, I won't pick a military coat. ”


Netizens don't buy the old wine in new bottles

In a shopping platform, recently created a direct sales channel for military coats, and currently has 12 merchants, of which 5 do not sell military coats. Of the 7 companies that sell military coats, the best has sold more than 900 pieces in the last 30 days, and the worst has sold 0 in the past 30 days.

Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, told reporters that after the marketing video of the military coat became popular, he also paid attention to the situation around him and found that no one around him was wearing it. "The military coat itself hasn't changed much, and the marketing is also old wine in a new bottle. ”

Zhu Wei said that he observed that there is a phenomenon now, that is, the marketing strategy is on fire, but the actual sales are not hot, or online and offline are separated. "Merchants spend a lot of money on online marketing. It sounds like online sales, Internet celebrities bring goods, and there is no middleman to make the difference, but a lot of costs are invested in marketing channels. ”

He believes that the main factors such as product quality and price determine sales. If you rely only on marketing, it is difficult for consumers who are becoming more rational to buy it. "Including the form of live streaming, how much technological innovation and how much value is there, it is worth thinking about it again. ”

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