
Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

author:Stream Quest

Hou Tianlai has shown a passion and talent for art since he was a child. His father was an English teacher and hoped that Hou Tianlai would take over his business when he grew up, but Hou Tianlai's interest was clearly not in languages.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

He prefers music and the performing arts, and often plays and sings at home, and although his level of performance was uneven at first, he was not discouraged and persevered in self-study, Xi.

When he was 10 years old, Hou Tianlai used his savings to buy an erhu and couldn't put it down. Every day when he came home from school, he couldn't wait to take out the erhu and try to learn to play it.

At first, his father did not have a good evaluation of his performance, which he found harsh, but Hou Tianlai did not blame anyone and only focused on how to improve his playing skills.

When his father was away, he would run into the house alone and practice Xi repeatedly. Sometimes his fingers pressed the strings to suppress the blood blisters, and he gritted his teeth and endured the pain and continued to practice the Xi until he pulled the tune right over and over again.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

Two years later, Hou Tianlai's erhu performance has begun to take shape, and his father has gradually understood and supported his pursuit of music. Once his father's colleague came to the house as a guest, Hou Tianlai offered to play a song.

He sat down under the expectant gaze of everyone, and played attentively and devotedly. Beautiful notes flowed in the living room, and my father's colleagues nodded their heads in praise frequently, and my father's eyes showed a proud smile.

This became an important turning point in Hou Tianlai's music career, and it also made his father affirm his musical talent.

Since then, Hou Tianlai has made up his mind to study the piano seriously and become an excellent musician in the future. His erhu performance is in full swing, and it is no longer the jerky and harsh it used to be.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

During this period, he relied on his independent efforts and perseverance to gradually polish his performance skills, which also gradually formed his musical ideals, laying the foundation for him to enter the conservatory in the future.

Hou Tianlai's musical talent finally allowed him to realize his desire to enter the conservatory of music to study Xi. He stepped onto the university campus full of ideals, ready to begin to systematically learn Xi music.

However, due to a mistake when filling out the volunteer, he was not assigned to the music department, but entered the performance department to Xi.

At first, this was completely unexpected by Hou Tianlai. He doesn't know anything about acting, and his family background doesn't have any acting genes. What surprised him even more was that the requirements for music theory knowledge in this major were far less than those in the music department, and the teachers valued the students' performance talent more.

At first, Hou Tianlai was confused, he didn't know if he was suitable for acting, and he was also worried about the future prospects.

In the first semester of his freshman year, Hou Tianlai's first performance ended in failure. He has a high rate of forgetting words and his performance is blunt, which has won criticism from teachers and classmates. This became an important turning point in Hou's life, as he realized that acting was not his forte, and that if he did not redouble his efforts, he would probably not be able to improve.

So he began to practice Xi day and night, repeatedly figuring out the characters and strengthening his acting skills. Even if he practiced until late at night and continued his normal class the next day, Hou Tianlai did not slack off at all.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

Under the guidance of the teacher, Hou Tianlai's performance gradually improved. He began to show his talents in some supporting roles and received good evaluations. By the time he was a sophomore, he was able to perform some important roles, and his grades were steadily improving.

This fully shows that acting is not an innate talent, as long as you are willing to put in the effort, you can still make a leap. This also strengthened Hou Tianlai's confidence in his future.

In his junior and senior years, Hou Tianlai's performance has matured. He began to successfully star in many dramas, and was recognized by teachers and classmates. From his clumsy acting skills at the beginning to later becoming the protagonist of the drama, Hou Tianlai relied on his own efforts, not his natural talent.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

This also laid a solid foundation for his future acting career. The mistake at the beginning made him an outstanding achievement in the performing arts.

After graduating from university, Hou Tianlai successfully joined a local repertory troupe and began his professional acting career. When he first entered the industry, he could only play some small roles, with few lines.

But Hou Tianlai is not discouraged, always maintains a positive attitude, and goes all out as long as there is a performance opportunity, hoping to speak with strength.

