
Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

author:Gourmet qualities


Last weekend, I was invited to a friend's house. The first thing on the table is fried meat, which looks very tempting. However, after taking one bite, my taste buds were invaded by a fishy smell, and I thought to myself, maybe I have a taste problem, so let's try it again. However, no matter how you arouse your taste buds, the fishy smell spreads and is unacceptable.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

Not only that, but the meat dishes served at the back are all hard and hard, and it is very difficult to chew. The smile on my face faded. My friend continued to taste with great interest, and seemed to be very satisfied with his cooking. I can only eat some vegetarian vegetables at will and say goodbye hastily, why can my friend fry the meat so fishy? In fact, the main reason should be that it is directly fried in the pot after cutting.

Before we fry the meat, many friends are directly cut and fried in the pot, in fact, this practice will make the meat become dry, firewood and hard, and the fishy smell inside can not come out, so we must process the meat in advance before frying.

First buy back the pork don't be in a hurry to cut, first put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, this step is called acid discharge, after acid discharge, the umami of pork is heavier, the fishy smell is reduced, and it will be more delicious to eat, put the refrigerated pork, directly put it into the freezer for half an hour, the meat is slightly harder, it is more convenient for us to cut it thin, after freezing, take out the pork and we go against the lines of the meat, cut it into thin slices, when buying pork, try to choose tenderloin or tenderloin, so that there are fewer capillaries in the meat, and there is not much residual bruising, so the fishy smell is also very light。

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

Cut the meat against the texture of the pork into thin slices and put it aside, so that the cut can cut the fiber of the pork, and it will taste more tender, many people will directly put some salt and pepper to marinate the meat after cutting, but when we use salt to marinate, it will dehydrate the meat, and the texture of the meat will be harder after dehydration. Put the meat aside first, we prepare some seasoning water, put some green onion and ginger in a small bowl, wear a glove, squeeze it vigorously, take out the juice of green onion and ginger, and then add a little white pepper to it, and then a little cooking wine, mix evenly, and add a small amount to the meat many times.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

After each addition, grasp the meat vigorously with your hands to let the meat absorb the moisture, and add a second time. Add a small amount to it many times, about 4~5 times, until the original bright red color of the meat slowly turns a little white, and it can no longer absorb water. At this time, add two tablespoons of cornstarch to it, grasp it with your hands and mix evenly, the addition of starch can lock in the moisture of the meat. After stirring well, pour a little salad oil into it and add the oil, which will prevent the meat slices from sticking to each other and not sticking together when cooking for a while. Set aside to marinate for 10 minutes and we're ready to deal with it.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

There are two kinds of meat processing, the first is boiling water, and the second is oil. The method of boiling water is very simple, boil a pot of boiling water, when the water boils to boil, put the meat into the pot one by one, and wait for all the meat to float to the water surface can be fished out, and the meat is relatively tender after boiling. And it will not consume too much fat, so the processed meat slices are very delicious when used as boiled meat and slippery meat slices.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

The second method is to lubricate oil, pour out the hot oil after the pot is hot, and then change some cold oil to come in, and put the processed meat slices into the pan to slide quickly with the cold oil. After this is processed, the stir-fry will taste more fragrant. Both methods can be used, depending on what you want to do with the slice of meat. And with the same method, it is possible to process not only the sliced meat, but also the shredded meat.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

Today, we will use this sliced meat to make a spicy and spicy boiled meat. The meat slices are fully ripe after boiling water, we fry a little favorite vegetables and put them under the soup pot, and in winter we can choose lettuce, lettuce, Chinese cabbage and so on. Then spread the good meat slices on the vegetables, adjust a soup, heat the oil in the pot and stir-fry the green onions, ginger and garlic, and then a spoonful of the fragrance, Pixian bean paste, a spoonful of bean paste, and then put half a piece of hot pot base, stir-fry until fragrant, add water, oyster sauce, salt, chicken essence, light soy sauce, soy sauce, concentrated chicken juice, and finally thicken with water starch.

The sauce is poured directly over the meat slices, then two spoonfuls of chili powder, one spoonful of Sichuan pepper powder, one spoonful of white sesame seeds, some minced garlic, and poured fragrant with hot oil. A spicy, delicious and special boiled pork slice is ready. The taste is delicious, the meat slices are smooth and tender, there is no fishy smell at all, and it is more delicious to make it with such a home-cooked method, and the intake of oil is not much, so it is more safe to eat.

Stir-fry lean meat, whether it is sliced meat or shredded meat, keep in mind 3 points to ensure that it is tender and delicious, softer than tofu

To make such a tender slice of meat, you only need to remember three steps, the first step is to cut the meat against the grain. Second, marinate the meat slices in green onion and ginger water. Step 3: Before stir-frying, there must be a boiling step to smooth the meat. With these three steps, the meat can be made fragrant, tender, soft and smooth.

Well, today's processing method of lean meat will be shared with you here, friends who learn can collect it and try it, like my article don't forget to like the collection, add a follow, thank you for reading, we'll see you next time.