
"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

If you don't do three days on the winter solstice, good luck arrives every year

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

In the blink of an eye, the winter solstice is approaching, and in this cold season, the winter solstice has been endowed with a strong cultural heritage and ushered in a series of traditional Xi customs. Among them, "don't do three things on the winter solstice, and there will be more luck in the coming year" has become a traditional saying worth pondering. In this winter season, let's explore this ancient and magical taboo and hope for a happy new year.

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

The first is "no slaughter". As an "auspicious" solar term, the winter solstice will clean their homes in advance, prepare rich ingredients, and prepare for a warm moment of reunion. And "no slaughter" is to maintain this peace and avoid the flow of blood to spoil the peace of the festival. This tradition reflects people's respect for life and the yearning for harmonious coexistence.

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

Secondly, "don't be angry, don't quarrel" has become the tacit understanding of the winter solstice. On this day, family reunions and sharing family happiness, how can this warmth be destroyed by some trivial matters? At this moment of celebration, maintaining a happy and happy mood and restraining one's temper is to make the family more harmonious and plant the seeds of happiness for the New Year.

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

Finally, "not scattering wealth" is the secret of wealth rolling in. The winter solstice is a day to worship ancestors, a time for family reunions, and a time to pray for blessings. Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out the act of "scattering wealth" on this day to bless the safety and prosperity of the coming year. This tradition reflects people's expectations for the future and is a tacit promise of family happiness.

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?

The three non-dos on the winter solstice are not only a continuation of the ancient tradition, but also a sense of ritual for life. On this special day, we inherit our deep feelings for life, family affection, and the future by keeping these three "nos". Let us welcome the new year full of good fortune together in the bell of the winter solstice and live a happy and healthy life.

"Don't do the winter solstice, don't worry about eating in the coming year", December 22 winter solstice, what do you mean by three don't do?