Two years later, the repertory troupe was going to adapt and rehearse a costume play, and Hou Tianlai finally ushered in the first opportunity to perform a medium-sized role. He threw himself into the role and worked the interpretation.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

On the day of the premiere, his outstanding performance received an enthusiastic response from the audience, and after the rehearsal, many members of the audience came forward to shake hands with him and thank him, including a young girl who was a fan of the theater.

The girl named Li Mei was deeply impressed by Hou Tianlai's acting skills from the performance, and specially waited for him backstage and asked for a group photo. The two gradually fell in love with each other in chatting, and Hou Tianlai also fell in love with this intellectual and enthusiastic girl.

They began to date frequently and eventually settled on a romantic relationship. Li Mei has become an important spiritual pillar in Hou Tianlai's acting career, giving him support and encouragement in his career.

The success of this costume drama made Hou Tianlai a blockbuster and opened a new chapter in his career. The repertory troupe began to focus on training him, providing more opportunities to perform important roles.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

Accompanied by Li Mei, Hou Tianlai's acting skills have become more and more mature, and he has gradually established a place in the industry. The performance recognized by the audience for the first time also allowed him to meet the love of his life, which can be described as a double harvest of fame, fortune and affection.

With the take-off of his career, Hou Tianlai is also down-to-earth and stable on the emotional road. His relationship with Li Mei further heated up, and the two eventually became married. After marriage, Hou Tianlai devoted himself to his acting career and was determined to move to a higher peak.

He has played important roles in many dramas and has been widely praised by the audience and critics. His fame and popularity gradually increased, and he also joined an authoritative film company.

The transformation of the film industry is a new challenge for Hou Tianlai. He needs to adapt to the language of the camera and convey more delicate and rich acting skills.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

With the full support of his wife Li Mei, Hou Tianlai quickly adapted to the way of acting in TV and movies. He rose to prominence with a costume drama and successfully played the role of the beggar Zhang San, showing an amazing ability to transform body language.

As soon as this drama was broadcast, it achieved a huge response and established Hou Tianlai's status in the film and television industry.

In the following years, Hou Tianlai continued to play the villain image one after another. He was born with deep facial features, cold and ruthless, which is very suitable for interpreting villains.

This kind of role can best exert his acting strength, but it also brings the risk of actor typology. Many industry insiders advised him to change the course of his work, but Hou Tianlai, who had always been supported by his wife, did not accept these suggestions.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

He believes that acting skills are the only measure of good or bad, not character attributes.

In 2006, Hou Tianlai's suspense film "Silent Killing" was released, and his villain acting skills were once again affirmed by critics. This is also his masterpiece after marrying Li Mei.

His wife accompanied him throughout the set and became Hou Tianlai's most important spiritual support. The movie received an enthusiastic response, and Hou Tianlai also deeply rooted the public's mind with this ruthless and cruel villain image, establishing his status as the queen of the movie.

Thanks to the support of Li Mei behind him, he had the courage to challenge various roles and eventually reaped great success.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

When his career was in full swing, Hou Tianlai gradually cracked in his family. The busy filming made him have little time to spend with his wife Li Mei, let alone participate in the process of raising his two daughters.

The daughter was sent to Hou Tianlai's mother's house from birth and raised by her grandparents. Hou Tianlai's only rest time also chose to further improve his acting skills, and rarely went home to visit his daughter.

This alienated father figure comes from Hou Tianlai's own upbringing. He was raised by his grandparents because his father worked outside the home and his mother was in poor health.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

His father rarely grew up with him, resulting in a lack of fatherly love and a lack of fatherly love. Now that he has a family of his own, he subconsciously repeats his father's mistakes and throws himself into work to avoid the family.

When his daughter cried and asked "where is Dad", Hou Tianlai's heart was full of self-blame and pain. However, the high-intensity work made him unable to get out, so he could only let his daughter grow up in pain.

When she saw other children playing intimately with her father, her daughter questioned her mother with red eyes, and Hou Tianlai's heart was like a knife. He knew he was sorry for his daughter, but he couldn't change the situation.

