
They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

author:Thoughtful client

Built in 2004, Longxin Jiayuan is a nearly 20-year-old commercial housing community, and the community public service facilities have aged with the passage of time. In recent years, the hardware facilities of the community are limited, the community service capacity is limited, the exchange of opinions of residents is not smooth, and the internal contradictions in the community have gradually emerged.

At the beginning of 2023, Longxin Jiayuan Residential Area actively seeks the matching of resources of the town government, relies on the resource advantages of the "Penglinge" micro-grid project platform of the town autonomous office, adheres to the concept of "whole-process people's democracy", gives full play to the leading role of party building, reconstructs the consultation and deliberation system of residential areas, and takes the problem of difficult travel on trails with large residents' opinions as a breakthrough to carry out the "meaning", "discussion" and "action" micro-grid consultation and deliberation projects, build a model room for town residents' deliberations, and explore the new development of the town's community consultation and deliberation system.

Grassroots Party Building Gathers People's "Will"

Social conditions and public opinion represent the most urgent needs of residents. Longxin Jiayuan gives full play to the leading role of grassroots party organizations, led by the general party branch of the residential area, relying on the complete building branch system in the community, building a channel for the collection of people's "opinions", listening to the "heartfelt words" that residents want to say the most, clarifying the "urgency and difficulty" that the community is most concerned about, and screening the issue that needs to be solved urgently in the residential area - the difficulty of walking on the trail.

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Live viewing

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Negotiation is advancing

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Community Issues Residents' "Discussion"

The basis of residents' self-government is whole-process people's democracy, and the affairs of the community should be decided by the residents, but in the face of the reality that it is difficult to reconcile, there will always be various conflicting opinions. Longxin Jiayuan Residential Area uses the achievements of community micro-grid and building group construction to mobilize residents to launch representatives in the grid and building group around selected topics, relying on the micro-grid consultation and discussion platform, and the trinity meeting brainstorms and negotiates solutions to community issues to make suggestions for community construction.

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".
They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Smooth negotiation and deliberation

According to the results of the consultation, the community consultation committee will actively communicate with the relevant functional departments of the town government and coordinate the repair of the old paths in the community, so that the residents of the community have a tangible sense of gain and provide useful practices for the gradual improvement of the community consultation and deliberation system.

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".
They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Call for Topics

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Before repair

After the repair

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Before repair

After the repair

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".
They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Before repair

After the repair

They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Make up for shortcomings and add vitality

Through the construction of trails and roads, the consultation and deliberation system of the community has been improved according to local conditions, the shortcomings of community governance have been made up, a large number of projects that have been stalled for many years have been restarted, the community has been rejuvenated in a series of renewal projects, and the residents' sense of belonging to the community has been improved. The renovation and upgrading of the theme garden of the community completed during the year has been recognized inside and outside the community with its high quality, and has become a model room for the governance of public space in the township community. In the foreseeable future, it is believed that Longxin Jiayuan Community will be presented in the public eye with a more beautiful and warm attitude.


They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".
They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".



They create a micro-grid negotiation platform for "meaning", "discussion" and "action".

Source: Jing'an, Shanghai