
Corn roasting, this dish is not only golden in color, crispy and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages

author:Brother Kui talks about eating, drinking, and playing

In the busy modern life, a simple and delicious home-cooked meal can always bring people a full sense of happiness. Today, I'm going to share with you a detailed recipe for a beloved home-cooked dish – corn roasting. Not only is this dish golden, crispy and delicious, but it is also nutritious and suitable for all ages. Next, let's go into the kitchen and explore the secrets of corn roasting!

Corn roasting, this dish is not only golden in color, crispy and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages

1. Prepare the ingredients

The ingredients required to make corn roasting mainly include: 200 grams of fresh corn kernels, 100 grams of glutinous rice flour, 50 grams of corn starch, 30 grams of sugar, appropriate amount of water, and appropriate amount of vegetable oil.

First, peel the corn kernels off the cob, wash and drain for later use. The freshness of corn kernels is directly related to the taste of corn roasting, so it is recommended that you try to choose fresh corn. Next, mix the glutinous rice flour, cornstarch and sugar well and pour it into a slightly larger container.

Corn roasting, this dish is not only golden in color, crispy and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages

2. Prepare the batter

Slowly add water to the mixed powdered ingredients and stir as you add until the batter is thick. It should be noted here that the consistency of the batter should be moderate, too thin the corn will easily scatter, and too thick will affect the taste. Therefore, when mixing, you should adjust the amount of water according to the actual situation of the batter.

III. Mixed ingredients

Pour the drained corn kernels into the batter and gently stir with chopsticks to evenly coat the corn kernels with the batter. Stir gently so as not to crumble the kernels.

Corn roasting, this dish is not only golden in color, crispy and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages

Fourth, fry the corn brand

Next, we start frying the corn. First, pour an appropriate amount of vegetable oil into a saucepan and reduce the heat to medium-low after heating. Then, spoon the batter-covered corn kernels into the pan and gently press them into a round or oval shape. Be careful to keep a certain distance between each corn roast to avoid sticking.

After the corn is seared until the bottom surface is golden brown and set, gently turn it over with a spatula and continue to fry until the other side is also golden brown. At this time, an enticing aroma can be smelled in the nose and makes people salivate.

5. Remove from the pot and serve on a plate

When the corn is seared and fried until golden brown on both sides, crispy and delicious, it is ready to be served. Use a spatula to gently scoop up the fried corn, place it on blotting paper to absorb the excess oil, and then place it on a plate. For added aesthetics, you can sprinkle some white sugar or desiccated coconut on the corn roast as a garnish.

6. Tasting and sharing

Now, a corn roast with perfect color and flavor is ready. Its outer skin is crispy and golden, the filling is sweet and soft, and you can taste the deliciousness of corn and the aroma of glutinous rice flour in every bite. This home-cooked dish is not only a snack for afternoon tea, but also a great choice for breakfast or a late-night snack.

Of course, in addition to being eaten directly, corn roasting can also be eaten with other ingredients. For example, it can be served with a cup of fragrant soy milk or milk for breakfast; It can also be paired with a refreshing glass of juice or tea as a snack for afternoon tea. In addition, corn roast can also be used as a delicious accompaniment to the snack and enjoy the joy of this home-cooked meal with family and friends.

Corn roasting, this dish is not only golden in color, crispy and delicious, but also rich in nutrients, suitable for all ages

In conclusion, corn roasting, as an easy-to-learn home-cooked dish, is not only delicious but also nutritious. By mastering the right preparation methods and techniques, we can easily make this delicious dish at home. I hope that everyone can enjoy the food and feel the joy and sense of accomplishment while enjoying it!

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