Years later, when his daughter finally forgave and accepted this father who was not always around, Hou Tianlai still found it difficult to forgive herself. He often meditated in the middle of the night, blaming himself for the indifference of his youth.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

If he could do it all over again, he would definitely choose to accompany his daughter to grow up. But there is no way to make up for the shortcomings of the past, and they can only try to make up for their future lives.

As he grew older, Hou Tianlai gradually realized the value of family. When his daughters grew up and started their own careers and families, he finally had time to stop and mend the estranged father-daughter relationship with them.

The eldest daughter is introverted, while the younger daughter is lively and cheerful. They each inherited different traits from their parents. At first, the adult daughters were wary of this infrequent father, but Hou Tianlai was stubborn and showed great sincerity.

He took the initiative to participate in his daughter's work and life, giving advice and help, and gradually melting their defensiveness against him.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

When the youngest daughter's boyfriend made a mistake and she was depressed, Hou Tianlai patiently enlightened her and helped her get out of the shadow of lovelorn. When his eldest daughter encountered a bottleneck in her career, he used his connections to help her get a new job.

These nuanced care gradually shortened the distance between father and daughter. The daughters began to take the initiative to exchange interesting life stories with Hou Tianlai and regain the intimacy between the family.

Now, Hou Tianlai regularly accompanies his daughters to dinner, and the family gathers at the dinner table to talk and laugh. He gave his daughters career guidance and helped them grow up to be independent women.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

compensates for the unfinished father's love, and also makes up for the regret of the daughter for her father. Although it could not heal all the rifts, this belated love was enough to comfort their wounded hearts.

The years are quiet, gray hair is growing, and Hou Tianlai is 63 years old. After the baptism of the century, his career reached its peak, and he also experienced many ups and downs in his life.

Looking back at the way he came, Hou Tianlai couldn't help but ponder what he had gained.

In Vanity Fair, he is a star who is in the limelight, with a successful career and glory to his ancestors. But what made Hou Tianlai even more pleased was that he had gained the understanding and companionship of his family. His wife Li Mei has been with her from youth to beauty.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

The daughters are no longer the girls who complained about their fathers back then, but close friends who greet them intimately. These are the true meanings of his success.

The tree of life needs the sunshine and rain of the career to promote growth, but it also needs the long-term water of the family to nourish the foundation. career, Hou Tianlai understood this.

He is no longer the estranged father who only buried his head in work, but an elder who has regained the joy of family. In his spare time, he laughs and accompanies his wife and daughter, enjoying family fun.

Looking at the photo of his daughter's wedding dress on the wall, Hou Tianlai smiled with relief. His life partner and flesh and blood are his greatest treasures. The regrets made up for with practical actions also achieve a complete life.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

When enjoying the warmth of the family in the year of the sixtieth year, Hou Tianlai has no regrets.

Looking back on Hou Tianlai's life, what are the truths of life that we can learn?

First of all, love must be persevered, and tribulations must be overcome. Hou Tianlai has loved art since he was a child, and even when he encountered failure and criticism, he did not give up his persistence in his dream. This kind of spirit is worth learning Xi today, and only by gritting your teeth and sprinting can you achieve your goals.

Second, the cause cannot be left alone. Hou Tianlai was overly immersed in work and neglected his family, which was the regret of his life. Success cannot only be built on the individual, but also requires the support and harmony of the family.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

There should be a balance between career and family.

Again, time can make up for all regrets. Hou Tianlai atoned for his debts to his daughter and rebuilt the family relationship, which fully proves the power of time.

It's never too late to make up for the shortcomings of the past.

In the end, good nature is the most valuable. Hou Tianlai plays the villain on the screen, but he retains a good nature in his heart. Never change your personality because of the needs of the drama, and be a good person who has always been a good person.

Hou Tianlai: Marrying an ordinary wife, giving birth to two daughters in a row after marriage, I always shed tears when I mentioned my daughter

On the road of life, we all experience successes and failures. But as long as you stay positive, work hard, and keep moving forward, you will definitely find the meaning of life.

This is Hou Tianlai's life story that teaches us the best lesson.

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