
52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

author:Keyboard Story
52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

The sun is shining in the spring, and every family is preparing for an important ceremony. My family was no exception, as my father suddenly announced that he was going to have a family gathering. This is very foreign to us, as our family has not had such a gathering for a long time. I'm looking forward to this gathering because I want to meet relatives I haven't seen since I was a kid.

Relatives from different branches of the family arrived one after another, all dressed in festive costumes, and the atmosphere seemed to be very warm. I saw my mother, who was smiling and greeting her relatives, and my father, who had been standing by happily. A tall female relative with a charming smile saw us from a distance and waved to us, she is the eldest sister I have been thinking about since I was a child, Sister Wang.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

"Eldest sister, you're here, it's been a long time. I ran to Sister Wang and took her hand excitedly.

"Little sister, you have grown up, and you are getting more and more beautiful. Sister Wang took my hand affectionately, her eyes full of joy. "You don't often get together as a family, so you can't miss this time. "

Sister Wang is like a sister to her parents, and she has been taking care of her parents since the resignation of our nanny. After sitting down, she told us about her recent life. She mentioned her experience of living with two men, and laughed that she only then understood the reason why the old man was looking for a woman. I frowned slightly, not quite understanding what the eldest sister meant.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

"Eldest sister, will you make your parents sad by doing this?" I asked with a little concern.

"Silly girl, I did this because I needed care and care. Sister Wang smiled slightly, and her tone was firm. "Old men look for women in the hope of finding a sense of dependence and being cared for, and I am with them because I need to be taken care of too. "

After listening to the eldest sister's explanation, I realized that the world of adults is so complicated. In our daily lives, we always feel that our loved ones will always be like this, but they also have their own lives and emotions. A simple family gathering, but it gave me a deeper understanding of family, emotions and relationships between people.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

At this time, the father stood up and announced that today's family gathering would be a solemn worship ceremony in the name of the ancestors. It's a family tradition and it's something that each of us has to be a part of. I think it must be that the spirit of our ancestors in heaven will bless our family members with good luck, and I hope that our ancestors will bless our family with happiness and well-being.

We rushed to the place where the sound came from, and saw a middle-aged woman arguing with an old man. The middle-aged woman was the elder of our family branch, and her scream was full of anger and helplessness. The old man was her husband, tall, with anger on his brow.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

"Wife, why are you smoking again?Don't you know I have asthma?!" the middle-aged woman said in a trembling voice, her eyes full of bitterness and grievance.

"You're in too much hands, and I know my own business. The old man's face was pale, and his voice was low.

For a while, the scene fell into silence, and everyone was silently discussing this sudden family conflict. I saw Sister Wang's frown, and she was obviously anxious about this scene as well. It dawned on me that even people in the family who are as close as each other can have conflicts with each other because of disagreements.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

As the family members argued, the atmosphere gradually became awkward and tense. An otherwise happy and peaceful family gathering has become chaotic because of conflicts. I looked at everything in front of me, and my heart was extremely tormented. The family is supposed to be a warm and harmonious place, but at this moment, the family strife makes me feel heartache and confusion.

The number 2021 rang again, and we all came to our senses to find that it was our ancestors who blessed us and allowed us to reconcile. I deeply realize that every conflict in the family needs to be resolved with our hearts, and care and understanding are the fundamental solutions to the contradictions.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

At this time, Sister Wang walked into the quarreling crowd, she began to persuade the two, and used her own personal experience to tell her feelings after living with two men. Conflicts in the family are inevitable, she said, but understanding and tolerance are the keys to solving them. Her words gradually quieted everyone, and the two arguing elders slowly calmed down.

Now, the atmosphere of the party has gradually eased, and everyone has begun to communicate and chat with each other, as if the conflict just now has become a thing of the past. A warmth rose in my heart, and I also understood that family harmony requires the joint efforts and tolerance of each member. I look forward to this gathering to make each member of the family more understanding and caring for each other, and truly achieve the goal of unity and harmony.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

Suddenly, a distant relative named Uncle Li walked over, looked at Sister Wang with an angry face and said, "You are embarrassed to be the elder of our family, but you leaked the ugliness of the family to outsiders!" Sister Wang's face changed slightly, but she still maintained her composure and smile.

"Uncle Li, I didn't divulge any family scandals. Just talking to my sister about our lives and having no other intentions. Sister Wang tried to calm her emotions.

"Isn't your life just our family's ugliness? Living with two men, why don't you keep some family money?" Uncle Li's words were full of dissatisfaction and accusations.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

I felt a little uneasy and didn't know whether to interject or not. But when I saw the helplessness and grievances revealed in Sister Wang's eyes, I couldn't help but speak: "Uncle Li, Eldest Sister's choice may be a little difficult for you to understand, but everyone has their own way of life and choices, and you shouldn't blame others at will. ”

Uncle Li's expression became a little embarrassed, but he still refused to give up: "This has nothing to do with lifestyle, the big family can't lose face because of your fault alone!"

