
Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

author:Mango connoisseurship of the world

Zhu Shenghao met Song Qingru with a smile

On a spring day in 1930, Hangzhou Zhijiang University was full of vitality. Song Qingru, who had just turned 20, stood on the podium of the poetry club, her hands trembling slightly, and began to recite the poems she had created.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

She was expectantly trying to win a round of applause from the audience, but was met with an awkward silence. Just as Song Qingru was about to flee from the wilderness, she met a boy sitting in the first row.

It was Zhu Shenghao, an introverted literary young man who was smiling at her slightly, his eyes full of encouragement. Zhu Shenghao's warm smile dispelled the gloom in Song Qingru's heart, and also opened the prelude to the love story of the two.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

Later, Zhu Shenghao wrote a letter to Song Qingru, correcting the problems in her poems in a gentle and humble tone. In this way, the two literary young people began to exchange letters, which was originally a poetry forum, but later the topic gradually went beyond literature, they discussed life ideals and exchanged life experiences.

Between the seemingly bland words, the two hearts are gradually attracted to each other. In 1931, Zhu Shenghao graduated from university and left Hangzhou, and the two could only continue this relationship through letters in writing.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

The distance that is out of reach binds the heart deeper.

Zhu Shenghao wrote 540 love letters to Song Qingru

In 1931, Zhu Shenghao left Hangzhou to develop in Shanghai, and he could only contact Song Qingru through letters. The young man and woman began a 10-year correspondence.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

Zhu Shenghao, who seems to be polite and polite, is emotionally unrestrained when he writes letters. He wrote more than 540 love letters to Song Qingru, and there was a lot of love between the lines. Those sensual titles, sweet confessions, and coquettish words fully show the enthusiasm and admiration of a young man who is just beginning to fall in love with his lover.

"Little Kiss", "Angel", "Her Majesty the Queen", Zhu Shenghao gave Song Qingru more than 70 nicknames.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

Zhu Shenghao was extremely concerned about Song Qingru's feelings for him. He would figure out her thoughts from the length, tone, and speed of her letters, and if it felt light, he would have to be wronged for a few days.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

This sensitivity and delicacy, Song Qingru was deeply moved. How could a weak scholar have such fiery emotions? Zhu Shenghao's persistent pursuit of love made Song Qingru unconsciously infected by him and gradually fell in love with him.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, the two entered into marriage under the persuasion of relatives and friends

In 1937, the Sino-Japanese War broke out, and both people's lives fell into turmoil. Zhu Shenghao has undergone several relocations in Shanghai, and Song Qingru has also left Hangzhou to teach in Sichuan.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

In 1940, Song Qingru returned to Shanghai, and the two got together. Relatives and friends saw that they had been in love for many years and suggested that the two get married. Under everyone's persuasion, the two finally entered the palace of marriage.

However, the good times did not last long, and the two soon fell into difficulties after marriage. Zhu Shenghao is unemployed at home, and Song Qingru has no school to teach. The two left Shanghai with their children and returned to Zhu Shenghao's hometown of Jiaxing, and their lives were all funded by Song's mother.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

Zhu Shenghao translated the works, and Song Qingru went out to teach others, barely making ends meet. Soon, Zhu Shenghao couldn't bear the days of relying on his mother-in-law to support him, so he left Jiaxing with his wife and children and began to live on his own.

During the Anti-Japanese War, it was a blessing to be able to afford to eat. Zhu Song and the two lived a poor life, but they had no complaints. Zhu Shenghao wrote books to support his family, and Song Qingru worked odd jobs to make money and supported each other.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

This is their "chai mi couple".

Zhu Shenghao died of illness young, and Song Qingru fulfilled his wish

The difficult life overwhelmed Zhu Shenghao. In order to earn more for his manuscripts, he translates 8,000 words a day and often stays up late to raise money for a mountain of bills and living expenses.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

This kind of desperate work intensity made Zhu Shenghao, who was already weak, even worse, and soon suffered from tuberculosis.

Zhu Shenghao was bedridden, looking at his wife and young son, his heart was full of powerlessness and regret. He had wanted to finish translating the complete works of Shakespeare, and if he knew that the disease was coming so quickly, he would have worked even harder.

His wife, Song Qingru, felt sorry for Zhu Shenghao's regret and promised him that he would definitely fulfill this translation wish.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

In 1945, Zhu Shenghao died of illness at the age of 32. His wife, Song Qingru, faced the blow alone, sorting out her husband's posthumous manuscripts while shouldering the burden of supporting the family and raising her young son.

After unremitting efforts, she finally helped Zhu Shenghao complete his unfinished five Shakespeare works in 1950.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

A talented young man and a weak woman clasp each other's hands in troubled times. Zhu Shenghao spent 32 years of his short life to leave behind his persistence in love and literature; Song Qingru spent his life waiting to fulfill his last wish.

This is true love.

Song Qingru's life story reveals the meaning of true love

During Zhu Shenghao's illness, a fellow villager suggested that he seek help from a classmate who worked in the puppet government, but Zhu Shenghao flatly refused. He would rather be poor than submit to the invaders.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

This arrogance in his bones is exactly why Song Qingru loves him.

After Zhu Shenghao's death, Song Qingru later remarried and had a daughter, but never married. In her life, what she couldn't let go of the most was the relationship with Zhu Shenghao when she was young.

In her own way, she completed her waiting and persistence for Zhu Shenghao.

Spoiled wife madman Zhu Shenghao: True love starts from a talented and beautiful woman and finally a chaimi couple

True love has nothing to do with the RV or how good the material life is, but about the fit of the heart. Zhu Song and the two can also go through the ups and downs in their humble lives, because they have a connection in their hearts.

This is true love.