
After 8 years of temple life, Liu Zhiyu, a genius of Peking University, practiced with his lover after marriage

author:He Yiyan in the south


Recently, Liu Zhiyu, a genius at Peking University, unexpectedly revealed the news that he was married in a conversation with Mr. Yu Minhong, a well-known educator, which attracted widespread attention and curiosity. It is reported that Liu Zhiyu and his lover have a unique and sweet way of getting along in daily life, they will not only meditate together in the temple, but also often learn Buddhism, showing the perfect combination of Buddhism and emotion.

After 8 years of temple life, Liu Zhiyu, a genius of Peking University, practiced with his lover after marriage

For many people, genius and romance do not seem to be easy to exist at the same time, but Yoo Ji-woo gave the best answer with his own actions. Liu Zhiyu said that he and his lover do not pursue worldly fame and fortune, but through common practice, to understand the meaning and true meaning of life.

After 8 years of temple life, Liu Zhiyu, a genius of Peking University, practiced with his lover after marriage

Every morning, Yoo Ji-woo and his lover would come to a nearby temple together and soak up the tranquil atmosphere. They find a secluded corner, sit cross-legged, close their eyes, and begin to meditate. At this moment, they let go of the tedious trivialities, settle down their hearts, and talk to their hearts.

In Liu Zhiyu's view, Buddhism is a way of practice, and it is also a soothing agent for the soul. By meditating, he can calm down, think about life's problems, and find solutions. And the moment when he practiced with his lover added a different kind of romance and tacit understanding to the relationship between the two.

In addition to practicing, Liu Zhiyu and his lover will also learn Buddhist knowledge from each other. They will choose some classic Buddhist texts and read, discuss, and exchange ideas and understandings with each other. This kind of knowledge sharing not only strengthens the bond between them, but also motivates each other to continuously improve and improve their own wisdom.

After 8 years of temple life, Liu Zhiyu, a genius of Peking University, practiced with his lover after marriage

Liu Zhiyu said with a smile: "In the world of Buddhism, we have no utilitarian purpose, only the warmth of heart-to-heart. Through joint practice, we can not only improve our self-cultivation, but also enhance the tacit understanding and understanding between husband and wife. ”

Such a unique and sweet way of getting along has also sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many people expressed envy and admiration, believing that the spiritual path of Yoo Zhiyu and his lover not only showed their persistence in spiritual pursuit, but also conveyed to people a life attitude that combines rationality and emotion.

Liu Zhiyu's sharing allows us to see the harmonious coexistence of genius and romance, and also reminds us that life is not just a utilitarian pursuit, but also needs the habitat and placement of the soul. Perhaps, we can learn from Liu Zhiyu's experience, experience the beauty of life with our hearts, and nourish each other's souls with love.

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