The eldest sister's face suddenly became gloomy, and she could see that she was dissatisfied with Uncle Li's remarks. She calmed down and tried to ease the awkward atmosphere: "Uncle Li, there is no need to discuss this matter for the time being. We are all a family, so let's be more tolerant and understanding. ”

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

But Uncle Li seemed to have become excited, and he still kept blaming Sister Wang. I could feel that Sister Wang's emotions began to get out of control, she stood up, her eyes were filled with tears, she looked at Uncle Li and said, "I know you won't accept my choice, but please respect my life." With that, she left us and ran outside.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

I looked at Uncle Li with a little embarrassment, but I had nothing to say. This family reunion, which was originally an occasion for joy and reunion, has now been awkward and quarrelsome. I don't know how this conflict will end.

I stood at the altar table, looking at the burning incense candles, and silently prayed in my heart that our ancestors would bless us with all the best. Suddenly, the eldest sister's cell phone rang, and she glanced at the screen with a hesitant expression on her face. She quickly left the table and walked straight outside.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

After a while, she hurried back, looked a little flustered, explained to us that she had urgent business, and hurried out of the house party. I was a little surprised, in the past, the eldest sister has always participated in every activity of the family. I don't know if she has anything important to deal with that makes her so anxious.

The father frowned, clearly unhappy with the departure of the eldest sister. My mother was also a little worried, and she whispered to me that my eldest sister seemed to have encountered a lot of troubles and troubles recently. I can't help but worry about my eldest sister, who has overcome many difficulties with her courage and strength, but she will also need help at times.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

"Old man, is today's party a little disturbed? The sudden departure of the eldest sister makes me feel a little uneasy. I broke the silence and asked my father.

My father looked at me and sighed deeply, "Little sister, you are too young to ask about family affairs. The eldest sister should deal with some work matters, and it is inconvenient to tell you. Don't worry too much, go play with your cousins. ”

I am not satisfied with my father's answer, and I firmly believe that every family member should be treated equally, and everyone's troubles should be cared for and understood by the family. Especially the eldest sister, the ups and downs she has experienced, and the psychological burden must be very heavy. I decided to find out what was wrong with my eldest sister, so that I could see a real smile in the family gatherings and soothe the worries in the family.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

The eldest sister looked at me with some emotion in her eyes: "Little sister, you have grown up and become more and more sensible." Actually, there are some things that bother me, but it's inconvenient to tell you. There are some disputes at home, and I am trying to mediate, hoping that everything will be resolved smoothly. ”

Hearing the eldest sister's story, I felt a little distressed and admired her. The eldest sister silently endured the conflicts and disputes at home, and has been trying to alleviate the conflicts in the family. Perhaps, disputes within the family are inevitable, but the eldest sister is willing to put in so much effort for the harmony of the family, which makes me admire her a little more.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

At the insistence of the eldest sister, the family conflict slowly showed signs of easing. I secretly vowed to play a role in mediating conflicts in the family and to be the bond between the family and relatives. Family harmony does not only come from a smile on the surface, but also requires the understanding, tolerance and dedication of each member.

But now, the eldest sister's troubles have not been completely resolved. I decided to face it with my eldest sister and figure out a way to solve it together. I hope that we can solve the conflicts in the family with our hearts, so that everyone can show their smiles freely.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

Sorry, I can't complete your request.

Soon, our family returned home. On the way home, I kept thinking about what Sister Wang had just said. Perhaps, we don't understand the choices, lives, and emotions of adults enough. For me, this gathering gave me a deeper understanding of family, emotions and relationships between people.

When I got home, I was surprised to hear my parents arguing. The originally peaceful and harmonious family atmosphere was suddenly broken. Her parents are arguing about Sister Wang's lifestyle, believing that she should not live with two men. The mother said emotionally: "This world, why is it getting more and more chaotic, the eldest sister is simply a loser!" The father thought that the eldest sister's choice was out of her needs and a way of life. And I was confused and overwhelmed by what to do.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women

I was caught off guard by this sudden family conflict, so I walked lightly to my room and chose to read quietly. Leaving the parents in the living room to continue arguing. My heart was full of doubts and uneasiness, and the peace and harmony in my life became blurred at this moment.

"Just because everyone in the family has their own lifestyles and choices doesn't mean they don't care about each other. I whispered to myself. I began to slowly understand Sister Wang's choice and the concerns of my parents. Perhaps, we need to be more tolerant and understanding.

52-year-old Sister Wang: After living with two men, I realized that the reason why old men are looking for women