
When you "eat well", it means that God is crossing you

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

In the "Historical Records", it is said: "The king takes the people as the sky, and the people take food as the sky." ”

For ordinary people, eating is the top priority, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

For high-level people, on the premise of eating enough, it is great to help more people to eat enough.

Any truth, a piece of knowledge, and an ideal must be implemented in life to be meaningful, otherwise it is a useless "chicken soup". Eating is an essential part of daily life.

It is recommended that if you want to get God's help, you should eat well and be positive.

When you "eat well", it means that God is crossing you


When a person is down, someone takes care of you to eat, which is a sign of the coming of a noble person.

As the saying goes, "If you have no money, you are not as good as a ghost, and if you have no salt, you are not as good as water." ”

In our impression, as long as life is down, no one can afford to look down on it, and relatives and friends have happy events, and they don't bother to call you to dinner.

There are also some friends who will block you because you are down, worried that you will borrow money from him.

If you think about it carefully, you can understand that there are always one or two kind-hearted people who will take you in and give you food. After leaving a meal behind, you should immediately take advantage of the trend.

How can there be a reason to eat and drink enough, but not to do things, but to continue to go to the next house to beg for food? The thinking of a beggar is not advisable.

Li Shangyin of the Tang Dynasty, when he was about ten years old, his father died, and the family had to move to his hometown in Henan to live, and they were very poor.

Once, a relatively powerful relative invited him to dinner, and he wrote with a pen: "The imperial capital land and sea should be innumerable, and I can't bear to cut Lingyun's heart an inch." ”

There is resentment in my heart, but also ambition. After eating, he began to study.

On the way to the scientific expedition, he was favored by Wang Maoyuan, the envoy of the festival, who not only arranged a meal, but also married his daughter to him.

When we envy Li Shangyin's talent and achievements, we should see how he ate when he was a teenager.

Even if you grow up eating hundreds of meals, don't be discouraged, after all, you have received "God's love", and those who send you food are nobles.

Don't take the food given to you by others for granted, but try your best to reciprocate with gratitude, and warm your life with the temperature of the meal.

When you "eat well", it means that God is crossing you


In the midst of life's suffering, you can still eat calmly, and you are confident to succeed.

On the road to the rise of life, there are always some ditches and bumps that you need to get through by yourself, and others can't help you.

In other words, people have to learn to cross themselves. When you insist on crossing yourself, God will find you and come to cross you.

"No matter how loud the thunder in the sky is, you can't shout at a person who pretends to be asleep", understand this sentence, and you will insist on waking up and fighting for food and drink.

During the Tang Dynasty, there were many temples, and many temples were also supported by the imperial court, so they flourished.

During the reign of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court changed its policy and abolished the tax exemption for monasteries and individual property of monks and nuns. One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and many temples not only had to fend for themselves, but also had to pay taxes and fell into poverty.

After thinking, the senior monk Baizhang Huaihai formulated the "Zen Gate Rules" to standardize the life Xi of his disciples, and also took his disciples to farm and open up wasteland.

After several years of hard work, the monastery where he works continues to flourish.

When he was very old, the disciples felt sorry for him, put away his tools of labor, and let him rest at home.

Baizhang Huaihai couldn't find a tool, so he didn't eat, saying, "Don't do it for a day, don't eat for a day." ”

Since then, future generations have admired Baizhang Huaihai even more.

There are always some people who can't eat or sleep because of torment, which is the source of trouble, and it also shows the fact that they are not sure about everything in the future.

If you can eat calmly, then you have a firm grasp of your destiny, the troughs and highs are all in your expectation, even if there are accidents, you are not afraid.

The allusion of "Seon lost his horse" tells us that losing your favorite thing is not necessarily a bad thing, as long as you calm down, bad things can also become good.

It is the safest to hold the rice bowl in your own hands, and the fate is pinned on yourself, which is the most reliable. This is providence.

No matter what happens, if you're well fed and well-fed, everything can change, can it?

When you "eat well", it means that God is crossing you


In this life, when people understand the matter of eating, they have turned "eating" into "making money".

Careful people will definitely find that "eating" is a part of economics, and if you can grasp it, you will definitely change your fate.

Su Shi of the Northern Song Dynasty was regarded as a "foodie" by many people, he invented pork, fish and other practices, which changed the living situation, and there were many merchants who made a lot of money by selling Dongpo meat.

When Su Shi was in Changzhou, Kong Xiucai, a young man who opened a small shop, was very good at making puffer fish, but the local people didn't buy it, resulting in a very poor business.

It is also believed that puffer fish is poisonous and cannot be eaten. Tang Dynasty Duan Chengshi recorded in "Youyang Miscellaneous": "Cod liver is poisonous with children. ”

How can we do a good job? Kong Xiucai took the initiative to invite Su Shi to sit in the store, and also served puffer fish soup, fried puffer fish meat, fried puffer fish slices, and so on.

What's even more interesting is that Kong Xiucai let a group of people behind the screen observe Su Shi eating puffer fish.

When Su Shi was full of food and drink, he said happily: "It's also worth dying." ”

Since then, Kong Xiucai's shop has been overcrowded.

What others have always liked to eat, and what you let others like to eat is all business, don't underestimate it.

If you study the wisdom of eating thoroughly, you will not worry about running out of money. You can turn a lot of plants and animals into food at any time, which is a "gift from nature".

We can ponder from the methods of "food", how to eat, how to use it, etc., and there will always be a harvest. If you write a book, post a video, or introduce food, you can make a small profit.

When you "eat well", it means that God is crossing you


In this life, there are tens of thousands of days, and there are three staple meals a day, as well as supper, snacks, etc.

In addition, eating is the foundation for good health, social happiness, and family happiness.

What you can accomplish depends on how you manage what you eat and what kind of mentality you use to eat.

Whether it's in the trough or in the high, eat well, go further in the ups and downs, and have a bright future.

I always believe that God will reward those who are willing to eat well.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.